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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='Rammsteinbrit' post='115262' date='Jan 7 2008, 10:14 AM']Erm, i guess i was just curious to get your opinion on the Deal.

    You see, im not as knowledgable as most of you guys, so maybe what i think is a good deal, maybe sh*te to you...

    Doesnt REALLY matter now anyway, due to the fact that ive paid for it now. PERSONALLY i think ive got a good deal, and im very much looking forward to getting the bass tomorrow, but this thread was really to see if i could find out some more info about the bass and the make.



    If you're happy with the deal, that's the main thing. Value is as much a personal thing as it is a monetary thing. Enjoy your new acquisition.

  2. [quote name='Rammsteinbrit' post='115178' date='Jan 7 2008, 01:51 AM']Thanks for the Info Norman!

    Looking at those pics, they all have the old Ibanez writing on the stock, mine says Antoria, so is my one a bit...rare'er?

    ....or is it just a pile-o-sh*te?

    Payed £206 for it....Ripped off or Fair?

    Thanks in advance...


    With all due respect, why are you asking these questions [i]after[/i] you've bought it?

  3. As promised, the battery box has been routed out. Took an extra night because I made a template with a small router bit in mind, only to find that it wasn't deep enough! Oops. Start again. This time I nailed it:

    I went a little slow with the router and scorched the wood somewhat, not important this time but something to bear in mind in future. As the more eagle-eyed readers may already know there's more to this body than meets the eye - a different kind of wood for the core and a cap either side. Core wood didn't like being routed much, particularly in the long direction. Left a furry kind of edge that wouldn't clean up with multiple passes of the router. It was happier at the fastest router speed. Any idea what wood does this? Basswood? Agathis?

    Anyway, only priming left to do, then it's over to you sis.

  4. [quote name='lwtait' post='113763' date='Jan 4 2008, 09:18 PM']looking good, cant wait to see this painted. any idea what sort of colour scheme or whatever your sisters going to paint it?[/quote]

    I've had some initial ideas sent to me, but I'm leaving it up to her to decide. One thing I have stipulated is that the design be reprised on the headstock. Should look pretty good.

  5. [quote name='The Burpster' post='113261' date='Jan 3 2008, 11:16 PM']N,
    If it were me I'd make a sleeve to go around the shaft, (out of old credit card or similar) rather than leave a gap, but if thats not a go then the top of your 2 optiions is teh better as teh shaft will be supported along its length.

    As for your Grovers..... bad luck that one... Stay calm ring up and complain and send tham back.[/quote]

    It's less than a mm all round, but I'll experiment with some materials before I mount them.

    WD were sound as a pound about it, sending out a replacement today.

  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='113099' date='Jan 3 2008, 06:43 PM'][b]Neepheid[/b], you got a router?
    Nae the kind that gets yi on t'internet - the ither kind that maks holes in wid. :)[/quote]

    Aye, just got one for Xmas. Got a wee battery box job for it this weekend.

  7. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='112354' date='Jan 2 2008, 03:35 PM']Building from scratch and the bridge I bought has both through body or standard options. I have no real preference which way to go. What are the pros/cons for either set-up?[/quote]

    I like the flexibility of having both, like a Hipshot A style (which I used on my first custom build). I don't have enough evidence to say one is better than the other. If you need any help with your build, give us a shout.

  8. Taking it to a more generic level, with screw in bushings, is it true that it doesn't matter if the holes are a little bigger, as long as the washer has a good grip of the wood on the face of the headstock, everything will be fine when you tighten up? I have a neck with 15mm holes bored in when most of the small, light tuners (like Gotoh GB7s for instance) require a 14mm hole. I could bore bigger to 17mm for larger tuners, but I don't really want to - it's a rather small headed 5 string.

    Is it better to locate the tuners towards the nut in a slightly too big hole? Like this:

    rather than this:

    (black is the hole, red is the tuner+bushing - exaggerated for the purposes of illustration)

  9. [quote name='The Burpster' post='111477' date='Dec 31 2007, 01:48 PM']Neeph,

    Screw in Tuner bodies are WAY better. My advice is sit them in the holes in your head stock- Lightly tighten them and then mark the locating screw holes on the flip side. Take e'm off clean the wood. Puthe them assembled back in the holes do up the screws on teh back and then finally tighten teh nuts on the string side of the body shank.

    Push-in anythings depend upon the hole being slighty undersize (interference fit) if it isnt it wont work hence your earlier Schaller experience.

    With a screw shank, you always have the option of using a (sligthly) larger washer and exerting sligthly more pressure to keep it all in line. Very secure set up.[/quote]

    Cool, I think I'll go with the Titans.

    [quote]PS Many Happy returns![/quote]

    Thank you :)

  10. I fancy something a little different for one of my projects, so I'm eyeing up Grover Titan machine heads. However, I find their size to be variably reported online from 11/16" (basspartsresource) to 21/32" (grover themselves) to 5/8" (some canadian place). The holes I have are regular 11/16" (17-18mm) holes.

    I note that they're screw in bushings rather than push in ones. Does that render any small amount of play (according to these figures - worst case 1/16" and probably 1/32") in the holes irrelevant?

    I've decided that I dislike push in bushings. I got a set of Schallers once and the bushings just fell in the holes. No play as such, but no grip either. Had to get creative. Ach.

  11. [quote name='bnt' post='110917' date='Dec 30 2007, 12:42 PM']Here's one that raised my hackles: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-62-FRETLESS-BASS-LIKE-JACO-BASS-NO-RESERVE-0-01_W0QQitemZ310011369196QQihZ021QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]link[/url]. Note the item location, yet the listing says "will not post to Asia". :)[/quote]

    His auctions are always beautifully illustrated and he takes the bass completely to bits and photographs everything. I look forward to his listings just for the eye candy. No scammer would ever take the time and effort that this guy does.

  12. Not swindled as such, but agreed a price for something with someone here, only for them to go list it on eBay without telling me and not respond to any of my PMs. It's fair enough, it is the seller's prerogative to sell it to whoever (s)he likes, but a little comms wouldn't have gone amiss. "Sorry mate, but I've decided to see what I can get for it on eBay". Wouldn't have taken long to construct such a PM, would it? It's just good manners, isn't it?

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