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Posts posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='440085' date='Mar 20 2009, 10:36 AM']Seems like a nice fella to me. I remeber the Scientology interview he gave outside a Scientology centre. I think Scientology is a cult that rips people
    I get the impression that if you told him you hated his music, he'd take it on the chin without being a dick.

    Billy Sheehan - he's alright by me.[/quote]

    Yeah totally agree, definitely thick skinned I think.

    Certainly very humble about it all too.

  2. [quote name='ARGH' post='440199' date='Mar 20 2009, 12:18 PM']A big fat shut the f*** up to the antiSheehan collective.


    Yeah thats the vid that made me cringe etc etc

  3. [quote name='Rowbee' post='439651' date='Mar 19 2009, 08:04 PM']I'm also surprised this is still for sale - if I had the money I'd buy it as a backup for my SA450. I think the only difference between the II and the III is the pre\post EQ option and if you prefer the pre-EQ (which I do) you can get the II changed to this.[/quote]

    Big +1

  4. Billy SHeehan plays music that gets right up most peoples nose.

    He is ridiculously gifted technically.

    Jeff Berlin states he regards him as the best rock bassist of all time, and they've hung out enough for Jeff to have a decent insight on this one.

    His early Niacin stuff is staggering (Elbow Grease and Stomping Ground are wicked super fast grooves)

    His instructional video is hysterical, one of the funniest most cringe worthy pieces of interviewing ever - but it has some great info in it too.

    His attitude in interview is great though - very cool guy, crap sense of humour mind :)

    I cant listen to more than 1 minute of that shred stuff without going postal though.....

  5. [quote name='Musky' post='438324' date='Mar 18 2009, 03:03 PM']+1.

    It sounds like he's being impossibly anal about the whole thing. He probably won't be happy after redoing the parts either... :)[/quote]

    An impossibly anal guitarist? Well I've met enough who are ****holes :rolleyes:

    Sorry, apologies to all those offended, I'll get my coat!

  6. Its truly not that important which way you play.

    My son is a lefty, writes lefty, does everything lefty, except music. He played violin righty, he plays DB righty, and he plays EB righty.

    I have a guitarist friend who is righty but can play with equal ability righty or lefty or upside down righty (as a lefty). He just got really into the whole idea of being able to play ambidextrously to see how far he could take it. Its pretty neat, I've seen him play half a solo righty, spin the guitar over and play the other half lefty (upside down righty); he used to be seamless at that and as fine a piece of showboating as I have ever seen it was too!

    He reckoned it took him 6t months to get comfy and a year to get the musculature all the way there. Dont know if he still does this though...

  7. Depends on the quality of the cab the crossover and the tweater.

    I really dislike the tweeters in the Eden gear I've tried, you have to turn them wayyyy down or lose any hearing abpve 2K

    I like the tweeter in my ae410 more, and can live with it louder esp in a band setting - its very nice. Even then I dont like too much, just enough!

    The tweeter in my son's HT210 is gorgeous though, way smoother than even the ae410

  8. I've had a bad back since I lifted an old HH 215 and tried to carry it through a doorway that I didnt quite fit through when I was about 22. Its never properly healed, so I know how debilitating backs can be.

    The AE410 is tiny for a 410, really small but sounds huge. I can carry it from car to stage without any problems and I'm unfit and lazy as hell as well as having said bad back. Its not the most comfortable lift in the world (it does way something after all) but its nothing like you'd expect.

    I have nothing against the 112 and 210 concept, but if a single cab solution is what you want then the 410 is magic!

  9. Whenever I walk away from my rig I pocket the fuses. I take my bass in its gig bag everywhere.

    Whenever anyone says 'Can I have a go' I say 'Sorry, no'. The inevitable 'Why? Oh go on!' is responded to with 'Put 7 grand in my hand right now and you can have a go, anything happens to any of my gear at all and I pocket all the cash' shuts them up.

    I don't lend gear to anyone, too many accidents through lack of care even by trusted friends to do it anymore. I'm polite but firm.

    I have spent a huge amount of effort saving up for the kit I have. I am not about to risk losing the kit or a friend over the kit. It's best for everyone that way.

    I think you did exactly the right thing mate.

  10. Immense [size=6]+1[/size] from me for Berg AE cabs, you will be hard pushed to actually buy a better cab IMO. You may find one that suits you more, but better, I dont think so...

    Also really dig the Markbass kit, but its become very expensive recently...

  11. Sheesh mate, get over it, thats the risk, try again.

    The reward for me would be to play in a truly original band again and blow away a big crowd of people I've never met in a venue out of town with a bunch of other bands there too.

    Only happened once to me before that I can remember (the important part being how original/different this band sounded to the generic stuff at the time) and that band folded two months later after 6 years work getting to that point...

    Get back on the bike and keep on pedalling!

  12. [quote name='Plux_the_Duck' post='431949' date='Mar 11 2009, 10:02 PM']Yeah well times have changed since 1870, father,
    we have high rise buildings and well paid jobs (and cheeky swines for sons)_[/quote]

    Well as soon as you get yourself one of them there well paid jobs in a new fangled high rise you'll be able to afford even better gear than you currently have. And be old enough to drive to gigs yourself too no doubt....

  13. Hey don't think you need to tell me how good Berg gear is, I've invested enough to know, but I'd have loved to have the full HT stack in the house!

    That would be an absolutely amazing rig, an HT210 on an HT115 driven by a Hartke LH500. Not that the LH500 into an HT210 is bad in any way at all mind....

    Although it should be noted that the HT210 is almost the same weight as an AE410, and the AE410 is easier to move around since its in a strange way more compact (although larger - weird huh!)

  14. [quote name='mcgraham' post='431359' date='Mar 11 2009, 11:20 AM']I wish I'd put this up sooner. It took almost six months of it sitting under a desk for me to get off my bum and shift it. I expected 'some' interest but not quite this frenzy!


    How many HT115s have you seen?

    How good is the rep?

    Nuff said :)

  15. [quote name='chris_b' post='431685' date='Mar 11 2009, 05:10 PM']Thunderfunk amps and Bergantino cabs are designed and manufactured by the guys who own and run the companies. Dave Funk personally signs every amp. If you phone or email you get an answer from the main man. It’s nice to be able to talk to the guy who made your gear.[/quote]

    +1 Jim B is certainly not averse to picking up the phone when a customer calls.

    Its a good reputation to have IMO!

  16. [quote name='Plux_the_Duck' post='431559' date='Mar 11 2009, 02:55 PM']i hate the exchange rate
    i want little mark but they cost so much[/quote]

    Dont worry son, with much saving and doing lots of work around the house you may well buy one eventually, until then get on with the washing up :)

    In the mean time quit complaining, I doubt there's many here who can honestly say their first rig is a patch on yours, lucky swine, kids today, dont know they're born (fatherly rant ensues)


  17. Oh that just takes the biscuit.

    His was one of the best free learnig tools on the web.

    I defy those corporate @55hats to find one musician involved in any way with any one of the songs he did a play along to who was in remotely upset that he was posting. Most of the stuff he covered was pretty old and he was doing it for free.

    The fact that that would allow more people to cover those songs, and by dint of that get more PRS royalties from live venues to the artists in question should be enough IMO. Neveer mind the direct and indirect free advertising. They should be paying him!!

    Sometimes this copyright business is insane.

    Corporate multimedia appears to always be.

    Totally wrongheaded behaviour by some soulless beancounter scum.

    Thats ruined my day :)

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