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Everything posted by DaveMuadDib

  1. Hi there peoples, I have a fairly recently purchased hipshot detuner for my E string, and although they're hella awesome, they seem rather inherantly unstable when in the off position - the little fine tuning screw just wobbles around with the slightest knock. With detuner 'on', the screw pushes against the thing and it's not going anywhere, but flick it back up and it's back to looseville. Naturally, this doesn't affect my E tuning, just when i drop to D, but if it takes so much effort to keep the D in tune, it almost begs the question what's the point :-) There is indeed a screw wrapped around the finetune screw, but maybe this isn't cutting it and it might be worth trying a more heavy duty one? Or does anyone have any solutions? Or am I just being a picky loser? :-) -Dave
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  3. Thanks for all your advices guys! I think it's settled - these cabs rule and are exactly what I'm looking for. So if anyone is selling a RS212, please PM me! I had my finger hovering over the button on GAK yesterday, but decided it's better to wait at least a couple of weeks until I've paid off my debts first - unless one of you folks can sway me in the meantime ;-) *CLOSED* - Bought one
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  5. Ok guys, thanks for all the awesome advice, very much appreciated! Now, please be gentle on me, I'm very inexperienced! Please look upon everything I'm about to write bearing in mind that I've spent most of my life playing through either PA's, the other band's bassist's rigs, or a 120w laney combo I'm leaning towards a 2x12/2x10 stack at the moment. In most situations I'm guessing I can probably get away with just the 2x12 or the 2x10. But if I need to go backline only, I can combine the two and this should do the trick and cut through like a knife through butter with my p*sstakingly loud 500w Little Mark II. My main questions are: 1) Amirite? Will the stack of these be enough to see me through most conceivable gigs? I'm working with the philosophy that if a venue requires more than this much power, they'll be a serious venue and have a PA anyway. 2) What's a better combination? 2x(2x10) or 2x12+2x10. Thanks for your help guys, help a rig-newbie out!! -Dave
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  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='846746' date='May 24 2010, 06:47 PM']The TC cabs would be a very nice upgrade from the Peavey. Id describe them as tight, and punchy. The horn is nicely tamed with just the right amount of sweeter high end, (eg not brash and in your face). Id recommend the latest versions with the new smooth black finish. Only problem is they have just gone up by £100 each! They are easy to move and the covers are also a good price.[/quote] Thanks for the feedback dude! Sounds right up my alley. So you think the 2x10 would be a suitable replacement from the 4x10? It's a battered 15 year old peavey cab that was a gift at that, and it's the only cab i've ever owned! And potentially enough for backline-only? -Dave
  8. Hi folks! I'm on the hunt for a new cab to replace my dying peavy 4x10, and I've always loved the markbass 2x10 STD (but it's ouchies expensive) and I like the look of the Hartke 4x10s, but I've been recommended the TC Electronics RS210. They look excellent for the money, but has anyone actually got any experience with them? I'm looking for something reasonably light, nice and loud (for my markbass little mark ii 500watts) and punchy. Thanks guys! Dave
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  13. Hey folks - I currently use a cheapo Behringer limiter-enhancer and I like it (it's easily as good as the Boss counterpart that I demoed, if not better!), but I'm thinking about going for something with a bit more punch. Are compressors better than limiters for talent-boosting purposes, and if so, any recommendations? Please no uberhighend suggestions, I'm not made of money
  14. I've recently converted from pick to fingerstyle, and it's frustrating, but I'm getting there! I'm aiming to use two fingers wherever possible, and I've been rooting my thumb against the bridge pickup or the nearest string. But I've found my ring and pinky finger flailing about wildly. What the heck should I do with them? Should I tuck them up (this feels kinda uncomfortable) or anchor them somewhere? Also, how do I make sure I'm keeping my wrist in a nice natural angle so as to avoid RSI kinda stuff? And wrist floating or pressed against the body? I understand there are no absolutes, but I'm looking for guidance before I develop any horrible habits at this stage! -Dave
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  17. [quote name='silddx' post='538758' date='Jul 12 2009, 08:00 PM']I would do it properly from the start, two fingers, strictly alternating.[/quote] This was my inclination! I think I'm just being a bit greedy by wanting to master raking right away. Although the speed would be awesome, I think it would most likely result in many of the same downfalls of the pick. Stuff like Raining Blood can remain pick-only tracks for the time being! Man, my fingertips are sore already, it's like starting again! In regards to slap, any tips? My very much awesome hombre and fellow basschatter Gaf uses just his thumb for slap and middle finger for pop. Is this an advisable method, or should I be trying to throw in some index as well? [quote]Nice to meet a fellow Dune addict BTW.[/quote] Likewise! It's always good to know I'm not alone in my love for one of the most awesome works of fiction of all time! I'm currently contemplating starting a fifth read-through of the whole saga at the moment Not to mention, haven't seen the lynch movie in a while... -Dave
  18. [quote name='Chris2112' post='538706' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:01 PM']Two fingers works fine for me and it worked for Jaco too! I'm actually learning to use a pick again atm after years of playing fingerstyle![/quote] Jaco, of course, is amazing. And he only used two fingers?! Really?? Lol, I'm not going to throw away my picks, but it's good to have the option!
  19. Ok guys, not only have I lined the pockets of Apple this month by buying an iPod, this month also marks my reluctant conversion from 5 years of plectrum bass to the dreaded fingerpick. Now let me get this straight: I LOVE plectrum bass. Rex Brown, Izzy Stradlin, Jason Newsted... all heros of mine who aren't afraid to pluck to their hearts content. And if it's good enough for dimebag, then it's good enough for me But I make this transition mainly because there are a great number of my heroes who DON'T use a pick all the time (Billy Gould, Cliff Burton, Tim Commerford to name but a few...) because it sounds more awesome and gives me greater versatility, because I'm sick of losing plectrums and being so generally dependent on the little buggers, because I would like to finally bite the bullet and learn how to slap, and so people will stop abusing me! Anyways, motivations aside, what is the best way to go about this? I'm pretty adept with a pick, and am keen to gain Slayer/Metallica levels of speed with my fingers if at all possible. I have no use of my pinky finger (long story), but everything else is good. Should I be using all three fingers, mainly the index and forefinger, or three fingers and thumb? Should I alternate between all three/four digits or should i primarily be using two and throw in the others for effect? Any good learning exercises? At the moment I'm using Bullet in the Head and Higher Ground as a starting point. Any advice and tips or similar experiences would be much appreciated! -Dave
  20. It's a shame, but I really don't like 5-strings. Do you guys reckon if I emailed Rob Green very nicely, he might be able to sort me out a streamline with screwholes for the Steinberger DB bridge? And would this be a good idea?
  21. Hey guys, I really, really want a Status Streamline. The only thing that's even vaguely making me hesitate (other than the price!) is the fact that it's not available with a D-tuner bridge. My Hohner B2ADB has one in the form of the Steinberger DB system, and it's bloody indispensable. I emailed Rob Green, and he confirmed that they don't provide one. It's not the end of the world, but are there REALLY no options for this? -Dave
  22. Cheers for all the input, guys! Elites are a little cheaper, and easier for me to get my hands on, but considering how I like to leave my strings on indefinitely, do you think I'd be better off getting some Status Hotwires?
  23. Hi guys, I'm looking to change the strings on my Hohner B2A steinberger copy, and this is something I've never done before. I'd like to take the gauge down a little notch, so I was thinking 40-100's would be good. The only manufacturer I could find for these is "Elites", in that neon pink packaging. I've still got the factory strings on my headless at the moment, so needless to say, i've never used Elites before. Are they any good? They're a little bit cheaper than the other brands, which is good but always a little bit disconcerting Cheers!
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='227056' date='Jun 26 2008, 12:53 AM']Have you looked at the [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:buying:strings"]basschat wiki[/url]. It could probably do with a bit more on guages but i'm hoping somebody else will chip in with some useful info. Has been a long wait![/quote] Cheers for the link, it's helped quite a bit, but I'm still a little bit lost I really need someone to spell out to me what they think I need, I've never even BOUGHT bass strings before! I'm looking for strictly all-purpose, I play everything from Bach to RATM to Jaco to Slayer. But a bit of emphasis on the high end growl would be nice. Any suggestions?
  25. Hey guys, Just bought a Squier vintage modified jazz bass and I love it to pieces, but I'm finding it a little bit hardgoing to play, even with the action down low. It's not unbearable, and it's still a beautiful instrument, but it's put a bit of a damper on my mobility. Obviously, the answer is to practice more and get used to the difference, but for the time being at least, especially with gigs on the horizon, I'm considering using some lighter strings. The question is - what gauge should I be looking to go for? I don't know what gauge change really entails, but i'm guessing the intonation will need to be adjusted. As it happens, I've never changed a bass string in my life - still got the factory strings on all 3 of my basses! Any advice/info would be appreciated!
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