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Posts posted by Kev

  1. [quote name='Ant' post='5421' date='May 23 2007, 11:33 PM']How good is the arpeggiator?

    i've just found a ps-2 for 38 quid that i might go for![/quote]

    the ps-2 isnt known to be as good as the ps-3 as far as range of function goes, but it is known to have a warmer sound

    for £38 buy it, now. but i dont think ul be able to sleep at night for robbin the seller!!!!

  2. [quote name='Ant' post='5376' date='May 23 2007, 10:31 PM']the robotalk has a nice step filter type thing if you're after those random arpeggiator type sounds.

    also the zoom506ii has a decent enough one.[/quote]
    i have the zoom 506II, and it has a far from decent one :)

  3. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='5345' date='May 23 2007, 09:18 PM']On a side note, while trying out those settings just now, a security guard who sits in a room down the hall just banged on my door telling me to turn that "keyboard" down :)[/quote]
    this is what i dont get, as i said each setting from up there sounds really subtle ,certainly nothing like a keyboard, is something wrong with mine/my bass?

  4. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='5199' date='May 23 2007, 05:08 PM']Liking the board Bassmankev!

    Gotta ask, how do you find the Fuzz Probe on bass?[/quote]

    the fuzz probe is pretty awesome with bass, however it is greatly improved when used with a metal zone, the metzl zone give it massssssssssssssive low end, and it really sounds awesome

  5. [quote name='Ant' post='5188' date='May 23 2007, 04:43 PM']woo woo, gain central.

    Talk me through all your different uses of the gain pedals.[/quote]
    gain pedals? the torque is the name of my amp, i use the low gain channel for clean bass, and the hgh gain channel for my effects.

    if you mean my distortion pedals, i use the fuzz probe for obvious really high compressed fuzz sound (think time is running out by muse), the whizzer muff for overdrive and distortion, its the distortion i use in most of my youtube videos [url="http://www.youtube.com/bassmankev"]HERE[/url] (i may well be selling it when my DHA arrives), i use the zoom pedal for a really mild overdrive tone, usin the distortion module 'drive'. i use the metal zone as i really harsh metallic distortion, and i also use it to give my fuzz probe massive low end, which if you go on my youtube vids you here in my covers of time is running out and hysteria

  6. the muff has 2 extra tone toggle controls, which makes it range from an overdrive to a fuzz, has a super bright blue led, and a 9v power supply.

    the pitch shift delay has an awesome arepgiattor (spellllling) effect, delay equal to a dd-5's delay, detune and chorus effects.
    pitch shifting on it isnt the best feature it has, not that accurate and digital sounding, but i do like it, but i use the sb1 and ub1 from octave down/up effects respectivly. i may buy an expression pedal for the ps-3, turn it into a more versatile whammy type pedal

  7. [quote name='Toasted' post='3510' date='May 21 2007, 11:36 AM']You weren't listening hard enough. The Octaver in that pedal is sublime.

    I'd get either a Foxrox Octron, or if I had the space and patience an EHX POG.[/quote]
    no i gurantee you i was listening hard, and i still didnt like it. true its the best feature on the pedal, best of a bad bunch though im afraid, deep impact preset 6 ftw

  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='3341' date='May 21 2007, 08:51 AM']I don't think the deep impact was made for extreme patches, have you tried the EH Microsynth? You can get some fairly extreme sounds out of that, so I understand.[/quote]

    well i can get a more extreme sound out of most of them by messing round with the parameters a bit more

  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='3055' date='May 20 2007, 08:12 PM']LOL

    I had about 6 attempts at trying to embed the code properly. If I'd started with a simple HTML friendly app like MS Frontpage to convert the table instead of trying to force MS Word to create the HTML code then I might have gotten it in one. Its not perfect but WTF, the information is there. :)[/quote]

    is it me or do most of those sound really subtle
    however that first mutron one does sound funky as hell if you turn the cut-off up all the way! keep em comin!

  10. [quote name='Mobius' post='2996' date='May 20 2007, 06:07 PM']No actual board yet, but this is my setup:

    Boss TU-2 > Marshall GV-2 Guv'nor reissue > Ibanez Weeping Demon > Boss DD-5 with tap tempo switch > Boss FV-500L volume pedal

    (the 3 footswitch bank is for my guitar amp)[/quote]
    whats the weeping demon like? as compared to a bass crybaby say?

  11. [quote name='Ant' post='2887' date='May 20 2007, 02:42 PM']Have you thought about putting that Zoom 506ii in some sort of true bypass loop pedal? i've found it to be a king in the field of tone suck.[/quote]
    i would, but i dont have the spare money to justify buying one just yet

  12. [quote name='BassBalls' post='2811' date='May 20 2007, 12:42 PM']The same as the last pic but iv got some plans!


    dudewheresmybass how is the blow torch? Also, i had a go at a syb 5 yeasterday and is was not what i expected, i thought it would be better. The man in the shop then revealed to me that the expression pedal makes all the difference so naturally i asked him 'do you have one for me to use?' He said no. What a fool! lol[/quote]
    not a bad board at all, get rid of the odb-3 and replace with at least a haf decent overdrive and its all good!

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