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Posts posted by Skinnyman

  1. 9 minutes ago, skankdelvar said:

    Hum? That's the sound of Rock and Roll.

    I had some hum-free pick-ups one time, it turned my stomach. Bought a hum pedal, big smiles all round.

    And there we differ.

    The sound of a high gain pickup plugged into a big valve amp with the gain turned up - that hiss of expectation before the first chord is struck - that’s the sound of rock.

    A sound to make a grown man, well...,  grow

    Pickup hum from a P90 is just the sound of my fluorescent lights. 


    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, SpondonBassed said:

    A Teebseye twelfth fret inlay would be the icing on the cake, especially if you can get LEDs for the pupils.

    That’s a cracking idea - although he’d need a grown up to help, I think. 

    I personally would also have gone with Teebseyes on the front of the headstock instead of the faux fender logo. 

    Well, I wouldn’t because I’m not Teebs but you know what I mean....

    • Thanks 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Teebs said:

    The build took about 3 weeks, I made a lot of pink torpedo-ups, learned a lot, but thoroughly enjoyed building this bass, and it sounds like a 'proper' P-bass - the supplied strings are a bit crap, but functional (I'm going to replace them with Roto 66s).

    As mentioned by others, I might change the hardware at some point, but not just yet.

    The kit cost £85 plus £15 delivery from Thomann; the paint cost cost around £40 (it might have been less if I hadn't been so cack-handed!), transfer paper £5, copper tape £7, finishing compound £10.

    I already had the lemon oil for the fretbord and carnuba wax for polishing, and the Schaller strap lock pins, so that saved about 50 pence! :D

    One tip that I think I picked up from the Build Diaries threads was to coat the screws in candle wax to make it easier to screw them in - it works! Some of the reviews of this kit said that people were snapping screws - I managed to not break any - so thanks for the tip BCers :)

    So, the finished item:






    @Bridgehouse - the Aria on the left was the one I stripped the poly (dark brown tint) and polished with beeswax and carnuba. It has a lovely tactile satin finish :)

    Thank you for reading my build thread :) 

    Looks nice. 

    Not as nice as the tasteful leopardskin-print throw but still very nice. 

    Looking at those cushions on your chair I’m guessing that the Chalfonts are still giving you grief?

    Thanks for sharing the build - and for the fascinating glimpse through the keyhole Chez Teebs 😁

    • Haha 2
  4. Pay no attention to them, Young Teebs. You’ve done a grand job there and I’m looking forward to seeing the pictures of the finished article. 

    Out of interest, how long has the build taken? And would you do another one - or has this scratched the itch?

    Whats your next plan to avoid Mrs T during lockdown? Build a glider in the loft? Or a 1:1 scale icebreaker?

    Seriously though, that looks like a nice job and I’m looking forward to your impressions on playability and tone....

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, pineweasel said:

    Great song. My band has jammed this a few times - half of us are keen to do it but haven’t persuaded the others yet. The bass part is in drop D and played by Marcus Miller originally. 

    Don’t suppose you have a tab for it? 😁

  6. 48 minutes ago, Crawford13 said:

    I’m guessing it’s the version from the movie ice age 3 she likes, and not the original? 
    My son loves that song too but the original version has some interesting lyrics for young kids...

    Ooh, hadn’t considered that. All I know is my sister primed her on a Skype call with “ask uncle Skinny if he can play it”. But she didn’t say what version!

  7. 28 minutes ago, ped said:

    Love this track, great to play along to. Fairly straightforward to work out, slap it in D :) if nobody responds with a tab I’ll do one for you at the wochenende

    Thanks Ped.

    If I was just gigging it then I’d be happy to work something out for myself but Young Anna will know instantly if I deviate from the recorded version so I need to be as close as possible!

  8. I’m referring, of course, to “Everbody Walk The Dinosaur” by Was (not Was).

    My young niece is obsessed with this song and I’m desperate to find the bass part so I can do a FB video for her.

    I’ve only had chance for a brief search of the usual places but I can’t find a tab or the music for this track. I know I’m being lazy and will keep on looking but if anyone has it or could point me to it, I’d be very grateful. 

    Thanks in anticipation 😁


  9. 33 minutes ago, pepsi-abi said:

    Pretty much any instrument cable “will do” for now. Once you start gigging and rehearsing regularly and you’re heading for the main stage at Glastonbury then you need something heavy duty but for home practice, cheap and cheerful is fine so don’t overthink it.


    The others posters are right in that there is often not much difference price wise between a really good quality cable and a run of the mill one. If you can, look for Van Damme and Neutrik components and all of the brands mentioned here - but don’t stress too much over it at this stage.

    Think as well about where you’ll be practising and where your amp will be. How long a cable do you need? If you’re sitting next to the amp then 3m will be fine - if you’re going to stand then maybe 5m would be better. 

    Once you know how long you need it then just order something that will turn up before the bass does so that you’re ready to go when it arrives 😁


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