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Posts posted by Bass-ic

  1. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='375468' date='Jan 9 2009, 06:00 PM']i gotta say im coming round to the idea very slightly after reading dmanlamius' first reply. i've not noticed many of the things he says he has noticed, such as questions being unanswered and snobbery, but then, i was a member of bassworld and have been a member on here for a long time, maybe i'm used to it? i might even be one of those snobs, but i definatly try not to be. if he says he's noticed it, i dont doubt he has. i've been looking at basschat from a beginners point of view since i read this thread, and to be honest i can see how it could sort of lower your confidence being surrounded by so many talented players. i still stand by the comments i made before, but i'm seeing why you would be for it and theres a part of me that agrees.[/quote]

    Dont worry, we will all overtake you sometime in the future!



  2. Certain shops of spec savers do earplugs. proped musician ones , i think for about £200. I went and asked because I want some for riding my bike as well!

    Also, gun shops do earplugs, but they are more for preventing any sound getting through. worth checking out all teh same because you might be able to drill a hole through them. (I havent tried this yet)

    Going deaf aint worth it.


  3. I would be glad to help out in any way that I can. it must be said tho that my knowledge of the bass is still quite minimal. However, having been on the forum for almost a year, I think I can see where I might be of some use.


  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='374071' date='Jan 8 2009, 02:17 PM']I agree with the OP that there's a need to expand 'facilities' for beginners. OTOH, I also agree with other posters that there's a downside to creating a 'Beginners' forum as noted above.

    Rather than segregate, we perhaps need to look at our entire interaction with beginners. This could range from mods thinking about how the site's structured across to the nature of individual members' responses

    Some random thoughts:

    * A more beginner-friendly Basschat will increase membership. It may also reduce duplication of postings and 'clog'.

    * Beginners will often 'lurk' first, so the answer may not just lie in a revision of the sign-up process, though the page(s) could perhaps be amended to include a beginner friendly intro.

    * Lots of questions get posed in 'General Discussion', which exposes them to the 'discursive' nature of that place. This means that the questioner may get an avalanche of seemingly 'irrelevant' answers, which, while fun for everyone else, may not necessarily help.

    * Technique (a bit of a wallflower?) could perhaps do with a sticky on 'Beginning bass playing', which also links to a 'Beginner Wiki'

    * Gear is important. Without it, you can't play. And some beginners are going to ask questions about gear before they ask questions about technique - because they haven't got any gear yet! Other will have acquired the gear first and now be wondering how best to use it. We should (somehow) take this into account in the introduction 'sequencing'.

    * I don't see much flaming of supposedly 'stupid' questions. Where it's occurred, it's usually been jumped on, either by mods or other members. OTOH, I've seen lots of really helpful responses and offers of assistance.

    * To take a median approach, may I propose an expanded Wiki for beginners, which is [i]very[/i] clearly signposted, to accommodate both lurkers and sign-ups.

    * We could first research beginners' needs (some of us will have forgotten what it's like, so we should go to the source and ask them) in order to develop an approach to handling beginners. This could also generate a list of 'beginner topics' for an expanded Wiki, to which members could offer contributions, these to be subject to sub-editing by the mods.

    Happy to help if I can.[/quote]

    This seems a pretty reasonable way to do things.
    Plus i think there could also be a section about well known bass lines to learn, re the question i posed some time ago.
    Plus, i think it might help beginners find a tutor etc. matbe a list of regional tutors?
    I think the sign up could benefit from a 'beginner' section if appropiate.

  5. [quote name='Sean' post='370323' date='Jan 4 2009, 08:39 PM']Cheers for the transcription posting.

    Just found a couple of things on it that might be worth pointing out...

    in bar 2 after the F to Ab hammer on the Bb hammers on to C before the Eb staccato sixteenths.

    Anyone else hear this?[/quote]

    Blimey, I hadnt noticed.
    Am going to have to check this

  6. [quote name='The Burpster' post='368863' date='Jan 2 2009, 09:15 PM']Has it cost me money? Yes....

    However, it has also

    - saved me years of torment trying to find out info and trying ideas that would come to nought

    - introduced me to some very smart, and switched on bass players who I respect and admire,

    - made me absolutely determined not to compromise as ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

    - answered all my questions however stupid (at times) without (too much) embarassment

    - allowed me to experiment with ideas and gear that have moved on and made others happy....


    - made me feel at home even tho' I'm not a jobbing or pro bassist

    In the words of mastercard.....


    I havent spent any money at all on BC, but i did buy a new bass this year, and yes it was my first, but i like the above sentiment


  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='367311' date='Dec 31 2008, 06:28 PM']I have a simple means of dealing with the intricacies of the melodic minor.

    I stop playing and wave at the audience.[/quote]

    Ahh, harmony with the audience!

  8. Thanks Mike.

    I havent really discounted the idea of a band, but i think a few lessons first would probably be a good idea.

    I suppose that what i really need to find is a bunch of olds gits like me who play the same 12 covers that Ive learnt!



  9. [quote name='Pookus' post='366416' date='Dec 30 2008, 05:20 PM']I will do that. Just need to figure out how to set up my router to cut 10inch holes. I'm fine with making the boxes. Also I will use a cab design program to calculate the cab volume. Might even port the cabs. I may well ask for that advice. Thanks, really appreciate your help.[/quote]

    Trend make a router compass that cuts perfect circles, and i bought one a few years ago. Its pretty easy to use. Youll also need a universal base plate. But it is as i say very easy to use.


  10. I agree.

    Nick, thanks for the listings Ill have a good look and I will certainly give you a yell if Im heading out to one.

    I have had some problems trying to find a bass tutor (as discussed in another thread) but i am hoping that this will be sorted soon!


  11. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='366234' date='Dec 30 2008, 02:07 PM']Don't you go swanning off after doing an awful joke like that![/quote]

    I cant, Im pidgeon toed!


  12. You'll find loads of tabs on www.bassmasta.net
    A lot of these with have a few wrong notations in but youlll soon figure it out.

    Some good suggestions on this thread.

    might also be a good idea to get a tutor who will give you a grounding in tecnique and the ability to read music.

    Hope it all goes well.


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