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Posts posted by Bass-ic

  1. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='566247' date='Aug 11 2009, 08:21 PM']Some Superflys were poorly made (mine included). It's actually been fine since i took all the extra casing off (looks better too) but i still wouldn't trust it to gig with.

    I think the Little Giant or one of the new Hartkes would be better. Also look at Peavey stuff, can't go wrong with Peavey gear![/quote]

    Ah OK. I seem to remember some not so good news about the superfly, but it is going cheap! have you tried teh Little Giant?
    Thanks very much

  2. Hi all.
    I am buying some proper bass gear for the first time. Needless to say, I dont want to spend thousands and it doesnt have to be huge or overtly powerful.
    My tutor does have plans for me to play with a band fairly soon so it needs be be powerful enough to cope with that but also very usable as a practice set up at home as well. The band wont be extraordinarily loud.
    I think I have the cab sorted, but I am after a small bass amp.
    Because I want portability and not too heavy expense, I am thinking of either the Ashdown little giant or the Ashdown Superfly which is on sale at what seems to be an advantagous price at reverb Bristol.

    Ok, I havent heard either yet, but thats mostly because i dont have the cab yet, but I plan to sort this soon.
    Does anyone have any experience of either of these bass amps and if so which do you think is better.

    At present, it could be said that it really wouldnt matter what I buy, since I dont play bass well enough to warrant something really special, and I suppose since I dont have a genre of music that I really want to play, I really could play through any old amp. But, I do want something that is a little better than that.
    Your thoughts would be very welcome.
    Cheers in advance

  3. Hi all.
    I am buying some proper bass gear for the first time. Needless to say, I dont want to spend thousands and it doesnt have to be huge or overtly powerful.
    My tutor does have plans for me to play with a band fairly soon so it needs be be powerful enough to cope with that but also very usable as a practice set up at home as well. The band wont be extraordinarily loud.
    I think I have the cab sorted, but I am after a small bass amp.
    Because I want portability and not too heavy expense, I am thinking of either the Ashdown little giant or the Ashdown Superfly which is on sale at what seems to be an advantagous price at reverb Bristol.

    Ok, I havent heard either yet, but thats mostly because i dont have the cab yet, but I plan to sort this soon.
    Does anyone have any experience of either of these bass amps and if so which do you think is better.

    At present, it could be said that it really wouldnt matter what I buy, since I dont play bass well enough to warrant something really special, and I suppose since I dont have a genre of music that I really want to play, I really could play through any old amp. But, I do want something that is a little better than that.
    Your thoughts would be very welcome.
    Cheers in advance

  4. [quote name='Davemarks' post='554235' date='Jul 28 2009, 06:03 PM']Epic fail on my behalf there.

    I have had to start using public folder on my iDisk as the security on my website is so super good, it won't let people download reasonably small files (3 - 5mb!!!)

    Have another blast later this evening (pages aren't refreshing instantly for some reason...) and let me know if it works now. I'll be wrapping up this little series in the next issue.


    On another note, I'm shooting my first DVDs in August...

    I'm interested in what kind of things people would like to be able to buy DVDs on...

    I'm thinking 01 - A solid approach to bass techinque: Exploring hand and body positioning, finger technique and exercises to build robust, solid fundamentals for fingerstyle, pick and slap playing.

    02 - The minor pentatonic in 5 positions for bass guitar - an approach to the fingerboard that will revolutionise how you play, regardless of style.

    Any thoughts?


    Hi Dave.
    It's a good idea.
    Major pent as well would be good.
    Box work etc.
    Just a though as i dont know enough myself yet!

  5. As a someone who is just thinking of upgrading my first bass I'd really like to see an article on a range of basses with the prices ranging from around £350 to £600. something along the lines of 'my first proper bass.'
    maybe its just me, but the mag is either total newbies or people who can really play already. A bit more middle ground please. I dont need tons of it, just an small article, plus maybe some advice on 'starter' heads and cabs, especially the smaller lightweight variety. I dont want to take too much space from the established players.

  6. [quote name='Hamster' post='464838' date='Apr 17 2009, 11:34 AM']I think the first thing would be to ask your council and ask them what they would consider reasonable, both in terms of frequency of practice and volume levels. Then as long as you reasonably adhere to their guidelines you should be litigation free.[/quote]


  7. Im in central Bristol, if anyone were to be kind enough to help out!

    i was concerened that i might have to start adjusting the bridge and intonation etc.

    cheers for all your input.

    I didnt realise that Ibanez gave out owbers manuals, as I didn't get one with my bass.


  8. Hi.
    My new Ibanez is now getting on for a year old and the action could really do with some help as it is slowly getting higher and higher. The neck is starting to bow slightly and I am thinking of attempting to sort this out myself. Is it really a simple case of just tightening the truss rod slightly or is there more to it than that.

    Im not sure about this as every book i have read has said that its best done by someone who knows what they are doing.

    It cant be that difficult , can it?


    Cheers in advance

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