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la bam

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Posts posted by la bam

  1. I think a lot of the aura and appeal of classic gear is it was directly telated to iconic bands, iconic music and an iconic time.

    All the classics from that era were played on that equipment and all our heroes used it.

    Todays music has very little in icons and iconic gear. Im not sure what todays youth will look back on and yearn for music wise? A laptop? A piece of software? A generic midi synth?

  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1506425708' post='3378596']

    Trace may have limited the tone so that they can sell us the Transit effects unit too.


    Looking at this makes me think that I may have only bought half of what I needed.

    This is the first thing i said when i first saw the launch of the elf. It was looking like a rig in 3-4 different parts.

  3. Personally I always start with the following on a 3 band eq then adjust.

    Bass around 10 o'clock.
    Mids around 7 o'clock.
    Highs around 10 oclock.

    Then turn your volume up.

    Then adjust to taste. You'd be surprised how often you don't need your bass even at 12 o'clock when the volume is up.

    If you're happy it's bassy enough and the highs are coming through enough (if not alter as desired), then if required move the mids to get a sound you're happy with.

  4. You can also mix the amp tones with external pedals in an interesting way.

    There is a send and return for each channel so rather than having your pedals in line from your bass and effecting both channels, you can have your external fx pedals linked to one channel keeping the other clean of any fx then use your clean channel, your fx channel or a mixture of both.

  5. As far as I know the are no speaker emulators on this amp.

    If it helps the VT sim is very warm, thick but punchy. Its a great sound.

    The fx are great too. The chorus is one of the best I've heard and the envelope filter can add full on funk, or used sparingly a bit of grit and punch too.

  6. This has become relevant to me this year.

    Previously I set my basses (p bass or j bass) eq to full on volume and tone. That also shows up all your mistakes, weaknesses, etc so I found it really improved my playing, and did the sound eq from the amp.

    Now, however I have a yamaha bb424x PJ and it has a 3 way switch for pick up selection. It's brilliant for setting the band mix bass sound in a flash. Guaranteed 1 of those 3 settings suits the room brilliantly. If it needs anymore tone eq adjustment I can either roll on the tone fully for more cutting sound or roll of for a fatter more vintage fit.

    The 3 way switch is a brilliant addition. It'd be too complicated to remember and set on different knobs and dials.

  7. Hotmail is notorious for sending emails directly to people's spam or trash folders even when it does send.

    We run a business and with every enquiry we get from a hotmail address we cringe as its literally 50/50 whether or not our reply reaches the client.

    It's been like that for years.

    I have no idea at all why people still use hotmail. If it's your main email address I can guarantee you will have had emails sent to you not received, and emails you've sent not received.

    Hope this helps, as not a lot of people realise how unreliable hotmail is.

  8. If you play music (ie pre recorded music / dj) through them, you'll see just what a difference there is between brands and models.

    The higher end have a much deeper and smoother sound all round, the lower end models have little depth and warmth in comparison.

    It's not just a case of any 500w amp will drive your pre amp sound and sound the same. The power amps all have their own colour and attributes as well.

  9. Yes, I used to dj for 10 years and the difference between using different amps (with all other play out being the same) was incredible. From thin sounding cheaper end, through to high end amps were i was hearing things in the songs I'd never heard before. The amps had their own voicing just as bass amps do.

  10. If it helps there are 2 types of speakon.

    I got caught out years ago with pa that required different types of speakon.

    Of the top of my head something like a nl2f and nl4fc. They're wired differently.

    I'm not sure if that will be any help, but maybe worth checking online first?

  11. Had a good run through with this on Thursday.

    Fair sized practice room (about half size of a normal gigging area in a pub. With lots of damping and sound proofing, due to it being a designated practice room.

    I'd taken my ashdown abm 2x10 which I knew would be weaker and thinner than a 12 or 15 and break up quicker and my yamaha bb424x.

    First thing I noticed was even with the 2x10 volume was not going to be an issue. Nothing was set over 12 o'clock. That includes gain, level and master. The amp felt like it had loads left to give.

    Next a quick flick through the amp models. As before, I had the mids turned off and low and high around 12 clock.

    The nicest sound without tinkering with the eq too much (as we had 9 new songs to go through) was the channel 1 ampeg svt (yellow led). There's also some real nice valve break up if you start to go past 12 o'clock on the gain.

    That sound was lovely and warm, but the richness really shone letting me hear every note without being blisteringly loud. It had a nice fat 'band' sound to it which made a great foundation with the drums, but didnt sound like one instrument blasting through the mix. It found itself fitting well in the mix without really trying. I asked the drummer if he could hear ok and he said it was great. Very clear.

    It wasn't hot at all after 3 hours playing either which was quite reassuring.

    I can see me eventually tinkering with the eq more alongside the gains to find some really fantastic tones when I get chance.

    I've ordered a barefaced super compact so can't wait for that to come so I can try it with that!

  12. Amp wise:
    For me rotary dials are best as you can make fairly accurate notes what your settings are - ie 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock etc.

    But what I'd really like is dials that click into the desired position and don't move easily like a usual dial once set. This ensures your settings don't move about during transportation, set up and removal, even when in a case.

    The amount of gigs I've done where I've had to continually check every dial when setting up and sound checking is annoying, so a good dial thst clicks into position would be great.

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