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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. [quote name='s0fa' post='210522' date='Jun 1 2008, 02:21 PM']Could you post some pics? I kind of get what you mean but I don't want to be screwing things into my bass without being 100% certain![/quote]
    Here you are Sophie. Pics of my daughter's slightly mojoed (chipped & dented) Purple heartbreaker bass with matching suede-backed leather strap. The modification with the extra strap button puts it into a perfectly balanced playing position.
    I hope this helps.

    I can't really post any pics of the bass in action as its not really the done thing to post pics of my kids and I'm not sure I'd want a pic of myself playing such a girly bass in the public domain (unless I borrow it for my upcoming gig in Brighton :) )

  2. I was quite excited to see the Behringer BSY600 in the window of a shop recently. Normally if I see a new Behringer pedal I fancy trying I'd just spend the £20 & put it through its paces at home, but as this was £30 and I had the missus with me I thought I'd better try it first. Unfortunately I couldn't get a usable sound out of it. I really wanted to like it - I love my Behringer Bass Limiter pedal, sansamp clone preamp & the acoustic version, plus a stereo pair of mics and a mini mixer, but I couldn't get a single sound out of the bass synth pedal that was in any way usable. I think the chap in the shop was a bit miffed that I didn't buy it, but probably not as miffed as I'd have been had I bought it.

  3. My Daughter has a Daisyrock heartbreaker - Its a great bass I love the sound & feel of it - the duncan designed pickup is so punchy, but the neck dive was a problem. I had previously fixed the neck dive on my thunderbird by relocating the strap button to behind the neck heel as in the link in the post above. i found this wasn't appropriate for the heartbreaker, but after a bit of trial & error I fixed it by putting an additional strap button below the neck in a positition symetrical to the original one (as if fitting for a left handed version). This may sound like it would look a bit odd, but looks OK bhen stapped on and works like a charm - it balances perfectly and is very comfy to play. If you like I can posts some pics.

  4. Are you sure you've been offered the actual funk machine - rather than one of the "signature" ones the Bass Centre LA got fender to make a few of? There is one (reputable) dealer I know of that had been trying to sell one of those for years which comes from the collection of a well-known bass player. I was almost tempted to buy it, but being a cheapskate I got an MIJ '62 resisue instead.

  5. [quote name='Jonny Walker' post='207928' date='May 28 2008, 11:36 AM']I have never understood why people buy copy fenders.... not that i am a huge fan but it seems to me (outsider) that Fender came up with their perfect bass and every other luthier copied the plan to get some sales.... and everyones buying into it... surely if you want a fender buy a fender?

    If you want a different sound shove some better pups in...

    And if its the expense, theres always the Squires... not that there anything special but surely its better to keep it in the family...[/quote]

    To turn the question around why would someone get an ESP viper rather than a Gibson or Epiphone SG-shaped Bass?

  6. [quote name='onehappybunny' post='206261' date='May 25 2008, 11:19 PM']Not really in line with the brand-spanking, sparkling, good-as-new boiled string theme that this thread has picked up but a new set of Thomastik flats made a stunning difference to my DeArmond Jet Star :)[/quote]
    TI flats are my Favourite strings - I have them on three precisions, a jazz & a thunderbird. I was so chuffed to find that the 32" ones are the perfect length for my mustang.

  7. I have three comfort straps & a couple of fender (same as neotech) bass straps. My favourite is the fender - it makes my heavy ash 81 precision seem less of a boat anchor.

    Thomann still have them


  8. [quote name='beerdragon' post='203607' date='May 21 2008, 11:25 AM']Here's the original. but i think they are miming so that sound could be anything.

    That's a longhorn, not a '63.

    I have a longhorn reissue (blueburst 1st version) & its luvverly.

  9. I think its important to let her choose her bass, so she gets something that she can't wait to pick up. My daughter is twelve and doesn't seem to be able to walk past her purple burst pearloid topped daisy rock bass without picking it up. She's talking about forming a band with her pals as well.

  10. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='201985' date='May 19 2008, 10:44 AM']Oh yeah, and on bass - Steve Swallow.

    He keeps upgrading his basses only to downgrade his sound, it seems...[/quote]
    Doesn't he use a metal plecky? If so that would probably make any bass sound bad.

  11. Not very scientific, but my maple necked P has far too much zing even with flatwounds, although I put that down to the hard ash body as much as the one-piece maple neck. The rosewood boarded one is much better behaved and sounds more like I think a Precision should.

    Blindly dismissing it as bollox is dumb as its easy enough to do some A/B tests - its not like we're trying to prove or disprove the existence of God here (although I think Richard Dawkins has pretty much wrapped that one up :))

  12. If cost is a primary concern, a secondhand Trace Elliot Commando 12 might be worth looking. I bought one for my daughter and sold it on recently as it was far too loud for her bedroom. They're Cheap as chips if you can find one, and you won't loose out when its time to sell it on when you upgrade. I used it for a few rehearsals when I was betwen amps.

  13. [quote name='Platypus' post='197476' date='May 12 2008, 08:26 PM']Dave_bass5 returned a Lakland bass to them and they refunded him more than he had actually paid for it. Turned out the prices had increased since he bought it. Poor fella was devestated :)[/quote]
    This would be because of the € to £ conversion rate rather than price movement - they would have refunded the same amount of euros they had originally received. So it could go down as well as up.

  14. It seems to be solution looking for a problem. You'll have all the crud it picks up from the floor rubbing against you.

    I use [url="http://www.herculesstands.com/guitars/GS302B.html"]this Hercules stand[/url]

    It folds flat & fits in the front pocket of my gigbag and is much steadier than other mini stands I've tried. I always use it with my mustang bass in preference to my big Hercules stands.

  15. [quote name='Linus27' post='196477' date='May 11 2008, 12:27 PM']Is the NS-Design Bass Cello tuned the same as a bass, E, A, D and G???[/quote]
    I'm not sure if there's a four string version, but the one I tried was a 5 string tuned as : B-E-A-D-G. I think the name doesn't help as it puts people off as they sometimes get it confused with the NS-Design cello which is a different instrument all together.

  16. I used to own a Dean Pace which I enjoyed playing fingerstyle but it isn't designed to be bowed as others pointed. I currently have an NS Design CR5M. If your funds can stretch to an NS-Design Bass Cello. Don't let the word cello put you off - it is a bass. It has the same scale as a Bass guitar (like the Pace) but can be bowed and can be played upright on a stand or horizontally on a strap.

  17. Well he can ask them if they have any secondhand stock they'd lend out.

    When the guitarist in o5b blew up his amp at the end of a gig (near the end of the second encore if I remember correctly) he didn't have anything for the next couple of rehearsals so I lent him my v-ampII box & stuck it through a spare channel on the PA.

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