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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Bilbo, normally I consider you right on the money but to write off LC as a Jaco clone is madness. Listen to his body of work - yes, he has the facility and groove of Jaco but if you hear his playing on something like Mark Nightingale's Out of the Box album I don't think you could possibly compare the two. LC is a phenomenal musician.

  2. [quote name='derrenleepoole' timestamp='1348566982' post='1815178']
    iRealB is fantastic, having so many charts that can be transposed in realtime is a blessing. However, since I bought the app originally, they no longer include all the charts with the app, this is for legal reasons. The app only now comes with 50 generic charts, you have to download the charts from the forum if you want them. I have the preference file saved separately on my Mac so I can always reinstall all of them should I lose the app. You do this through iTunes with the iPad or iPhone connected.

    PM me if anyone is interested in the file and I'll send it to you.

    This is perfectly correct but almost makes it sound worse than it is. On the forum (you don't need to register) with a couple of clicks you have downloaded hundreds, if not thousands of jazz/function charts. Soooo easy. Best £5 I ever spent, no doubt!

  3. I'm doing that trip in a few weeks - Phoenix AZ through New Mexico, across Texas, into Louisiana, New Orleans, up through Mississippi then into Tennassee for Memphis and Nashville. So I'll be able to tell you more when I'm back! I can see more to do in Memphis but they both look great. Particularly looking forward to Sun and Stax studios!

  4. [quote name='Lewk' timestamp='1340185191' post='1700472']
    just having a wonder on how many of us have taken that next step from bieng just a customer.

    any bad experiences with companys etc?

    Ive bin with lakland for quite a while now there a bunch of great guys Dan Lakin and the hanson guys after the takeover

    heres the link for me... [url="http://lakland.com/luke-weston.htm"]http://lakland.com/luke-weston.htm[/url]

    p.s. this isnt me boasting at all im just very proud of myself to be honest :)
    Bit annoying they spelled your band name incorrectly!

  5. Thanks Mike! What a great video. With my friend Tom playing trumpet too. I saw the LC gig at Ronnies (first set) and was sat right in front of him, a bass education as always! He is always kind enough to remember who I am and stop to say hi - what an absolutely TOP guy and player.

    Love it - more if you have them please!

  6. I was there too, and I work with Seth on Fridays. He seemed pretty disappointed by it, but is positive about playing at other venues perhaps monthly.

    It's a shame as it's so wonderful to have those guys on my doorstep every thursday,. and I've enjoyed my gigs with John and Zak, as well as depping at the Bassment when they've been off touring. Let's hope they get it sorted asap!

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