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Posts posted by mikebass84

  1. Note to self: do not track with a massive hangover!
    Last track was the easiest track to record. One tempo. No time change. Nice easy parts with a few fidly bass bits which I nailed.... Yet it took me about 30mins to record one tiny easy part... Stupid jd.
    OOur singer is going back in this Sunday to finish the last track as he blew his voice on Saturday

  2. We have a Facebook page, reverberation, sound cloud and a MySpace page (apparently). We are in the process of making a website. Our guitarist happens to do that for a living so it's free.. Apart from the hosting.

    Apart from the website ccosts it's free advertising so I don't see why bands don't have one.

    Not essential but uuseful

  3. 1st two songs are totally finished now (apart from the final mix and master). The next song is the easiest song so we should get that down nice and early.
    Was done in two takes today. Bass is sounding really nice. Just straight into the desk. Next to no eq. Just my bass and playing

  4. Our producer/engineer is very very very picky with sounds and timing. Especially when it comes to the drums (he's a very talented drummer in his own right). Got the first song done bar vocals and guitar solo. Going really well so far. Sounds f***ing huge!

  5. Just heading to univibe studio's in Birmingham to record the new Khaos Theory EP. We're there for the next three days and we plan on getting three new tracks done. We'll be doing a video diary so keep an eye out

  6. The guitarist in my band had some custom made picks. They are about 1.1m thick plastic. I don't really use them but I always have one nearby at gigs just in case I burst a callus mid set (has happened before and... Owwwww)

  7. Headlined a show at the roadhouse in Birmingham on Saturday. There was supposed to be another band headline but they dropped out with just two days notice. Gig was dead (we expected it this close to Xmas). Played well. Used my new pedal set up which I hadn't taken to practice yet so was a bit risky. But worked out fine

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