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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. I think I know about three facts about bullet basses:
    [*]The pickup is the same as a mustang bass.
    [*]Apart from the Squier version there was also a fender version
    [*]It was available in short & long scale (I think :) )

  2. [quote name='GregRichardson' post='228851' date='Jun 29 2008, 07:46 AM']so if anyone knows what a cheap alternative to bass strings would be please tell me.[/quote]
    How about secondhand bass strings - I'm sure a lot of people here have loads of spare ones.

    Or maybe those crappy ebay strings that cost a fiver?

    or Flymo nylon - but only if you're using a piezo element instead of a magnetic pickup.

  3. Its just a meaningless cliched shorthand phrase like "one lady driver"

    Guitars that aren't gigged are sometimes far more likely to sustain damage at home if the owner does not keep it in a case or on a proper stand/hanger, and a home-only player is less likely to have a case if they never take it out of the house.

    An actual indication of condition with any faults pointed out is always much more useful. However when I sold my Crate powerblock I gave a full description of its condition (immaculate, as new & fully working, no scratches, dents or other damage) and someone still asked "has it been gigged?" as if that would magically mean that it is suddenly on its last legs.

  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='229080' date='Jun 29 2008, 04:24 PM']This is a rhetorical question right? - ALL basses are owned by Chuck Norris. He allows you to play HIS basses. Also, everytime you play a song on your bass, the original manufacturer has to pay Chuck Norris 99cents.

    [url="http://www.boycottchucknorris.com/"]Chuck Norris is a f***ing idiot[/url], he can come to my next gig & I'll kick him in the nuts.
    sorry to go off topic[/size][/color] :)

  5. [quote name='budget bassist' post='228809' date='Jun 29 2008, 12:22 AM']My guitarist won't let me have the explorer though because he uses a gibby explorer haha,[/quote]
    You should tell him to like or lump it. He can't dictate what you play unless he pays for it. :)

    Nice bass Sarah - I've always fancied an explorer, but the band I'm in has a kind of rock/blues/soul/country/rockabilly hybrid sound, so I settled for a thunderbird instead.

  6. If you don't think you'll play it, don't buy it. If it's a friend selling it I'd feel a bit of an a-hole about buying it for peanuts, then maybe instantly flipping it for a profit. In that case I'd try to advise the seller how to best sell it for more, or offer to sell it for him and maybe taking a small commission for my trouble.

    If armed with the knowledge that he's asking way too little, but still insists on selling at that price, then I'd buy it no problem.

    If it isn't from a friend, however it depends how comfortable you feel about making a profit out of his ignorance.

  7. If he doesn't repond - it'll automatically go in your favour.

    I hope it will be decided in your favour. If the procedure is fair it will be as

    [*]The Condition was clearly misrepresented. Immaculate does not mean it has a few knocks & scratches.
    [*]The missing serial number is very fishy - as is his story about it. It should be up to him now to prove that the story he gave is true by giving a full provenance of the amp's history, to explain the lack of a serial no.

  8. When we did a corporate gig at London Zoo, Three of us brought (and had lined up on stands):

    [*]Fender Tele
    [*]Gibson Les Paul
    [*]Rickenbacker 12 string
    [*]Yamaha Acoustic
    [*]Tom Anderson Tele
    [*]Martin Acoustic
    [*]Gibson Semi
    [*]Fender Jazz
    [*]Epiphone Thunderbird
    [*]Dean Pace Upright

    I think they were all used on the night, but after that one we started to [i]try [/i]to limit it to a couple each.

  9. My 12 Year old told me this morning she's taking a bass into school on Monday and has booked a rehearsal room (I don't remember having those at MY school) and she's recruited a guitarist, keyboard player & drummer.

    She has three short scale basses: a Fender musicmaster and two Daisy Rocks, but wants to use my Peavey 5 string! :)

  10. The singer/guitarist ALWAYS breaks at least one string every gig so swaps from his tele to his strat. The other guitarist swaps over from Acoustic to electric depending on the song. I haven't broken a bass string for 27 years, but I always carry a spare set (as hopefully everyone else here does, even if its an old set).

    I normally take two basses, usually the NS upright and a Fender, as some songs are fun with the NS due to it having 5 strings and a very different sound, but when the "band area" (I hesitate to say stage) is a bit cramped and the gig is just a couple of minutes down the road from my house I'd just take the mustang.

    I'm really getting into Ashborys, so I'm taking my new blue one to the gigs this weekend - last time I took one as an "emergency spare" it stayed in its case, however I'm going to definitely play at least a few songs on Ashbory tonight. I can't wait to see the panic on my bandmates' faces when I get it out as the only time they've seen me play one was before I had my head around how to even approximately play it in tune. :)

  11. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='227202' date='Jun 26 2008, 11:19 AM']Jean! That sucks mate!

    I feel your pain...hope it all gets sorted out![/quote]
    I've just ordered a single E tuner from Largesound.com - just Four quid delivered from the states - :) result!

  12. My blue one arrived yesterday and due to being packed really badly with no bubblewrap etc, the tuner for the "E" is bent at about a 30° angle, so doesn't turn at all. :)

    I've bodged it with a bit from an old acoustic guitar tuner from my bits box, so it works but looks pretty stupid at the moment with one square white/silver tuner. Hopefully It won't cost too much to get a new tuner - the seller seems willing to sort out the cost.

  13. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='226448' date='Jun 25 2008, 09:02 AM']One thing I've found to be a pain is tuning 'em up...I can't ever get it accurately in tune EVER! any tips on this would be appreciated![/quote]
    I can't tune the ashbory using a "normal" tuner, but its super-easy with a Planet Waves SOS Bass tuner - It ihas two leds that you shine on the string at the 12th "fret" and they wobble to show how out of tune it is. If you're turning the wrong way the lights wobble faster and slow down as you get closer to the correct pitch until they stop wobbling completely. As I mentioned in another thread about tuners - its the only tuner I use. I keep meaning to get another one as they're cheap and I always worry that I'm going to lose mine.
    Also I find the intonation is difficult to get right until I use a VERY light touch with my right hand. I guess pressing down hard is enough to stretch the string.

  14. I've got a blue Ashbory on the way to keep my black one company. I've not gigged with an Ashbory yet before, but I've been playing it all week & might use it at one or both of this weekend's gigs for a few songs.

    Who else is an Ashbory user?
    Do you use talc, slyde rite or something else?
    Any Ashbory tips etc?

  15. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='224905' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:02 PM']ad 121 sounds like a pretty good idea![/quote]
    If you try one with your pace i'm sure it'll knock your socks off. It made mine sound all cupboardy (and I mean that in in a good way). Unfortunately when I sold my Pace I made the mistake of recommending the ADI21 and showing the difference it made and the chap insisted that I include it in the deal.

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