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gary mac

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Posts posted by gary mac

  1. Get more than you think you need. You've always got a bit in reserve then.

    A 100 watt combo will always have to work hard in a pub gig setting (assuming you are playing rock with a drummer) it just sounds horrid if you need it working flat out. I would go for 300 watts as a minimum, ideally with the option of adding an extension cab.

  2. I have aches and pains before even starting to play, had to dose up with super strong co-proxamols pre gig on saturday and a top up at half time. :)

    There were a number of articles on this sort of subject in recent issues of BGM. Posture and exercises etc.

  3. Played an open air party last night.

    First set was brilliant, second set not so brilliant, mostly due to one of the guitards playing just about every intro in a toe curlingly awful fashion. A few real Les Dawson moments.

    I've never played with gloves on before. They were thermal fingerless mittens, my wife reckons I looked like steptoe.

  4. More bmloody misery.

    Took my wifes car for it's MOT.

    It's going to be over five hundred quid to sort it.

    Gas deffo on hold, may be forced to sell some of my basses now.

    My daughter was unfortunate to be on the same stretch of road as a pair of pikeys yesterday. They crashed in to her, laughed and drove off. She got the number plate and contacted the police, guess what? Number not traceable.

    I'm LIVID. :)

    We are not having a good year.

  5. Thanks Pork Pie.

    Yes like I said it's all on hold now.

    Luck not good at the mo, but such is life.

    On the plus side, at least it's sunny here today and I've been able to do a bit in the garden. Always helps blow the cobwebs away and clear the glum head.

  6. Hi matey.

    It's a USA precision deluxe, purchased new from the Bass Centre when they were in Wapping.

    It was a strange purchase for me at the time, as I just didn't want a Fender. I had actually purchased an Alembic from them, after gassing for one for years. Got it home and fairly quickly realised it wasn't for me. Kept it for a few weeks and got all depressed about it, thinking I had wasted a whole load of dosh. Anyway explained my predicament to the chaps at BC and they kindly offered to take it back. Saw the the Fender and fell in love :)

    It is an awesome bass, gigged with it last weekend and it sounded huge.

    The only thing I'm not too sure about is the pickguard, a bit too Shadows maybe.

  7. Nice review.

    I hate the saddle screw issue on some basses, being mostly a pick player I've had a few incidents. Mind you it looks so rock and roll with blood dripping from the palm onto the bass.

    Best bit of the review?

    You can spell Squier ^_^


    Fender GAS on hold due to a run of expensive bad luck:

    Had to have half the lounge floor pulled up to fix a central heating problem. Now waiting for a two day plumbing bill.

    My trusty old car has died.

    Had to order a new front door today.

    Wife loses her job in two weeks time.


    Spose it could be worse.

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