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Posts posted by metalmaniac

  1. On the subject of bein floppy, anyone seen this (bottom one)


    but seriously ive heard that to increase the tension in your B on normal bridges a pc spacer can be added about 1/8th to 1/4 inch which you thread the string through before the bridge, and increasing tension.
    Is this true... ive heard Yay and Nay.. so if anyone actually has solid knowledge may you please enlighten me.

    Im sick of bein floppy... I need to achieve maximum stiffness, otherwise I just cant get it on.

  2. 08701849990
    So the manager promised me next day delivery on tuesday for my items.

    ok no biggie.
    I was willing to let it go.

    But , it didnt turn up... i phone up today... now this managers not available... and my order has not been shipped.... and my order is no longer on the database.

    Surely this is worth a voucher.

    Moral of the story

    Steer about one earths radius clear of turnkey.

  3. Hey
    im movin up to uni in loughborough this weekend,
    are there any decent music shops anywhere?
    (to avoid any confusion.. the type of music shop that sells sticks with strings and things)
    Thanks in advance.


    PS anyone know where theres any sorta gigs anywhere close of the heavy metal variety?

  4. great... the manager from Edinburgh is phoning the web order people now. Who are nowhere near Scotland.
    To see what the story is
    After talking to 3 different people someone has finally had the intiative to apologise... and finally suggest an alternative product.

    Now waiting for a return phone call. How long will this take I wonder.

  5. Rigth they still ahvent got back to me in the 3 hours theyve had to find a box.

    Angry f***in call.
    Gimme the manager now.
    f***ing incompetent sales "assistants" too f***ing jumped up to provide any sort of assistance

    How in this world do they get jobs.
    Seriously my head really is hurtin.

  6. f***ing Idiots.

    Firts they let me order without telling me an items out of stock.
    Then giving me no other options they take 10% of my order from my Bank account.
    I have to wait a week whilst the item comes into stock.
    When it does they finally send it over a week after the initial order.
    in the meantime they sell out of the other item in my order.. and dont deliver it.. even though its on my invoice.

    And what are they doing.. telling me i have to wait for my order to come into stock.
    So 100 quid and 1 week later havin paid for 5 day delivery i have only half my order.. uncertainty as to when i recieve the next half of my order.

    No emails telling me the situation or apologising.

    And if the order does come in.. i will have changed address by the time its delivered.

    Absolute f***ing shambles.

  7. Hey,

    My band (www.myspace.com/risebandmusic) has got a National BOTB next weekend... and im a lil worried as its being professionally judged that they will see my band as a lil gimmicky.

    See my guitarist uses a 7 string guitar.. im on 7 string bass and a fretless 4 ... and the drummer is only 15 and our singer is midget.

    Dont get me wrong we do use every string.. not just for show.. but im worried the judges may see us as a lil gimmicky.

    Im expectin (and know) a couple of the bands to be normal 4 pieces with normal tunings standard guitars etc. Normal 4 string bassist who plays the rythm (arguably as he should)

    (we use drop A now)

    Anyone got an opinion.



    PS the songs on the site are old versions.. theyve since been slightly jazzed up to accomodate the 7 stringedness except for Seconds from the Edge which is on a fretless.

  8. Ardour have announced their closer to releasing a native version of Ardour for Mac

    (It already works under X11)

    So does anyone use Ardour (linux or mac) and what are your opinions.
    Is it on par with cubase, pro tools etc.

    Anyone got any examples of recordings with it?



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