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Posts posted by yorks5stringer

  1. 17 hours ago, Barking Spiders said:

    Watched this on catch-up. Bring back Andy Stewart's Hogmanay even if he is no more. At least that would still have more of a lively atmosphere than this dismal and joyless affair. A feast of cr@pitude from start to finish.

    Was this not called the White Heather Club?


    'Come in, come in, it's nice to see you, how's yourself, you're looking good'

  2. I saved myself the task of fast forwarding a recording of it by not bothering to save it. Job done!


    As a slight aside, does anyone remember the start sequence to "Later' which seemed to show Jools sat on a model train?  Was watching something on YT and they were at the Hornby Factory train layout  and it looked just like the Later title sequence. Apparently Jools is a model train enthusiast

  3. Supernatural Roadie 2 below plus the 2 pages of poorly judged photos ( I was meant to be a Roadie) of my magazine debut in Bassist Magazine, August 1998 which tells the full story of how I came upon it......




    • Like 4
  4. "The UK is fast becoming a pariah for international investors and markets are prone to (extreme) overreaction when they smell blood."


    How does this explain the success of other Euro countires which have effectively nationalised their energy supply markets? Oh hang on, that's because most of them invest in the UK eg. EDF, Trains, Water, Wind etc etc


    I'm always skeptical when a multinational cries 'wolf' except when they all said Br**** was a very bad idea...

  5. A genuine question, can someone help me understand when a Govt or Energy provider says 'If you tax our windfall, it will affect our R&D'?


    Surely a company makes projections and budgets based on oil/energy being a certain price ( or within a certain band). If things then go batsh*t crazy and prices double the windfall is just that, a windfall, unexpected and unbudgeted/allocated. Therefore these funds are not directed to R&D but to huge bonuses for bosses and increased dividends for shareholders?


    Or am I missing soemthing obvious?

  6. 1 hour ago, PriZeMaN said:

    I think is your eyes that are wonky my friend.

    OK, I'll bite  even though I realise I'm just adding 02 to the flames....


    Must be my eyes too then, are you really telling me the routing  for the tuner cut-out in photo 3 has not 'wandered' a bit? Looks like it may have tipped and nibbled some of the edge?

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