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Posts posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1475927369' post='3149822']
    So. . . . I've just spent 2 hours checking out Louis Cole in all his guises. I'm loving it even more.

    It's all good stuff, isn't it!? Have you seen any of the Knower stuff? Bit of Tim Lefebvre in there for you as well!

  2. Check this out, Rob Mullarkey adding bass to Louis Cole's "Wierd Part Of The Night", pretty great I thought.


  3. When I bought my (used) CIJ Jazz off here a couple of years ago it had Fat Beams on, 45s. Since I'm not a fan of steels and preferred 40s I found them to initially be a bit of a struggle. That is until I gigged the bass and heard what they sounded like! So full and rich with a gorgeous midrange! Blimey! I soon found I got used to the feel and actually started to prefer the higher tension. I decided when they needed replacing to go for Nickel LowRiders, 40s, hoping they'd be like a nickel version of the FatBeams. They are nice but they're not FatBeams. I'll be going back to the Fatties on my next change, buying single strings to make a balanced tension set of 45,60,80,105 and now that the price has come down I'll be having a set for my Carvin SB5000 as well.

  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1469810671' post='3101284']
    Oh gawd not this again.

    Compressors have absolutely feck all to do with compensating for poor technique. That seems to be the biggest misnomer surrounding their use - and it's a fallacy that needs to be taken out back, humanely culled and never spoken of again. Because compression is every bass players best friend.



  5. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1469133568' post='3096097']
    Update on this - bought an EBS HD350 and that paired with the SWR cabs and the 74 jazz with East pre-amp has absolutely nailed that tone and I love it. However, there is one big problem, I don't play 4 string live at all anymore so as much as the tone is great at home its not going to keep me happy when I gig. Interestingly I do have a Sire Marcus Miller and it sounds nothing like I want it to and compared to the Jazz it's really lacking.
    So the big question is what is there in 5 string that is going to sound like the vintage jazz with the East pre-amp? Is a Fender Marcus Miller going to be the best bet or should I be thinking Xotic or Atelier Z? I have got to get that tone but in a 5 string variant - so close to the Holy Grail of tone now!!!

    You don't need to spend two and a half grand on a bass to achieve the Marcus tone. Spend half that on an ash/maple Carvin JB5! I own an SB5000 (modelled after Marcus' Jazz in ash/maple with black pickguard) and its lush!


  6. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1469535547' post='3099059']
    I have had two pedullas. All maple basses. Both with Bart pre and pickups and sounded awful, dark, low powered and polite.

    There is some credence to the idea they are dark and low output.

    Having bought one of those Pedullas off you I would have to disagree! I thought those Barts (soapbars) were anything but "awful" and their output seemed fine to me!

  7. I have the 5210, the 2x10 version. Had it for getting on 5 years and never felt the need to replace it with any of what might be considered "higher end" brands. Never struggled for volume and to my ears sounds lovely and punchy. Always set pretty much flat, never use the graphic or "Vibe" control. Add to that it's a one hand carry from car to venue. A bit low on features, no fx loop or line in, although the aux in and headphone jack make it great for practicing. All in, I'm very happy with it.

  8. Anybody have any idea what pickups went into the 90's CIJ Jazzes? Where the American or Japanese? Only asking as I was recently trying to get a friend to part with a spare set of Lindy Fralins he has, then happened to hear the direct sound of my '97 CIJ through the FOH without backline and nearly wet myself when I heard just how good it sounded. (Admittedly, it was a very large pa). Made me realise that I definitely don't need to replace the pickups!

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