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About lowregisterhead

  • Birthday October 28

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  1. Following the example of our venerable colleague Les, I frequented a very nice purveyor of quality kebabs post-gig last night in Kingston-Upon-Thames. By the time we got there (about 1am) they had sold out of lamb donner, so I had a chicken donner instead. A little greasy, but quite palatable. Our visit all went without incident, but I found out this morning that after I left, the guitarist's missus was involved in an altercation with a bunch of lairly, drug-fuelled, loud-mouthed clubbers, who took exception to her simply because she's Asian. She's a fiesty lass, so she stood her ground, but although there were no physical injuries, she got pushed around and called some things that I won't repeat here. I hope (perhaps in vain) that when the perpetrators woke up this morning they felt thoroughly ashamed of themselves. A sad end to an otherwise lovely evening.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Ah, sorry to hear of such an incident :(
      Glad to hear she stood her ground - more people need to step in, to make the perpetrators aware that their behaviour is unacceptable.....
      PS. what with yourself and Les - have I logged on to "kebabchat" by mistake? ;)

    3. Si600


      Mmmm, Kebabchat...

      Have you tried having the pitta on the side so it doesn't go all soggy and you can mop up the leftover sauce with it?

    4. itsmedunc


      The walking dead come out here too in the early hours. Nobeeds really. I don't think they would get away with victimising an Asian looking lass ( or any lass) here. Somebody would definitely step in. Besides, virtually all the takeaways are owned by Asians and all the taxi drivers that pick up on the long 'food stretch' are Asian too. Wouldn't be long before the walking dead were given the Rick Grimes treatment!

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