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Posts posted by deanbean502

  1. [quote name='umph' timestamp='1306178928' post='1242190']
    unfortunatly a vox night train isn't an ac30. I've tried one out and i wasn't hugely impressed.

    I still recomend getting your Soundcity sorted, you can mod them pretty easy to get something you like. I have the AD200 schematic if you'd like to use that to convert to convert the soundcity.

    Not so common these days, but would you recommend an ac30 for bass?

    Also again another guitar amp but have you seen the Egnater 88?http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/electric_amps_detail.asp?stock=11060715055139

  2. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1325015717' post='1479178']
    Another vote for headless here.

    For me, Status epitomise the perfect look for a headless bass.

    I've gigged with a Zon and Kubicki headless and the lack of the head and tuners etc is a Godsend on a crowded stage :)


    I had a S2 headless and loved it, I sold it to mojobass coz i wasn't gigging I was gutted when it sold and even considered asking for it back. Now I am back gigging I have a spotless 1990 Kubicki and it is just the mutts nuts, probably better than my S2. Although our bands set has started to involve some flat tuning which is a pain in the bum, but i suppose it would be with any bass headed or headless.

    I think really it is a personal choice but for me its headless all the way

  3. Thanks for all of your advice guys, any recommendations on a power amp?

    to be honest it does sound like a right pain in the arse, I might just bite the bullet and upgrade the head altogether

  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1324906191' post='1478364']
    [size=4]The Ashdown Little Bastard looks like it's 30 watts? Is that right? [/size]

    [size=4]30 watts is a practise amp! [/size]

    [size=4]You need a bigger amp for better tone, more volume and more headroom, and I'd still get the 212.[/size]

    I disagree to be honest £509 for a head to practise with is hell of a lot of money, however when i bought it i wasn't gigging so i see your point. But i have gigged it and DI ing it was fine.

    Tone was excellent and volume was plenty loud enough I had my little bastard turned up about halfway. Do you not think just adding another 1x12 will suffice?

  5. [quote name='eddiehoffmann' timestamp='1324900492' post='1478316']
    I think if you have a proper 2x12 or 4x10 and can't hear yourself in your band unfortunately you need a more powerful amp.

    I don't know how good the Ashdown 1x12's are. If you like the sound of it, try adding another one. You'll get the same sound but louder.

    To be fair i thought that thats why my rig is currently for sale :(

  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1324899749' post='1478305']
    [size=4]You can use 1 8ohm cab, 2 8 ohm cabs or 1 4 ohm cab. You can't mix 8 ohm and 4 ohm or you might damage your amp. [/size]

    [size=4]Do you really need more than a 212 cab? I reckon that would over most gigs.[/size]

    Probably not but i do struggle over our guitarist, do you think its worth adding another 1x12?

    To be fair though I have had my head in a 8ohm 4x10 and it still struggled

    The cab i had in mind was a LB 212

  7. I have a 8 ohm 1x12 and want to add a extension cab, i have found a 2x12 at a steal only problem is its a 4 ohm cab?

    My amp does have a 4 and a 8 ohm output. Could I just plug it into 4 ohms without harming my head?

  8. I still have my first bass, my Warwick rockbass. I didn't even play it i saw it, liked it and bought it. I had played guitar on and off for years but was never really anygood so i switched to bass which i felt right at home with.

    After about 12 months i bought a Status S2 simply because i loved the shape and colour plus im a massive muse fan. It cost me £1300 and after the initial excitment i soon realised i didnt need it, so it got sold.

    Now i have my Kubicki which is absolutley stunning and im now in a band so I feel i can now justify an expensive bass.

    There is some good advice on here so take heed but If your interested i might sell the rock bass just send me a pm if you want

  9. We are trying to promote our band as much as we can, so I just thought id post a few photos of me and the lads at The Indie lounge last night.

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