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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. My understanding is that the stock tuners on my 2004 CIJ mustang were made by Gotoh so swapping them out for generic chinese units would probably not be an upgrade. I have no problem with my tuners except that I prefer the look of lollipop-style ones as fitted to original '60s Mustangs.

    The posts are smaller than most similar looking tuners so they probably won't fit without enlarging the hole with a reamer.

    If tuners are loose they could just need tightening and odd vibrations can possibly be caused by how the strings are wound onto the posts.

    Can you post pics of the front & back of the headstock?

  2. Knotty pine neck, tuners fitted backwards - Perhaps this was made as a teaching aid to show what happens if you start making something without a plan.


  3. If it was one of my kids (aged 21 & 19) who thought it was a good idea to so this, I'd tell them that if you can't manage to save up £139 over a two or three months to buy the thing outright, then buying £250 worth of kit it on the never never is not a good idea. As you're not one of my kids, I'd suggest buying a zoom H2 for recording rehearsals & gigs and a spare heavy duty guitar cable to make up the difference.

  4. Its not the funk machine which was a '62 with the work 'funk' carved into the neck heel & filled with ink. Before that he had a black '57 and after that a mid 60s one with a later version of the Fender logo which he used in LA. All were stolen from him and not recovered. Never saw any mention of him owning & playing any other basses in that period, and never heard any mention of him ever owning another 61/62.

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  5. If you'd like a huge collection of recordings of all of Bach's organ works played on original baroque organs, Dr James Kibbie's recordings are available at no cost at: http://www.blockmrecords.org/bach/

  6. Never heard of the Fathead, but I used a Groove tubes fatfinger to remove the effects of a deadspot at the 5th fret of the G string on a jazz bass.

    Could the lack of volume when the band is playing due to another band member's stomping over the frequencies - such as a bass drum with boosted eq going through the PA or a guitar that sounds great on its own, but doesn't just occupy its own part of the frequency spectrum and has too much boost on the lows and low mids?

  7. I used to own a pair of ashborys - I tried a set of Road Toad Pahoehoe black polyurethane strings (as used on the Kala U-Bass) on one of them which didn't have as much of a double-bass tone as the standard Ashbory silicone strings, but they did seem to stay in tune a lot better. I also had a harley benton uke bass (actually went thought three of them due to QC issues) and didn't like the thundergut strings as they stretched and went out of tune all the time like the ashborys.

  8. The pickups were definitely added - mustangs always had the small rounded split pickup until the prawn-shop one came out with the big chrome telebass humbucker a few years ago.

    Anyone else think that Tina looks just like Errol from the TV series 'Uncle' in that video?

  9. I have (or have had) a few behringer pedals - most have been pretty good, but the tuner pedal was crap for bass. The BDI is great for adding a bit of a snarl to the bass, but the ADI-21 (the brown acoustic equivalent to the BDI) really warms up an electric upright bass - it sounded wonderful when I had my old Dean Pace, and I still use it with my NS-CR5M

    I often see criticism of the build quality of behringer pedals - particularly the plastic housing, but I've never had any problems with mine. My ancient BDI-21 looks a bit battered and abused but still works perfectly. Out of interest anyone actually ever had a behringer pedal's housing disintegrate underfoot?

  10. My CIJ mustang didn't come with one, but I added one as I like the vintage look.

    I don't really use it, but it is good for getting a deep wooly tone - particularly if you have some length on the nails of the right hand (eg for playing ukulele) where playing fingerstyle could have too bright an attack. Even if you don't use it, it doesn't get in the way.

  11. My stock answer for daft daft song requests was "we don't do that one, but the next song contains some of the same notes".

    Also if someone looked like they were about to make a request, the singer would announce on the mic "All song requests must be submitted on a fifty pound note."

  12. The build quality on mine is pretty good - and there's even some nice flaming in the maple of the neck.

    I put a hi-mass bridge on mine as I had a spare one in the bits box.

    If the grub screws are sticking up due to the the saddles being low when the action & neck relief is set correctly, shimming the neck will enable you to raise the saddles.

    I wanted to upgrade the cheapo pickups, pots & socket, so I dropped in a set of EMG PJX pickups which sound pretty massive although I tend to only use the P for a big chunky tone (with TI JF324 flats).

  13. I think the need for a truss rod tweak twice a year is more likely to be from seasonal changes rather than climate change. Also the offical line from the White House is now that climate change does not exist :rolleyes:

    Over 10 years of using wall hangers doesn't seem to have caused any warping on the necks of any of my basses & guitars.

  14. Maybe the selling tickets thing is that they believe they're doing you a favour by letting you play as your band will be 'getting exposure' so you have to prove that you are worthy of the opportunity. If that is the case it alters the dynamic, and donatating your time and skills will not be appreciated.

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