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Posts posted by mikebass84

  1. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1398330730' post='2432883']
    If these are the specs for the [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/products/1/Bass-Amplification/3/MAG/37/MAG-210T-Deep-Cab/"]Ashdown 2x10T[/url] it being 4Ω cab, I assume it has two 8Ω speakers in parallel.
    So if one of the speakers is 8Ω the only off the shelf way of getting 6Ω is adding a 16Ω speaker to the existing wiring.
    Ok it is really 5.3333333Ω but that is 6Ω to the average joe who does this type of install.
    But it was originally an 8ohm cab not a 4ohm cab

  2. Sorry I know there's a whole thread on impedance but I just can't seem to find what I need. My rig is an Ashdown EB180 (4ohm min) run into an Ashdown 210t (which is now 6 ohms as i've had a speaker replaced) and a custom built 15" (8ohm).

    Now I would ideally like to run the Ashdown into both cabs in parallel to get the most out of it but I have no idea if it's safe to do so with the load I am dealing with.

    Simple question. If I run both cabs parallel will I damage my head?



  3. Sorry if this has been asked a million times already.

    I recently bought myself a custom built 15" Cab which I plan on using with my Ashdown 210t.

    Now usually I would put the 15 on the bottom and the 210 on the top but the 15 is just a bit smaller than the 210 and doesn't feel stable. When I put the 210 on the bottom everything is more solid but I've not yet had chance to gig with this configuration.

    Will it make any difference to the overall sound?

  4. So the EP is now finished and available for all! Please have a listen if you get chance and let me know what you think


  5. Just won this on Ebay (totally forgot I bid tbh). I won't be getting it till next week so in the mean time I thought I would ask where it's best to put it in in my signal chain. I currently run the following
    Bass - digitech xbd - digitech xbc - Zoom b9.1ut - amp

  6. Played Rock zombie in Dudley last night with three death metal (or whatever sub genre they use). Was a really good place to play at and the sound was awesome but we were just on the wrong line up. We're not heavy enough for the metal kids anymore

    God I sound old

  7. The new Khaos Theory EP is out tomorrow. We've uploaded a nice little sample for everyone to have a listen. Full details will be added as soon as I know them.

    Please have a listen to the sample and let me know what you think


  8. I turn the eq off on my Ashdown EB head. I set my eq on my Zoom b9.1ut. This way I can always get my sound or as close to my sound as possible.
    ASometimes I will adjust the eq depending on venue but for the most part it's fine

  9. Played a gig at the Asylum 2 in Birmingham on Friday night. Was a pretty decent turn out and everyone there really seemed to be enjoying our set.

    I have finally started feeling comfortable moving around more while still being confident that I'll be able to play the songs fine

  10. I happen to live in Redditch which has a good local music scene with some fantastic bands (including the mighty Khaos Theory of course) and we've just been voted 'least musical' in Britain.
    Now I know iit's just some bs research done by people that have probably never been to Redditch but sh*t like this pisses me off.

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