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William James Easton

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Posts posted by William James Easton

  1. [quote name='TPJ' post='246947' date='Jul 24 2008, 03:27 PM']Hi Mate, hope you're well. I don't know of any teachers off hand but you may be able to source someone, probably through Leeds school of music.
    I have short fingers and I get on fine. You have to stretch a little bit more but it's definitely do-able.

    If you want to try my double bass, your more than welcome. I get between Wakey and York quite often and Harrogate isn't too bad a detour.
    I'm away all next week but am available after that. Let me know.


    Hey man hows things. I mat take you up on that offer at some point. If you're playing any gigs with it then let me know. Im not gonna be around in a couple of weeks (sunny cali honeymoon!). but will let you know.

    Speak soon

  2. Hello!
    i've been flirting with the idea of double/upright for a while. new skill one has to learn in life.
    Does anybody know of a tutor in HArrogate North Yorkshire? and can you give me any hints?
    i noticed other posts on hiring etc. as i am poor and about to gt married i can t afford one at the moment. Probally dont have the room for a big double bass but and EUB maybe. do short fat sausage fingers hinder the fun?


  3. [quote name='BassManKev' post='243889' date='Jul 20 2008, 04:34 PM']i doubt you'll get the bass di to make that sound

    the odb-3 however should give you something close. try having the balance at around 9'o'clock, gain about 10 'o' clock, bass flat and cutting the treble slightly.[/quote]

    thats the ticket! nice gritty but not messy sound. with bit of bumph and not wish washy lost in the fuzz. i like. may keep.

  4. [quote name='dood' post='243884' date='Jul 20 2008, 04:30 PM']I found the trick seems to be mixing in dry bass end (with some rolled off top end) with a mid gained distortion mixed in parallel. The idea being that you can still get a really good beefy bass end and grit on top. If you can chose the crossover point carefully, it sounds natural too. The MXR isn't *quite* flexible enough to do that on it's own... maybe a customisation project is on it's way! I run the MXR and sansamp in parallel and mix the two outputs. I liken it a bit too how some bass players use a bass stack and then have a guitar amp in their gear too, in order to add a bit of edge and grit. I think Duff McKagan has done this, when recording amongst others.[/quote]

    i lost you after mixing! :)

  5. [quote name='MB1' post='243830' date='Jul 20 2008, 03:06 PM']MB1. :)
    Strings and gauges do matter a lot!... as individual as your choice of bass and amplification!......[b]The Torture Never Stops[/b]! :huh:[/quote]

    15 years and still looking for that perfect string! :huh:

  6. [quote name='beerdragon' post='243825' date='Jul 20 2008, 03:01 PM']I'm about to order a set of strings, i have no idea whats on my bass at the moment as i have'nt had the bass that long. but they sound great and they are really worn in. the reason i'm putting a new set is because i broke a string. i might try some Elites unless someone has had a bad experience with them.[/quote]

    never had a bad experience with thme but like all the others i've played never been WOWed. but they are the best i've used so far in my short life.

  7. OK my latest quest is to find some strings i like.
    Ive been playing Elites Stadium 45- 100 of late. If i dont use them i use Ernie Balls niether have ever made me thought 'these strings are great'.
    Never been amazed by the life span of Rotosound.
    My mate has suggested D'addario strings for a change. He uses themn on his guitar and has done for 15 years and also on his bass for 5 years and swears blind by them.
    Do strings REALLY matter?

    any help what to try would be great.
    4 string rock bassing (or near enough!)

    EDIT - when i say do strings matter, i mean the make not if you need them!!!!

  8. OK. Heres the score. I love distorted bass and gritty over driven bass. not too much like but a bit. I own boss ODB-3 and a MXR bass di with distortion.
    What i am looking for is one to produce a gritty raw sound thats nice and beefy but not to messy, the other to produce a beefy 'rat' pedal sound.

    i've been mucking about with them but after a my head hurts and i have to listen to nothing in a darkend room.

    anyone go an idea for setting i should use?


  9. my p-bass needs a bit of a rewiring. Does anybody have an idiots guide on how to do this. i always used C.D.T/D.T/shop (for our U.S users) as an excuse to get mashed so didn't pay much attention to soldering etc.

    any help would be great.

    At the end of the day just think potts neede cleeaning and jack input to be soldered up to the respective wire.

  10. Just before Hanukkah i bought a Jaguar bass off a fellow Basschatter (love it). it's black with vintage white scratch plate, very nice indeed. however always thought it'd look nice with tort scratch plate. now fender have brought out 2 new colours both with tort scratch plate. So i want one to replace my vintage white. Anybody know where i can get them from?

  11. [quote name='thedarxide' post='184829' date='Apr 24 2008, 08:42 PM']Nice and cheap.... I want one of these...


    I bought one just before xmas of a felow bass chatter. Black with vintage white scratch plate. im so in love with it. The perfect bass for me. think the came out in 2006 and cost about 600 clams so have a bid, you may get a bargin. i would like a second one in the next couple of years! Hopefully they will bring out some updated colors, black with a T/S plate or maybe a 2tone sunburst. :)

  12. I've refused to sell to 'Beedster' (as if thats his real name) as he has argued that Quavers are a better crisp than Squares. He has since been corrected and will never dispute the power of the salt and vinegar Square again.
    Good day.

  13. [quote name='Rumple' post='177356' date='Apr 15 2008, 08:59 PM']Quite right to! my appologies Rusty.

    I'm in no mad rush for it, just keep me in mind if you decide to move the neck on.

    Regards R.[/quote]

    I feel used! :)

  14. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='176684' date='Apr 14 2008, 09:38 PM']so has this gone????


    Beedster put in first offer, so waiting to hear back from him, you could start a bidding war and put some noses out of joint? :)
    damn me and my bargin deals.

  15. Never gigged, never used for practice, never seen the light of day. Has jack input in back of amp in order to use sub-harmonic effect that is otherwise just a 'press the button when want to use' job. Near perfect condition (Few cat hairs but will be vacumed good and proper before sale. Would prefer buyer to pick up. £130.

  16. Back on sale. My Fender Jazz (Japan) 1962 re-issue. Now set up, new strings, pots sorted and all back in perfect working order. No scratch plate and a a fair few cosmetic battle scars on the body but in perfect working condition. £225, woluld prefer buyer to pick up. Will be putting 'old faithful' up on ebay a the end of the week.

  17. [b]I have a hankering for a valve amp myself...not that I even remotely need one! [/b] haha, i'm trying to keep it a secret from the wife!

    no budget in mind, gonna be at least a year till i start my shopping. Gonna see what my options are first then take it from there.

  18. Hey Everybody,
    I've decided when i grow up to be a big boy i want to get a sexy/chic valve amp with a bit of somethiong special to it. You know something that is easy on the eye and dosent look like i should plug it in to my telly for 5:1 or whatever surround sound.
    I've been risking a good hiding form my boss by looking at pictures on the hyper mega net of the following - Orange, Hiwatt and Matamp (i bloody love the look of these)
    Anybody paly through any opf these or anything along these lines?
    let us know, tell us what you think. Why (if) are they better than these new fangled doo dahs?
    lets discuss and then i can start putting away my pocket money into my midlands live cash acount and watch it grow.

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