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Posts posted by metalmaniac

  1. Post thought here.
    I used to say anything above 4 string was stupid and your a tosser if you use one.

    But then again I was 13 years old.

    BTW Cheddatom.. your band rocks. Would love to see you play sometime.

  2. I played in my rock band with my 7 string (may soon have recordings for you) where I play the bass plus tap a melody out, whilst the guitar (also extended range) played ambient notes and overtones.
    Me and my guitarist would play counter rhythms to each-other where I would tap a pattern and he would use that as a spring board to allow him to play more diverse idea for the lead guitar.
    I also played finger-style, across all strings, no tapping, chording, and sometimes slap.
    Not limited to tapping.

    I also played an open mic night with my 7 string playing a Jazz/Rock mix which many people commended me on, and I was even offered a spot in a band.

    I also played my fretless 4 at the same night.

    Ive never heard such small minded-ness as saying ERB's are pointless, you cnat use them in a band.

    If you dont like people trying new styles of music, or new methods of making music, why dont you burn all your basses and all your music.

    If it was not for people pushing music and instruments further there'd be no point in music itself.

    PS, that doesnt mean I dont respect classical forms of music and standard instruments.

  3. If anyone is familiar with the band suffocation, and their first album Effigy of the Forgotten, the bass is bloody brilliant.

    By a guy named John Barohn.. but after first album he disappeared.. anyone know anything about him.

    Kinda like Johan De Farfalla of Opeth.. although over on the metal forum (of which Akerfeldt is a member) they tracked him down and did an interview.

  4. Me and my guitarist once played a gig with pretty cheap (unnamed brand) guitars we had purchased the day before at a crappy trader.
    Upon finishing the gig a couple of young fans asked to play on my bass, and of course I agreed. When asked how much the bass was, I replied, sarcastically, "Very Expensive".
    The younguns proceeded to pour praise on how this was so much better than their Big Brand Basses and wish they could afford basses like the bass in question.

    Placebo effect.. me thinks.. however subject matter were 14-15 year olds.. nevertheless, I see 40 year olds act like children in the face of vintage basses.

    I did enlighten them later to the actual price of the bass.. at which they applauded my haggling and bargain finding skills.

    On a more personal view, one of the best basses I ever had the pleasure of owning was a very old Encore P-Bass, and i've never found a Fender or other that i've been as fond of.

  5. Mac mini, is pretty powerful, and through its firewire or usb will meet amateur multitrack recording needs... all in a package smaller than a pc disk drive bay.

    No drivers needed,

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