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Posts posted by deanbean502

  1. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='1240427' date='May 22 2011, 03:48 PM']As above, I bought an old 5er at a great price to see if I liked it. I did and then went on to buy a good one later. Had it not worked out, I would have been down £150 (less what I would have got for the bass).

    No regrets...I later sold my 4-string basses except my first one.[/quote]

    Forget the 5er I want one of them grinning dogs!

  2. I have never owned a 5 string bass. and I may be perhaps looking to order a custom 5 stringer

    I do like to drop tune and this can sometimes be an inconvenience so i am thinking a five stringer is the way to go

    what do you guys think?

  3. My S2 has a tiny ding in the side of the body caused by its previous owner. It absolutely kills me every time i look at it, I could probably live with it if it was me who had caused the damage.

    The ding is about the size of a small finger nail not massive then you might say but it really gets me down.

    I have had a quote from Rob Green at Status and he is going to refinish it for me very soon and since my S2 is a custom colour he said to expect a bill of around £450

    I bought my S2 from Bass Direct over the phone there was a picture detailing the damage on there website however it was quite unclear and when I asked them about it the damage was played down, so I bought it.

    Next time i will make sure I go and have a good F*****g look first

    I dont know perhaps Im just to fussy

  4. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1237346' date='May 19 2011, 08:06 PM']Any status with headless and bend well gives you 32 scale[/quote]

    Yep ive been looking at there new stock basses very nice, need to save a few bit more though.

    Which is probably what i will do just place a custom order with rob.

  5. [quote name='Legion' post='1233188' date='May 16 2011, 03:53 PM']I currently own a '75 mustang which is really nice to play - I owned (for a very short time) one of the SG supremes... I hated it, and sent it back the same day. Sounded terrible, felt terrible and as for balance and neck dive -urgghhh.

    I vote Mustang. If you think a neck is sticky just sand it down and leave it bare or do a light finish with tru-oil?[/quote]

    Yeah I have not really heard very good things about Gibson basses in general, however i need to try one out. I have just noticed they also do a short scale thunderbird to only trouble is its only available in black

  6. Guys your input is needed

    Im looking for a short scale bass and i am torn between a Fender Mustang and the Gibson SG of which Im yet to play

    I did play the mustang and although i liked i found the neck got a little sticky after a while. I have looked at the Gibson and found they have two models, one with dot markers and the other with pearl inlays am i right in thinking the only difference between the two is the fret markers?

    Im just after other peoples view and opinions really, have you ever owned either?

    let me know what you think

  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1227990' date='May 11 2011, 08:26 PM']It depends on the type of effect and how you want it to affect the sound whether you run into the front end or put it in the loop; as a general rule gain-based effects like distortion and wah work best going into the front, EQ depends on what you want to do with it and time-based stuff (chorus, delay, flange etc) tend to work best in the loop (or at least after your drive effects).

    Compression's a weird one, as if you're looking to smooth out the dynamics of your playing before it hits your amp and get an overall 'smoother' sound you need to run it into the front end of the amp, whereas if you're using it as speaker protection it could do with being in the loop.

    Then there's the issue of what order to use the effects in which is a whole other can of worms :) you're highly unlikely to damage anything whatever you do though, so experiment away![/quote]

    Yep that makes perfect sense, thanks for all the replies guys

  8. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1227860' date='May 11 2011, 06:39 PM']FX in line with bass won't be a problem but I can't see why/how the send & return make any difference to your sound? :) I've used both ways with mine & never noticed any difference :)[/quote]

    Definitely does sound different a lot more meaty.

    I have kept all the settings the same and tried it both ways.

  9. Right then been doing some playing around with my Ashdown little bastard recently and I have always used the send and return to rig up my effects.

    Last night i tried it a different way and plugged my bass straight through my effects into my amp and it sounds awesome compared to the send and return jacks.

    What i am asking is this a safe way to continue using my pedals or is it going to harm my little bastard?

  10. [quote name='timo' post='1220930' date='May 5 2011, 12:39 PM']I've bought too much stuff recently so I'm selling my Seymour Duncan Double Back Compressor. The 'doubleback' feature allows you to blend in some of the clean, uncompressed signal to retain tone while adding sustain. The doubleback section has a filter to allow you to blend in high frequencies, mids or full range, I usually just have it on full range although high can be good for slap stuff to add super bright punchiness. Other knobs are attack, sustain and volume. Its true bypass and sturdily built although I've just noticed its missing a couple of screws from the back, guess its always been like that and it's still solid.

    These retail at £130+, I got it ex-demo in October for £89.50 (I'll enclose the receipt for the rest of the warranty) and it's lived in a pedal bag since then so in good condition but has some light scratches, no original box or manual.

    £85 posted.
    Can get photos if required.[/quote]
    umm can we get some photos?

  11. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='1215893' date='Apr 30 2011, 03:49 PM']It's loud and noisy, I didn't like it at all. Glad I spent the extra on an EBS MultiComp. For a pedal in a similar price bracket, look at the BBE Optostomp as recommended above.[/quote]

    I kinda got that feeling to be honest. Im going to a take a trip and try a few out

  12. [quote name='civictiger' post='1208597' date='Apr 22 2011, 07:53 PM']Just need someone to send me an audio demo.. you dont have to introduce or play anything specificm or show your face, just want someone to send me an audio clip of the settings I will provide them.. kinda like a try before buy kinda thing

    PM me if you can do this for me!


    I havent got a mamouth, however i almost bought one and Tim at mansons advised against it because it doesnt suit active basses.

    He reccomended the mastaron. It has a sub switch from 1-3 which controls the deep you want that fuzz so it never gets lost in the mix. Im very happy with mine, it did take me a while to tame the beast as it were but you soon find the sound you looking for. Apparently Chris Wolstenholme is using one in his current setup

    And a plus there only £99 bonus

  13. Im Selling my Digitech BP80, never really been used and never gigged I prefer my stomp boxes

    need to raise the funds for a decent compressor

    £40 buy pays postage or your you can pick it up for nothing

    cheers Dean

  14. [quote name='voxpop' post='1209254' date='Apr 23 2011, 04:00 PM']If you are talking about the little bastard in your signature, just undo the 4 bolts from the side and loosen the 4 bolts on the handle and the whole amp will slide out of the case.
    I found the little bastard has to much gain on the input and will distort with most basses. If you want to clean the sound swap out the two ECC83 valves for ECC81's.

    ECC83 or 12ax7 have a gain of 100

    ECC81 or 12at7 have a gain of 70

    ECC82 or 12au7 have a gain of 20


    hope this helps.[/quote]

    very informative voxpop i will take a look, thank you

  15. [quote name='muttley' post='1187684' date='Apr 4 2011, 12:56 PM']Well, I can keep the Squire P for pretty-much as long as I need it but my teacher would prefer me to get an unlined fretless. Since this narrows my choice considerably (I've been looking...) it's a good job I'll have the loan instrument for a while![/quote]

    Dude i bought a Warwick Streamer rock bass just as i started learning to play, and i loved it.

    I have just bought a status series 2 custom and it is awesome. However yesterday I put a nice new set of roundwounds on my rockbass gave it a setup and i just couldnt put it down

    excellent sound and build quality I would defiantly recommend one as your first bass

    best of luck in your search

  16. How easy is it to replace the tubes within a head?

    and more to the question why would you upgrade from stock tubes?

    answers on the back of a postcard

  17. Ive got one of these and im thinking of selling mine aswell

    Why are you selling yours? To be honest the thing with me is I struggle for space and to be fair this head is quite large.

    Thinking of getting something like a 2x10 Tc electronic so I can stand it upright

    other than that a cracking little amp

    good luck with the sale, have a bump

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