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la bam

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Posts posted by la bam

  1. On 11/01/2018 at 06:37, Osiris said:

    How about a multi-fx unit?

    You could set up a patch for each bass, even if it's just a flat eq and/or some compression, and balance the volume for each patch so when you change basses you just stomp the appropriate footswitch and you're done.

    Obviously you don't need to use all the other bells and whistles but they are there should you ever get the urge! 

    The highly regarded Zoom B3 would be the obvious choice and used ones are currently changing hands for well under £100. 

    Exactly what i would do.

    Even just Mute when needed to to swap basses over. 5 second job.

  2. nearly sussed this now!

    managed to get a sound that is transparent. the compressor now isnt really 'sound' noticeable, ie little squash, but it really kicks in early. literally 7 oclock and its really on. it does do a great job when loud, really controls the volume without squashing when hit hard, and seems to really balance the strings.

    desperate to try it loud now!

    the only last thing to sort is that turning the fx knob up now really boosts the volume!


    thanks for the help.

  3. Thanks everyone. Much appreciated.

    Yes, the manual is useless!

    The effect seems to break up the sound within a mm of turning on. Ie push it to 7 oclock and its already really compressed.

    I'll keep experimenting.

  4. The main issues i have are:

    1. I dont know what the fx level knob does?

    2. The ratio can be set between 0 and 10 (bit doesnt say what measurement that is).

    3. Attack settings are between 9.99ms and 100ms. (Ie no lower).

    4. Release between 100ms and 1.50s.

  5. Hi all,

    Im using a markbass evo 1 which has a built in compressor. However there is no info out there on how to set it.

    Ive tried but it just seems to break up the sound straight away.

    Its slightly digferent to a usual compressor (and the markbass compressore) in dials. This one has:

    1. Fx dial on the amp itself (6oclock off 5oclock on full).

    2. Setting 1 = ratio.

    3. Setting 2 = attack.

    4. Setting 3 = release.

    There are no other settings.

    Im after a compression sound to be transparent (ie so it doesnt change the sound), but just need to balance all the volume of my strings out (ie currently theres a difference between E and G).

    Any help appreciated.

  6. For me its a great tool for dynamics.

    Letting it ring sounds great, but also adds to a sudden stop of silence.

    You may not notice if if you had decent basses. I had a usa precision which had loads of sustain, then i moved to a cheapo jazz copy and the difference was amazingly bad! The sustain couldnt even last a bar never mind any longer.

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  7. Ok heres a real curve ball. Slightly tongue in cheek, but it may have some mileage in it.... (may...). 

    Along with my last comment about almost every industry improving since the 60s and 70s - cars, aeroplanes, computers, buildings, bikes, tools etc it occurred to me that a lot of these (tools in particular) have moves away from using wood to improve their product.

    Maybe the instrument world just hasnt caught up yet? Or is the classic bass design never to be bettered?

    The need for actual resonance on electric instruments isnt the same as on an acoustic instrument, so why is wood still so essential?

    Weve moved away from acoustic reliance and introduced pick ups and tone control and all kinds of fx boxes and pedals, but still use the basic design in all new basses.

    Current technology would allow rubber based fretboards with touch sensitive triggering for midi and pc use etc.

  8. I think theres some very good points previously about what we apply to our sound now.

    For example its not just 67 jazz vs 2017 g&l in a straight test. Apart from amps, we add eq, compression, pre amp etc all in the quest of making that bass how we want it to sound. We dont really just take a bass anymore and play it for it to be a straight test to.

  9. Probably :)

    By 'throw' i mean how far not only the volume, but also the quality of the sound travels.

    I dj'd outdoors at a wedding with the dxr12s and the sound was amazing from a fairly long way away. No loss of quality at all.

    Ive also used other quality speakers that sounded fantastic, but where all the bass response dies off a very short distance from the stage. (Which unless you tested it first you wouldnt realise).

  10. Please dont forget when choosing frfr to check the 'throw' of the speakers when using for bass.

    Some speakers sound awesome when fairly close up but then disappear when 20 yards away. Some maintain character a little longer, some carry for a large distance, and some lose all their greatness as soon as you walk away from them.

    So check they still sound great where you need them to sound great.

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