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la bam

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Posts posted by la bam

  1. Personally i always had a policy when i had the cash and wanted a new amp of sell the backup not the main, then promote the new amp to main and the existing main to backup. That way you always improve your kit without too much outlay.

    Either way you are covered as you already have a good backup.

  2. Personally i really dont like them BUT in certain circumstances i fully inderstand them. 

    I couldnt dep for love nor money (nowhere near good enough at that) so fully understand them being used for that.

    Orchestras etc and backing bands - fair enough if theyre playing for other acts and support etc.

    I do think theres better ways than a music stand with the perforated holes in the back with a big book on it that couldnt be anything else other than a music stand plonked in the middle of the stage area though. They could be more subtly done / disguised / hidden with a bit of creativity - especially now we have tablets and ipads etc.

    Each to their own though.

  3. Thanks, but im after a hard case so i can rack my amp, spare amp, fx, 4 way etc so i can be set up very fast.

    Think im there now. Just need to sort some rack ears. I think i need to have these imported. No one sells them. The closest i can get is a kit for the sa450 which is a similar size.

  4. i have a 424x and 424. far and away my favourite basses ever, and ive had usa precisions and jazzes etc.

    just as a curve ball, id recommend a multi fx pedal. i had a fantastic dub reggae sound by using the ampeg svt amp sim and wound all the treble out, amended the eq for a dub type sound.

    the beauty with the 424 is that you can set the sound with your bass in middle pick up position (p&j) then if you need more treble/bite then flick to the jazz position, or if you need less go to the precision position. A real easy on the fly fix.

    agree with everyone re the sound you hear at home will be completely different in the band setting. always go for a more high mid sound to start with.

    • Like 1
  5. Sometimes with these its common sense - so much so you cant understand why the manufacturers didnt use much!

    Run the amp again and see where it is hot. If its hot at the top and its just sat on your cab then that heat will dissipate upwards away from the amp to try and cool. If its red hot on the bottom and its sat on your cab then the heat cant escape downwards so it will have to try upwards and sidewards making the unit feel like twice as hot as one surface area cant get rid of the heat so other sides have to deal with the heat intended to leave from the bottom. ie the top is dealing with getting rid of the heat from the top AND bottom.

    Ive never seen an elf in the flesh, but those rubber feet look very small - id be amazed if adding taller feet didnt help in some way or other to get the air moving under the amp to help the heat escape.

    If you want to give it a try without any expense - put 4 small items under each corner to raise it up and balance the amp on top then run it and see if it makes a difference.

    As i say, the taller feet i put on my lg1000 mean it never gets hot, yet without them you can feel the heat on the bottom plate straight away.

    It might not work - but for 0p costs its worth a try.

    I, like many people, sold my superfly years ago because of the heat worry.


  6. He must have hated that cameraman. Credit for not completely pulling awkward faces all the way through. I suppose he is an actor though.

    Why did the accompanying singer have the lyrics on a music stand? ....... and then had her eyes shut??

    Not without its charms, but i prefer the Polices version... if im honest.

  7. Hi all,

    Has anyone had ny success with decent compression settings on any of the various units on the zoom b3?

    Im in a quandry. I have a compressor on my markbass evo amp but it squashes really really early. So i thought id use the compressors on the zoom b3 - but theyre the opposite - i cant seem to get them to do anything?

  8. Ive not had one myself, but i have had the ashdown superfly which used to get really hot and ive just bought a little giant 1000 which some reports of getting warm.

    Ive fitted 'taller' rubber feet to the base and the heat disperses so much better. The little giant has vents on top and non on the bottom, so youd think the heat would disipate upwards, but the bottom got hot. Adding the taller rubber feet allowed the heat to escape a lot better and now it doesnt even get warm.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi everyone,

    Can anyone recommend a decent price (around £100) rackmount eq.

    Preferably like the ashdown heads with dials for hi mid lo and 2 sliders on each sides of the mids as boost.

    Also, may be a daft question but how does a rack eq work with your existing amp? Mine has 3 dials hi mid lo - would you set these to 6oclock or 12 oclock for an 'off' setting?


  10. Hi all,

    My main set up is:

    Yamaha bb424x red.

    Mark bass evo 1 amp.

    Barefaced super compact g3.

    Love it. All the sounds i need, in a powerful light package.


    However, im always on the look out for backup gear, but this has developed into a quality second rig which i can use at different practices / jams and rough gigs! Consists of:

    Yamaha bb424 black (bought on here for a bargain £100 in excellent condition).

    Ashdown little giant 1000 (bought on ebay for a bargain £100 in excellent condition).

    Cab - tbc but theres SO many bargains out there it wont be long.

    Entire second rig will cost about £250.


    So....what entire rigs have you managed to get together on the cheap?

  11. I went once thinking it would be a fantastic shop full to the brim of bass gear and enthusiastic staff.

    It wasnt.

    Then tried a few times to order a full bass rig off them over the phone (theyd talked me into a hartke) and both times that id rang they stopped the call mid conversation to deal with someone in the shop and promised to ring me back - twice - and never did.

  12. Ive previously had the evoii and they were great.

    Ive now just picked up a little giant 1000 in immaculate condition as a back up amp and it sounds fantastic so far. Potentially really loud and the 7 band eq really lets you dial in any sound.

    Very tight sounding through my bf sc andcan get some real growl to the sound using the J setting on my bb424.

    I'll take it to practice and give it a full run through.

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