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Posts posted by metalmaniac

  1. Well Ive been playin 6 string for a while.. now moved onto 7 string...

    Wonderin if anyone could point me onto any good songs/albums/artists with 7 strings.

    Dood should be able to help me here at least.

    Im already playing Nuclear Rabbit/Jean Baudin.. finally nailed Vanishing the whole way through.

    im playin a bit of bach here and there too


  2. My Basses

    Im 18 been playing since I was 13-14 unfortunately dont have my first bass.. miss it alot. An Encore P-Bass which actually was really good.

    I at one point had a Stagg Jazz Bass but (no offense to any owners/lovers of) it was unplayably s**t so got rid of it. Bought for 30 quid sold for 30 quid what do ya expect.

    Left to right

    Dean Edge something
    Custom 4 Fretless Solid Mahogany active Pickups.. Beautiful Low profile Neck
    H & S 6 string Sequoia Natural Passive (S'allright)
    Mania VTB-4 Active
    Conklin GT-7 (Absolutely Beautiful)

  3. Hmm, time to resurrect an old post.
    My guitarist has purchased some mod boards and currently has the delay in his Les Paul. And surprisingly... sounds brilliant and (not so surprisingly) really fun to play with.

    The way the delay is done it actually alters the pitch when you change the delay time which gives some quite cool (although maybe pointless) effects

    However as a bassist i am semi interested in Compressor/Sustainer they make, and Daf suggested a fretless with a chorus effect built in would sound pretty cool.

    But its does raise the point.. why not just buy a pedal

    I dunno.. in the future I might stick the compressor and delay in one of my erb's as I use them for touch style... would be interesting to have the only 2 effects i really use built in running off one battery ready to go.

    If I do ill definitely write some reviews

  4. Hello,

    18 years old.. playing 5 years.

    Play alot of different ways.. love my 4 strings fretted for a good bit of thrash metal (Very much influenced by Cliff Burton as a 13 year old), My fretless for Technical Thrash/Progressive metal (sadus, opeth, scariot)

    Also Primus/Les Claypool various stuff.

    My 6 string for progressive metal,
    play around in jazz with a mate on my fretless 4

    Also alot of tapping being dabbled around in atm with my 7 string and 6 string.

    Although with my band im pretty solid bassist although I do tend to play very leading basslines to contrast the Lead Guitar and not just copy it.

    A fine balance of keeping the music going with the drums from underneath and not just following standard patterns over and over.

  5. Lonestar- I input my bass through a pedal (tuner) to boost the input (mac mini's need an external preamp) then through the 1/8th inch input... no latency at all.. sounds pretty good too which just goes to show the versatility of macs these days

    although I am looking at buying a proper usb input.
    Just dont know which yet..
    And also lookin at proper software... but still dont know which

  6. Lol.. i was refering to comments on youtube.

    People are always so critical and offensive/aggressive on youtube.. its just a matter of opinion.
    I always laugh when when people write primus sucks.. then someone goes off on one about how the other guy is an immature so and so and should go home blah blah..

  7. Yes.. the problem with Mac.. support and the price tag.

    Ive used Linux (Debian Based) with Ardour as an alternative to Mac or (lord-help us) recording on Windoze. Only probelm was you really have to know your stuff, and it also blew my soundcard. wooops

  8. Personally, id say if you wanna buy more basses than you actually play em.. go for it. I think that instruments (especially custom basses) are things of beauty in thier own respect.
    Its like collecting art to me.

    I've never heard a collector say.. well im buying more Art than I paint.. maybe I should stop buying art.

    Lol thats just my opinion though.. it is a shame if a bass isnt played after all.

  9. Hey
    Just wondering if anyone else on here uses a Mac for recording/effects processing or what have you.

    If so what hardware/programs etc,

    I find myself generally using garagebands to process my bass, mix it in with whatever i have on my itunes and practice this way as it gives me a great way to play along with my fave tunes without blowin anyones eardrums near me, and also gives a great deal of accuracy when working out basslines.
    Recently ive been workin the entire album Morningrise by Opeth. Once its all mixed, goes through my headphones.. sounds brilliant.

    Or by any extreme does anyone us Linux/Windows/BSD or any other sort of music programs/hardware?

  10. Il y a plein de francais sur le forum maintenant.

    Mais, cest bien, je peux pratique mes langages... je dois parle 3 langues.. cest difficile...



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