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gary mac

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Posts posted by gary mac

  1. Don't know about that, but someone is bound to be along soon who does know.

    My last trace combo had a fan that I thought was loud, it used to really irritate when using at home for practice, but was never an issue when gigging, not even between numbers.

  2. Due to being a bit bored and very glum today I decided to have a bass day.

    I've spent the afternoon with my bb1200 and the Wal.

    Can't believe I was contemplating letting either of them go in order to fund the fender gas.

    The yamaha hadn't been out of it's case in a while and I suppose I had forgotten what a quality piece of kit that it is.

    It was such a joy opening the case and getting it out for a play, didn't even need a tune up.
    The action is perfect (for me)and everything functions perfectly.

    Put my ipod on shuffle and played along to everything from soul, funk, reggae and rock. Sounded like a precision when I wanted it to and funky when required.

    Will fit some strap locks this evening and take it out to kick up a din tomorrow night for rehearsals.

    And the Wal........

    ....well I'm all loved up again.

    Still got the fender gas though.

    But it will have to wait.

    Thanks for all the earlier replies and info.

    Cheers, Gary.

  3. Hi mate. Love the look of your jazz.

    I put a set of wizard 64's in my Vintage modified jazz and think it was a first class upgrade.

    Even get compliments on the sound from guitarists!

    Can't comment on any other makes I'm afraid, as this has been the only bass so far that I've tinkered with. But I wouldn't hesitate to use them again on future projects. seventy quid (or thereabout) well spent.

    All the best, Gary

  4. Hope that someone can help.

    I've got a depp tomorrow night and this song is in the set.

    I've been sitting here playing along with the CD, but I'm having a problem with one particular section and that is the chord/note progression at the the end of the guitar solo resolving back to the chorus.

    Feel like a bit of a novice asking for help,but just don't seem to be able to nail it on my own :)

    Cheers all the best,


  5. It all seems a bit of a mine field.

    Watching a few on E bay, but mostly from the states. Some seem unrealistically expensive and then there is the shipping and presumably import duties :)

    Thanks for all the tips and pointers, I'm sure I will be asking more questions if I ever track one down that is affordable to me.

    Maybe it is time to move on my Wal and Yamaha's to help fund it.

    Cheers, Gary

  6. Hi all,

    I've been hankering after an old Fender for some time now, this has been made worse recently due to the flurry of postings from Pepone2401. Now I really want one, but due to lack of funds I need to consider selling, swopping or trading some of my current collection.

    Twenty odd years back the last thing I wanted was a fender and was really keen on exotic woods and active electronics, anyway got that all out of my system and now find myself favouring simple passive arrangements.

    The reason for this post is to ask for some pointers really.

    An idea of prices for sixties and seventies models, either precision or jazz. Good years, bad years etc.
    Pitfalls to look out for.

    Not sure yet, but thinking of selling,swapping, trading my Wal. It's an option to consider.

    I can't get any pics up at the mo, but I did post sometime back in the gear porn section (page 29).

    So any info would be appreciated or offers from fender owners, via pms if you feel it's more appropriate.

    I also have a 1980's Yamaha bb1200 and a , bex 4

    Sorry, bit of a rambling post, but not having a good day today.

    So hope to hear from some you, all the best Gary.

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