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Posts posted by mikebass84

  1. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1408294686' post='2528729']

    Hi, (just joined) Only found out about the festival on Friday from something you posted on BC - lost the post (search won't find it). Anyhow spotted this post and found you! Awesome playing on that 5 - Thanks, enjoyed it.
    Was a poor show when you were taken off, lots of booing at the compare. Bit daft really only one song away.
    Got there about 8.30 so saw the reunion also , sounded pretty good too. Two excellent sets. Thanks!

    Many thanks. Really enjoyed myself. Nice to Play on a big stage.
    You should have come and said hi. I have yet to actually meet another bcer

  2. Played a local music festival in two different bands (one was a band who broke up four years ago but got back together for ones last show). We'd only had a few practices and I forgot a good portion of the set but I had so much fun.
    My main band we headlining the one stage and they cut us a song short so the other band could play who they then cut off a song short.
    The crowd went f***ing ape as they'd waiting around in the cold for hours to see us! Don't think we'll be doing it again next year

  3. I have a friend who is moving to America and is selling both pedals for cheaps so he's coming over next week but in the mean time I thought I would ask for some of your experiences.

    From the video clips I've seen the Swollen Pickle sounds just brutal but I shall have to spend some time with both

  4. So the never ending (story) quest for fuzz has stuck me again! I have the chance to buy either a Swollen Pickle or a Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi (for a rather good price)

    I currently use the Digitech XBD which sounds alright but I know I can do better.

    I play in a Hard Rock band (music links below) so I'm looking for quite an aggressive fuzz but without loosing too much low end.

  5. Selling my Zoom b9.1ut as I moved onto single pedals now. Has been gigged with and has a few marks. No box but does come with a Gator bag and the manual. Also has a Maplin replacement adapter.
    Looking for £100 with free postage. Open to offers.
    Is also on eBay so 1st come 1st serve

  6. Played at the Iron Road Rock Bar in Evesham as part of a battle of the bands. The stage was so damn hot I ended up jumping off the stage to stand under a ceiling fan!

    Sadly we didn't get thru to the next stage but we played a killer set (considering our lead guitarist was using a guitar he hasn't used before thru an amp he'd never used before..thanks to some theiving C**TS). The owner of the bar really enjoyed our set and wants us to come back as soon as our gear situation is all sorted.

  7. My bands guitarist had his flat broke into on Friday while he was on holiday. They took everything (including their food). Here's a list of the music stuff that was nicked. Please post around/keep an eye out.
    1x PRS 25th Anniversary SE electric guitar (in red)
    1x PRS Tremonti SE electric guitar (in charcoal black)
    1x Ibanez SX320 electric guitar (in red)
    1x Blackstar HT-Stage 100 guitar head
    1x Tremonti wah pedal
    1x TC Electronic Polytune II



  8. Played our home town last night with three other local bands. Was a pretty decent turn out.
    I had the choice of cabs to use (either an 8x10 Ashdown or a full Trace Elliot stack). I went with the trace as I've used it before and my god it sounds great with my current set up.
    I did have one slight cock up. During a break between songs I was adjusting the eq on my Zoom B9.1ut and without realising turned the whole eq off. Started the next song and I sounded dreadful. Luckily I managed to turn it back on before the end of the song.

  9. I use an old Ashdown EB 180 head and I love it. Nice clean tone and more than loud enough. If it broke/was stolen I would definitely buy another (if I could find one)

    Great list of artists using Ashdown. Would love to be added to that list one day

  10. Was pretty bored and decided to watch some old footage of the band. I found a video taken during our 1st ever gig and WOW!!...Just terrible!
    Did not like the tone I had, playing was crap, songs were slow....just terrible.

    But then I watched a live show taken last year and everything is so much better.

    Videos can be provided if people really want to see how bad we were lol

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