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Posts posted by SisterAbdullahX

  1. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1458560790' post='3008518']
    A wee bit late, but you can blame the Brits for that...here are 2 Eich 115 XS cabs - they're a lot smaller than they look. Will try them tomorrow night at volume...


    They look great! Looking forward to the review!

  2. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1456824101' post='2992490']
    I've been gigging two Tecamp 15" cabs since the start of the year, and I must say they sound the biz. They each have a 4" driver as well, which sweetens them up a touch.

    Here's one from a little "cave time" day I had a couple of weeks ago :)



  3. Yeah, every time I play through a 15 I find myself loving it, yet when the time comes to buy a cab I always think better go for 10's. Just don't have the courage of my convictions! I seem to have been conditioned into thinking a 15 will always be lacking something..."what if I need a Marcus Miller tone at any point? 15s can't do that! Or what if I need more mids? They can't do that, better with 12s..."

  4. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1456831084' post='2992579']
    With trepidation, and a touch of inspiration from Mr wallbassist, I've ordered 2 new Eich 115XS cabs, which are virtually identical to those Tecamp cabs. Should be here in 2-3 weeks.......

    I say trepidation, because I have it in my mind (somewhat unwarranted I know) that 15" speakers are big, slow and old fashioned sounding (whatever the hell that is!). But I really know this isn't the case and I'm so looking forward to receiving the Eich cabs.


    I'm looking forward to you receiving those Eich cabs as well cos I wanna know what you think of them!

    By the way, how will the Eichs differ from the TecAmp 15s? Do they have a tweeter or 4" paper cone? And how many pennies?

  5. I think it's time I owned up to it, can't hide it any longer...I think I'm in love with 15" speakers. I know it's not cool but why fight it? Even the crappy Carlsbro or whatever it was 1x15 rehearsal room combo tonight sounded great, full, deep, clear. I just can't get my head around it!
    Those Baer 15s look nice, as do the TKSs. Heaven help me!

  6. No, that's the 2126. The S2126 is the same as the S212 with the 6 inch driver added. Less "full range" than the 2126 but louder per watt.

  7. There's been a lot of great things said about the 1126/2126 and S112/212, but haven't seen any mention of the S2126. Has anyone tried one?

    Quite interested to hear people's thoughts on the H115 as well.

  8. Just a quick thought....Anyone using preamp/eq pedals to get their tone and using their amp pretty much purely to amplify? Thinking that rather than spend big bucks on an amp which may only provide one sound it may be better to get a "meat and tatties" amp for not much dosh (such as a Hartke LH500) and having something like two EWS Trilogic 2s or similar (one for both pickups, one for back pickup) and maybe a Sansamp for a bit of character.

  9. Just found this;


    According to Google Translate we can expect to see new Eich Amplification amps this February, and "Eich" is German for "Calibration"!

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