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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' timestamp='1405508119' post='2502484']
    I reviewed the other half of my previous purchases last night and got another voucher this morning - this time for €30. It looks like the order I placed hasn't been processed yet so I've been cheeky & asked whether this voucher can also be applied to my order...
    Got a reply back yesterday saying "no problem"and the order dispatched shortly after so I've now saved €55 - just over £40 - on the cost of the order by writing a bunch of reviews. Now I'm realy looking forward to having some fun with the uke bass or the 'little kahuna' as it will probably be referred to.

  2. I reviewed the other half of my previous purchases last night and got another voucher this morning - this time for €30. It looks like the order I placed hasn't been processed yet so I've been cheeky & asked whether this voucher can also be applied to my order. If not I'll have until the end of October to use it. I'm sure I'll need to get hold of some aquila thundergut strings to keep as spares before then so not a problem if I can't apply the discount to the current order.

  3. I was looking at the Thomann website last week and happened upon a page suggesting I review some of the stuff I had bought previously. I must have been feeling accomodating, so I left a few short reviews to say what I liked about various bits of gear & accessories.

    Yesterday I received a €25 voucher as a thank you which was totally unexpected and very welcome as it means the Harley Benton bass ukulele I was planning to order anyway is now only costing me a little over £80.

    Why didn't anyone tell me earlier that Thomann have a policy of rewarding people who leave reviews?

  4. I have just launched a new mobile-first responsive single-page site for my band.


    I normally use WordPress for everything, however once I decided that I wanted to maximise usablility by stripping out anything that wasn't important, it was clear that a CMS probably wasn't required. I used bootstrap with a custom stylesheet, some jQuery plugins & a bit of custom scripting.

    I'm thinking of turning the template into a WordPress theme aimed at bands with the contact form / audio / scroller functionality included as custom plugins with customisable colour schemes, but alternatively it might be better to add in some flat file functionality system to keep it lightweight and keep the admin overhead as minimal as possible.

  5. Cheers for the replies chaps. I'd already tried cleaning the old strings with planet waves string cleaner & fast fret but it made no difference. I've not used nylon wrapped strings for a while so I might look into investing in a set.

    I put the old set of JF324s on & they sound & feel pretty good - I'll need to find the tool to give the truss rod a tweak but its not far out.

  6. I hardly play my Tanglewood (Rosewood Reserve) acoustic bass as the Thomastik Acousticore AB324 Phosrphor Bronze strings feel 'grabby' and make my hands stink after playing.

    I'm thinking of putting on an old set of JF-324 flats as I love the feel of those on my short scale solid basses & I expect they'll give me a deep thump on the acoustic rather than the zingy twang of a new set of bronze acoustic roundwounds.

    Is it just me, just these strings or does everyone get this with bronze acoustic strings?

  7. The batteries in my P were still good after a couple of years, but i don't use that one much so that isn't much of an indication.

    The test will be the jaguar which is my main rehearsal & gigging bass, but EMGs need very little power and I've only put the batteries in recently so I doubt they'll need replacing for a while. I'll post an update to this thread when I do change them — if I remember.

    If your basses can already fit a pair of 9v batteries I don't think you'd need the 24v mod thing as there's no difference sound-wise between 18v & 24v as far as I can tell and I expect the battery life will be shorter.

  8. [attachment=163309:24v.jpg]

    My Squier Jag SS VM bass has a set of EMG PJX pickups. I wouldn't be able to use a harness made from three battery clips to add a second battery for the essential 18v mod as it hardly has room for a single 9v battery. Instead I made this little fella to hold a pair of 23A 12V batteries (car alarm plipper type). The battery holders and battery clips came from ebay sellers in China.

    Not done much of a sound test to see how much if any improvement there is in the sound, but I didn't kill the pickups - the important thing to remember when soldering the battery holder to the clip is that the red wire on the holder needs to be soldered to the black wire on the clip & vice-versa.

    I have the parts to make another but I'm waiting for some more batteries so I'll make another for my '81 precision which also has an EMG but is currently powered by 18 volts using an AAA battery holder full of the button cells you find inside 23A batteries.

  9. A heads-up for anyone with an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch who likes free stuff & needs another tuner - IK's UltraTuner is currently free as a free in-app purchase within amplitube IOS & also free as a stand-alone app

  10. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1400743699' post='2456498']
    I picked up an early 70's Jazz in a London dealers and it had exactly the same issue. I pointed it out to the shop owner who took the bass, knee at the base the of the neck, one hand on the headstock and one on the body, and heaved the neck angle to correct it. I thanked him for his expertise and left! There is usually a tad of movement in the neck pocket so worth checking before sending back I've have thought.
    I'm certain I have read that in the early days of Fender this was a recommended technique for fixing such issues and the company sent instructions to their dealers in how to carry it out.

  11. I'm too worried about my iPad getting damaged in transit or onstage to take it at gigs but my kindle paperwhite is pretty good for setlists & lyrics/chords memory joggers - I just make a document in pages & export to pdf or save as ePub and convert to mobi using calibre

  12. The can't be bothered to help attitude is nothing new.

    When the Hohner B2A steinberger clone had just come out in 1986 I ventured to Denmark Street on a Saturday to get one.

    The first shop, Rose Morris had the exact bass I was after in the window so I went in and asked if I could have a closer look & try it out. The chap really couldn't be bothered and although it should have been easy to grab from the window, he insisted that I'd have to come back on Monday as they were due to change the window display. I mentioned that I was planning to buy the bass today if I liked it but he wasn't interested and couldn't be swayed so I left empty handed.

    I carried on down the street and saw that another shop also had them in. No problem this time: I tried it, liked it, agreed a price and bought it within about 20 minutes. I was told that as it was a new model the hard cases were coming by sea & would be arriving in the UK in a few weeks so I took it in the cardboard box.

    I couldn't resist going back to Rose Morris, opening the box and asking the first chap in front of his manager "Do you have a hard case for my new Hohner B2A bass?" The expression on his face was priceless.


  13. I'd recommned the same one I got from brandoni guitars in Wembley for my '71 daphne blue musicmaster - an enclosed cool rails strat humbucker. It fits the original pickguard without needing any modification. It sounds massive. I think it was made by Kent Armstrong and it cost about £30 (but that was some years ago). I also put a hot rails in another musicmaster but I don't rate how that one sounds as much as the cool rails

  14. Unless you're going to be driving over the pedal in a tank why would you need to rehouse it? I keep my BDI21 in a lightly padded poundshop discman case to protect it in transit & storage. I've had it and the similar ADI21 for many years and they are both as good as new although they had a lot of use untiI I got a zoom b3.

  15. I have one on my 2003 highway1 jazz which had a deadspot at the 5th fret of the G string. The fatfinger worked. Before buying it I checked that it would work by using a tiny cast iron g-clamp from the pound shop. I since fitted hipshot vintage style tuners to the bass including a D-tuner which also seemed to help due to their increased mass.

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