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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. thanks, I think this job is somewhat beyond me, I've no meter and don't really understand what all that means, I've only ever changed pickups etc in passive basses before, I'll see if my sound engineer can help with this one, he works as a tech for a vintage guitar shop. I reckon trying to save the £ could end up costing more if I mess it up!

  2. I know this should technically be in technical, but as it’s very specific and many of you seem to have fiddled with your Ibanezes…. I want to replace the power spans in my sr300e, but they are on a connector (3 wires) onto a board under the power tap switch (which I hate) Is there a way to replace the pickups alone (I have some Bart’s that will fit) or do I need a whole new preamp too? 

  3. We did a private do in a place we’ve played loads, only to arrive and find that they had refurbished the function room into - yep - A giant bathroom. No soft furnishings, high angled ceiling. But everything’ was still eq,d to last nights giant bathroom, so it wasn’t too big a deal. First outing for my new SR300e. A tad heavier and less sophisticated than my sr500/1200s, but much nicer to look at 😂 

    • Like 4
  4. Did a test fit using neck screws borrowed off my sr1200! Went together perfectly. Only issue then is finding the right bloomin’ screws!!
    Every single set I’ve bought so far has been wrong. But at least now I know it’ll work if I find the right ones!

    anyone have a set of Ibanez neck screw kicking around ???!



    • Like 3
  5. Played in a massive converted warehouse venue last night on Gloucester docks. Basically a giant bathroom acoustically speaking. It was fine, with the only thing of note being me watching with my usual amusement as a drunken ‘expert’ regaled our sound engineer with lots of pointing and hand gestures. When I spoke to him afterwards, it turns out the guy was brilliant and actually really helped with some advice that transformed the sound and resolved a bass bloom issue. 
    I suppose mathematically speaking it had to happen eventually 😂😂😂

    • Like 7
    • Haha 7
  6. 1 hour ago, JapanAxe said:

    What’s that c-shaped gubbins on the floor?


    23 minutes ago, jimmyb625 said:

    It is indeed a laser stomp. Expensive but absolutely brilliant and so much less painful than a traditional stomp box


    • Thanks 1
  7. Private solo acoustic do in my local, easy enough night, voice held up after a few days off work with the lurgy, otherwise nothing of note. Back to bass duties next weekend, then only one more solo gig for the foreseeable due to my pgce course eating my life. 


    • Like 5
  8. I recently picked up a stripped sr500 body and neck that had seen better days and decided to see if I could save it on the cheap.
    Both parts were around £40, and I’m hoping to keep the total spend as small as possible. (Student teacher with no income beside gigs) 

    The black paint came off easily with a heat gun, but the psychedelic paint job underneath was tougher. An hour or so later with various grits of sand paper, I’m looking at a body that's never going to be perfect, but I think I can get it looking ok.

    I’m not sure yet what finish to do. I wanted a silver blue burst, but I’m not sure I can pull it off with rattle cans especially with all the dings in the body. So I’m veering towards a rustic finish using stain akin to the current sr600e antique stain. 
    Hit the first snafu already. After sanding, the neck no longer fits. Must be the heat, I’ll have to sand the pocket a bit. 











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  9. Bought this recently for my solo acoustic gigs, for which it sounds nothing short of amazing. It gives me an instant orchestra or more subtle string section or a flute background which sounds really nice. I did not expect to be selling this ever!
    However, i’m neck deep in my PGCE and I’m exhausted, so something has to give. And it’s the acoustic gigs! Hence I’m selling a few bits off. Some light scratches to one knob, otherwise it’s boxed with psu as new. 
    £150 posted uk only. Or poss swap for Ibanez bass. 





  10. Zoom goes to foh, the sonicake boom ave and eq let me tweak what I hear to sound as close to foh as possible. Then I  use the Rolls to blend my signal into my monitor feed. It works brilliantly. A multi core guitar/headphone cable is the finishing touch :)


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