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Posts posted by Bass-ic

  1. I have just bought StanRobinsons' (Steve) Ashdown 2x10 cab. It was exactly as described and indeed is in excellent condition. Steve drove some way out of his way to meet me and wouldnt take any petrol money. Thanks very much!
    It was a smooth exchange although it must be said that I was in a bit of a hurry so I didnt have too much time to chat. Sorry Steve!


  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='566837' date='Aug 12 2009, 03:12 PM']I'd say that the size of the amp is pretty insignificant compared to the size of the cab! And for the latter, more size equals more low frequency sensitivity, which is always a good thing.

    As it's your first big rig, do not underestimate secondhand Peavey amps - they're almost indestructible, solid tone and great value for money. Not light but still lighter than your current combo. If you buy everything secondhand you can shift it without loss if you decide that you don't like the sound/weight/size/loudness, etc.


    Cheers Alex


  3. FWIW
    I only mentioned the two amps in the OP because i happen to know they are quite small, which would be a bonus. I am not totally restricting myself to either. if there is something better that is compact/portable etc and the right cash, then please do point me in that direction so I know what it is.

  4. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='566766' date='Aug 12 2009, 02:07 PM']Although the others here aren't wrong in that getting a powerful amp will do no harm and mean you don't have to upgrade, you could get by with something that puts out 100-200 watts into a single 8ohm cab and would drive your Ashdown 210 just fine.
    I've played some big outdoor gigs with an amp that puts outs just 180w into 8ohm and 300w into 2x 8ohms cabs.[/quote]

    Umm i have to say, I thought 200w was loud. i dont think the band i might be playing with will actually ever do a gig.

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='566768' date='Aug 12 2009, 02:11 PM']2x10 is a good call, handy enough, and easy to get a second for the fabled pair of 2x10s stacked vertically, although that won't agree with a LHon top. If you get the LH1000 and are worried about the cost, chances are I'll be after one in a few months, so you have a fair chance of recovering most of you pennies. In fact, if you get one, I'll give you a lend of a rack case for it, in anticipation of consideration on resale.[/quote]

    The idea of adding to the 2x10 is a basic principal. I had heard that the vertical stack was the way forward with them.

  6. Hi All
    the band thing for me is just something my tutor wants me to try, but i doubt that it will be a permananety thing, hence not want ting to get something too 'heavy/loud/pricey just yet.
    From this sart point I hope to have a better idea in the future hence going down the smaller route at the moment.
    I hope that makes sense.
    Reverb bristol is fairly hopeless it must be said, however, they were selling Little Giants at £199 as a special offer a while ago.
    The cab i hope to aquire this weekend will be an Ashdown MAG 2x10.

  7. [quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='566558' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:04 AM']The Hartke LH range are very good and you can pick them up very cheap. You'd be fine getting the LH500 which I think is louder than most 500w amps. Also it has a very simple but very effective eq section which some people like me prefer.[/quote]
    Thanks Chris.
    I'm not sure if i need something that loud right now.
    Many thanks for the info tho.

  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='566263' date='Aug 11 2009, 08:33 PM']I guess you may have been through the Wiki bit on buying your first amp?

    JoeGarcia seems to own about 200 bass rigs.. Maybe a trip to Stokes croft for a bit of hands on consultancy?[/quote]

    Hi OG
    umm i did have a wander through the wiki.
    Joe Garcia.... I dont think I know him, at least Ive seen him on here sometimes but havent spoken to him. Where in Stokes croft?

    I gues the problem is that this is all still really new for me. Knowing me id probably buy a barrel of monkeys and still it sounded OK!
    err just kidding, but you get the picture.

  9. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='566256' date='Aug 11 2009, 08:28 PM']Yeah there's been too many complaints for it to be worth the risk, i wouldn't pay more than £100 for one and that would be just for a bedroom and practice amp. Not heard the Little Giants but there's quite a big thread on them somewhere. I think opinions were positive, although the smaller one was appaerntly a little quiet

    Keep in mind that the Superfly needs 2 4ohm cabs to get the most out of it. It works like a 2 sided PA amp and cannot be bridged so each output puts out 250w @ 4ohms.

    I used it with one 4ohm cab, another time with 2 8ohm cabs and it was fine though. One 8ohm cab would probably be fine

    Not sure if the Little Giant heads work like this but it something to consider[/quote]

    Ok, thats really useful. I plan to use it with one 8 ohm cab.

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