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Posts posted by deanbean502

  1. [quote name='fragglefart' post='1362052' date='Sep 4 2011, 07:04 PM']Still not seen the cobalt blue - Fender's own website still doesn't have a picture![/quote]

    Its special probably the best colour.

  2. Been for a ride to PMT in Birmingham today and they had a gorgeous brand new Fender Jaguar in cobalt blue

    I didn't know they had started to produce them again i just had to have a go and it was just as expected a very nice bass indeed

    Finish was exceptional and it felt really nicely put together and not to heavy. Im the market for a new bass and i was very tempted

    watch this space

  3. [quote name='2x18' post='1361331' date='Sep 3 2011, 09:18 PM']I have a Landing L1 in my collection - --Its superb in sunburst and you can see the actual one in Pics 9 and 11 on the Landing site.

    The finish Fittings and workmanship is excellent --as good as any boutique bass!!!

    You are welcome to come over and try it out and judge for yourself if you are near Leeds anytime - I May even be persuaded to part with it!!!!


    Unlucky no were need leeds well around 120 miles near

    Im assuming you ordered direct from landing? They are fantastic looking, not massively different but they have something about them

    The price they gave me seem reasonable, although after import tax i reckon we are probably talking around the £1600 and for that sort of money il be ringing Rob at Status

    Is yours active?

  4. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1356845' date='Aug 30 2011, 08:56 PM']Well The Bass Gallery in Camdem is great but it's more of an "High End" $$$$ boutique store, I would suggest a new store that has been opened less than 2 months called Guitar Guitar which so far has the larger stocks of basses and amps I've ever seen under one roof.

    It's a little out of town but worth a train ride, here is the address:

    Guitar Guitar Epsom Store

    6 Capitol Square,
    Church St
    Epsom, KT17 4NY

    Tel. 01372 730578

    [email protected]

    Store Hours

    Mon - Sat - 10:00am - 5:30pm
    Sun - 11:00am - 5:00pm[/quote]

    Yep Birmingham store by me is ace!

  5. Just an Email from Jimmy at Landing guitars USA

    Quoting me a very reasonable price shipped hear to the UK built to my spec totally custom

    but although they look the biz do they live up to there expectation?

    answers please anyone?

    Has anyone got one?

  6. Just been having a little jam so since I had it out I took some new photographs for your viewing pleasure

    I have done my best to try and catch its pearlescent finish so a bump for new pictures is in order i think

  7. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1342377' date='Aug 16 2011, 08:28 PM']Have you tried Statii.com? By nature of the forum, it's users have excellent taste in basses![/quote]

    It is on statii chris but still no joy really

  8. [quote name='gazhowe' post='1338801' date='Aug 13 2011, 02:36 PM']Perhaps you could list particular basses that you would be interested in trading this for? Good luck with the sale/trade anyway. :)[/quote]

    A trade may be an option however im a sucker for things exotic

    this may have to go on the dreaded ebay

  9. Right time for a whinge

    I currently have my Custom S2 for sale in the sale forum for the second time.

    The first time I was bombarded with silly question and offered ridiculous money for it, so i decided to keep it for a while and try again in a month or so.

    Now second time around its attracting the same silly questions and begin offered silly money for it. I know this is beyond my control but do people really think they cant get things for nothing?

    It is really frustrating because you get a promising email, reply and then nothing.

    If people aren't genuinely interested then why bother and go to the effort of making contact.

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