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gary mac

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Posts posted by gary mac

  1. Think this is going to be a thing of beauty, looking forward to seeing the documented progress and of course, the finished job.

    Being a P bass chap, I need to visit Alan's site to check out the RetroB shape. 

  2. Some years back we were in need of a new drummer, so set up auditions. The first one to turn up, spent an age setting up his kit, tuning it, fiddling with drum heights etc. We finally launched in to the first song of his choice and he didn't do a thing, nothing. Claimed that he wasn't quite ready, so we started again, same thing, although on the very final note he wacked the snare drum and asked us what we thought:facepalm:


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    • Haha 7
  3. I tru oiled a P bass neck a few months back and now gig with it most weeks. I think I probably used a few more coats than you and then rubbed back with micromesh. After that, for a few evenings, I sat with the bass on my lap whilst watching t.v. and using an old t shirt, just gently buffed the finish. No vigorous, breaking in to a sweat buffing, just gently gently. It feels quite lovely now:) 

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  4. 34 minutes ago, martthebass said:

    Great gig on Saturday night at Dartford Social club.  Unfortunately Dartford tunnel was closed which meant the whole area was pretty much gridlocked - something us in the frozen north don't normally have to contend with.  This meant the run from the Travelodge to the venue was an hour instead of 10 minutes.  We were going to leave the gear at the venue overnight, but due to the traffic problems we decided to pack up and store in the van overnight.  This was very nearly a grave error as overnight a group of scrotes decided to have a go at a number of vans in the carpark - ours included.  Fortunately the deadlocks saved us but is was close.


    They definitely seem to target vans in Travelodge car parks, thieving scuzzy gits.:(

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