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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Thats why im umming, i cant stand em, but i reckon one modded up to f*** would be ace!
  2. Recently picked up an as new squier VMJ fretless jazz on here, to which i promptly added a tortoisehell scratchplate to 'de-jacofi' it a bit. However i think i bought it cause i used to play all fretless years ago and thought i missed it, turns out i dont!, so im sorta thinking of swapping it for the squier vmj p bass if i can find an interested party, BUT, and this is where you guys come in, should i? As it goes i already have six stunning fretted basses, so would a simple squier P be worth it?, ive never owned a P but i fancy the idea of slowly modding a white one. But surely its more sense to keep a fretless handy 'just incase'!? As i can get a pretty convincing fretless sound from my other basses, but then i can also get a convincing P sound? thoughts?
  3. heh heh, its the new 'alternators' version of smokescreen who turns into a wrc subaru impreza, coool!
  4. thanks, liking it much more than my old ss1 and my previous LX too well chuffed
  5. thanks dude, which one?, im lovin the new LX snagged a bargain there.
  6. thanks guys, the jazz used to be a 91 mij 60s reissue now only the body and three of the tuners are original, the neck is a status graphite, with fretfx leds, it has an east j retro, emgs, badass 2, hipshot, etc etc and is my main bass and a real head turner!, the markbass rig is superb and soooo loud!, compared to the trace its a bit brighter and less low mid punchy its harder to eq to as the low eq is a tad too low also the low on the vpf is a litttle too low, BUT its awesome and im sooo glad i made the switch!
  7. thanks dude, i have the same problem i also changed the pics for better ones
  8. Knowing Leicester as i do id say your on to a winner!, especially if you can offer storage, and /or resi rooms with provision for member of multiple bands to pitch in i.e im in three bands can i use one room for three bands kinda thing. To illustrate the fact Doublecross used to drive to Birmingham everyweek to rehearse at madhouse rather than stay in Leicester, RPM is good as you know but does peak quite early in terms of quality for more experienced bands, and Quad is excellent but expensive and in my experience after spending some long hours there doing session work it can have reliability issues in more ways than one!, ive wanted to open a rehearsal room, cum band hang out, social epicentre in Leicester for years, go for it and reclaim leicester music scene while your at it!, (you know what i mean!)
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  10. no pics of the recently scratchplated squire VMS fretless jazz at the mo though
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. funnily enough i did used to own a prototype from that Laney line it was awesome and very heavy, laney got very excited when i phoned them about it.
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  15. sorry dude just missed out im sorted but thanks anyway though
  16. looks like one of the old laneys that were very similar like the db150 etc
  17. thanks all, looks like im sorted with a peavey off a fellow bchatter
  18. As i am due to move from leicester to Cheltenham soon im gonna be taking my Markbass stack with me but i plan on leaving a cab in Leicester for when i come back on the train with my lmk2 head for rehearsal once a month or so for rehearsals with myriadsonix. I used to have the peavey 4x10 which was heavy but great and available cheap 2nd hand but looking around now there seems to be a few decent brands doing two hundred (no more than 230 really)ish cabs but which is a good bet?, the warwick, ashdown, GK backline??, peavey there are so many? Id like a 4x10 ideally and the lmk2 is pretty powerful so as loud as i can go, i thought the GK backline looked quite good?? cheers you lot Gaf
  19. onstage dress sense, have you seen my avatar?!?! i was playing at run to the sun festival in newquay in that pic when i was about 18, NASTY outfit! (and theory, any theory at all. hell even tab!)
  20. ive had them on all my four string basses for over a decade at present i have seven bass with various types including a reverse action elephant ear, and they are all great, i find too much string on the post can upset accuracy and that the posts on the gold GB7's fitted to my warwicks are a bit short but they are excellent bits of kit. I treat it as an extra tuning head and check accuracy whenever i tune my bass.
  21. i did indeed own one very briefly, bought from guitar emporium, a superb bass and one i very much hope to own again someday Gaf
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  24. Im also from Leicester and can attest to the awful state of the cliquey, incestuous music scene there which is indeed as mentioned run by a single non playing individual on a buddy basis. It used to be a thriving and varied lively scene before it began to decline into a hipper than thou culture and was duly hijacked, now its the same few bands playing to the same people at the same venues week in week out and acting like bigshots the funny thing is there are bands from leicester that just get out there and do it but the go largely ignored on the local circuit, case in point: In 2005 my then band had just sold around 10,000 copies of our debut album around the globe and supported some big names and some huge venues (think glasgow secc, hammersmith apollo) we were regularly featured in rock magazines both here and abroad, not huge but bigger than toilet circuit anyway. I called the local venue (un-named) to arrange a gig, bearing in mind i have played there for 16 years and often filled it over capacity back in the day and have always had a godd turn out with the bands i have played there with. On this occasion however i decided to keep sctum it was me and just book as Doublecross (the band name) whereupon said venue manager said, and i quote: "Ive never heard of you and if you aint big in Leicester then your'e nobody!" we played rock city instead. I have friends from Leicester who,ve toured the world in bands, but no-one has a clue who they are! Nowadays though i cant get a soul to come and take a chance in leicester on my newly reformed band (split 7 years ago back together now) as we arent one of the regular handful playing often subtandard, bland indie. Ah well
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