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Everything posted by Skol303

  1. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1352051623' post='1858189'] Well, here goes [url="http://soundcloud.com/blademan_98/emotional-death"]http://soundcloud.co...emotional-death[/url] I found the photos really sad so an emo track has sprung up! (Sorry about the vocal ) Hope you like it lol [/quote] Dark and mellow, I like it! Your vocal actually fits the track well… it's like beat poetry, kinda psychedelic and dreamlike. The production sounds good thru my headphones too. Nice use of panning and everything seems well balanced. I really like the fact it has no percussion at all, relying on the bass to give it momentum. Not something I've ever tried myself, but in this case it works great. Anyway, well done for being the trailblazer this month! You've got us off to a good start
  2. Haha! Yeah I know what you mean. I did think about doing a mashup of the Jim'll Fix It and Scooby Doo themes (the bassline of the latter is fairly funky) but I think it'd breach the terms of the challenge...copyright and all that. Still doesn't stop them being stuck in my head!
  3. I've got the bones of an idea...been humming a melody over the weekend which is usually a good sign...but probably won't get round to recording anything until the last minute, as is typical of me. Looking forward to hearing what everyone comes up with. I think it's going to be a particularly eclectic month!
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1351792294' post='1855513'] I might be one who's wrong. Jo made a cake in that theme, but it was for someone's birthday back in August. [/quote] Sounds like a great cake! :-)
  5. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1351785767' post='1855391'] How terribly rude of me, congratulations to silddx and skol303 [/quote] Cheers! October was a good challenge. I think month is going to be even bigger. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1351789125' post='1855457'] Maybe it will be next months picture [/quote] You'd be in breach of the terms & conditions I reckon... ;-)
  6. Cheers guys! I think this month's challenge is going to be something special. PS: Wikipedia lists November 1st & 2nd for the Latin American celebration from which the image is taken, but that could be wrong... ?!
  7. LMFAO!! Great pic Nige :-D This is going to be fun. And VERY kind of Paul at 13 Guitar Co to offer such a great prize... that's got to encourage a few more entries this month!
  8. ^ Thanks Nige, the feeling's mutual mate! I'm definitely nowhere near the standard of musicianship shown by folks here, so I'm dead chuffed to be in the running for these challenges. Means a lot to get positive feedback from y'all! Very inspiring. I think our coalition will be a lot more meaningful than the current political one... Just PM'd my choice of pic to Charic (linked to a certain national holiday being celebrated today), so here's looking forward to another round of eclectic music this month. Cheers.
  9. ^ Haha, yeah thanks guys! I'd love to do a dance off but I've, err, hurt my leg. And my back. Or something... Genuinely shocked to have drawn with Nige, who I thought was the deserving winner this month. Thanks to everyone who voted and more importantly everyone who had a go and submitted a track. Here's hoping these challenges keep on growing - so more entries and more votes this month please! Thanks again y'all. Paul [PS: Charic, I'll PM you with an image ASAP today]
  10. Just wanted to mirror the sentiment of Nige's thread (cheers mate!) and encourage the BC community to vote for their favourites in this month's composition challenge. Link here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190256-october-composition-competition-voting-time/page__pid__1848153#entry1848153 Seriously folks, have a listen and vote! It takes less than an hour to listen to all the tracks - less still if you just want to dip into each of them. You can do it on your lunchbreak, on your commute, while cooking dinner, washing up, sinking a few ales, taking a...well yeah, you get the picture. JUST BLOODY DO IT! YOUR FELLOW BC'ers NEED YOU! Thank you muchly :-)
  11. Bloody great! That's a really tight group you've got there. Kit Richardson seems to be a superb vocalist - she makes it seem effortless, very natural and great tone tone to her voice. The rest of the band seem well honed and fit together well. Even the bass player...! ;-) If you're ever playing near Manchester give me a shout as I'd love to see y'all live.
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1351452229' post='1851378'] Pinned :-)[/quote] Nice one!
  13. Damn, this thread keeps sinking like a pint in the hands of Shane MacGowan! One last bump for any lazy Sunday browsers… head here for music and voting: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190256-october-composition-competition-voting-time/"]LINK[/url] [attachment=122219:bump.jpg]
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351360209' post='1850549']I have resigned myself to the sad fact that most people on Basschat would rather talk about stuff than actually listen to new music, it takes effort and the rewards are often too small for people to be bothered.[/quote] Sad but true. And typical of most music forums. That said, I honestly think Basschat has one of the best communities for this sort of thing. The votes are in small numbers, sure, but I genuinely appreciate the feedback given here much more than I do on other forums - mainly 'cos I have more respect for the people and opinions here than elsewhere. Quality over quantity, etc, etc. Although quantity would be nice too! Still, in time I reckon these challenges could start to involve more and more of the Basschat community. But if not, I'm quite happy sharing my efforts with you few creative souls and having fun with it. Cheers!
  15. Bump! In fact, any chance of this notice getting pinned each month while the voting is on? Just an idea.
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351204743' post='1848826'] Get her to bloody vote then! [/quote] Trust me I have tried! Was hoping she might have voted last month, but so far there's little chance of Mrs Skol signing up to Basschat. Horse to water, etc. Actually that's a bad analogy. Best get me coat...
  17. Just back from a couple days away with work... Great to see voting is underway and another group hug to all involved! I'm going to give them all another good listen over the weekend and cast my vote. Genuinely looking forward to it! [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1351191838' post='1848562'] Voted! (Not for myself though, doesn't seem fair to do that?)[/quote] I agree. That would not be cricket. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351199540' post='1848725'] Lady silddx voted for Skol! So much for bloody loyalty [/quote] It's a conspiracy mate... Mrs Skol hates mine (the swearing killed it) and much prefers yours! Story of my life ;-)
  18. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1350940845' post='1845471'] ooh here you go, a bit minimalist as its me, a bass guitar and a box of slug pellets! [/quote] [i]Really[/i] like that. Great bassline; the low chords make me think of Nirvana/Krist Novoselic for some reason. Works well with just the bass and vocal (and slug pellets!), which is surely a sign of a good song. Nice work!
  19. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1350859325' post='1844482'] I wasn't going to do one this month but got the urge today. So here it is: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/and-all-that."]http://soundcloud.co...s/and-all-that.[/url] Maybe not the best mix so it's a bit raw. [/quote] Got a faulty link there (I think it's the full stop that's the problem), try this one instead: http://soundcloud.com/mornats/and-all-that Love the baseline on this! Nice tone too. Sounds bloomin' great. The mix could do with a few tweaks as you mention; nothing major. The guitars are a wee bit washed out (maybe a bit too much reverb?) and the crash cymbal a bit too high, but I'm listening on cans so don't take my word for it. Regardless… great work if you put this together in a day - it'd take me that long just to nail the baseline
  20. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1350589309' post='1841041'] And I'm in. It seems to have reminded me of the movies of the 1980s somehow, I have channelled my inner faltermeyer, not sure if this is a good thing or not.....[/quote] Nice one Dave! I'm definitely getting the 80s vibe from this one. Sounds like you're pretty damn handy with a guitar too. Good work mate.
  21. Interesting thread. For me it depends... occasionally I write something that I'm close to being proud of - a track in which I've had a breakthrough, or learnt something new, or written a catchy riff - and when that happens it tops any other music I might be listening to at the time. On other occasions, I get to the end of a project, realise it's sounding cr@p and just end up being envious of the reference tracks I was hoping to match. But generally I end up more happy than not. The main downsides I encounter with my own music are: firstly not being able to listen to my own stuff without being critical (I'm constantly noticing things that need to be tweaked and improved); and secondly I always find it hard to stop messing with it - my mixes are always 'abandoned' rather than 'finished'. All that said, if I want to raise my sprits and play something loud, it's always somebody's else music I reach for other than my own. So I guess I don't consider myself as quite making the grade... not yet anyway.
  22. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1350561782' post='1840490'] Don't you mean the "Mother Fecking Washing Up"[/quote] I often use stronger language than that when tackling the washing up... my swearbox would runneth over
  23. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1350413523' post='1838547'] eeeeeeer [/quote] ^ It's been said a bunch of times already, but that video is brilliant! Very funny. Genuinely made me 'LOL'. A frickin' love Basschat for this sort of thing
  24. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1350515527' post='1840095'] Mine's got more knobs than a local election[/quote] ^ Nice one. I'm going to steal that line and use it myself if I ever get chance...
  25. ^ Cheers Mike / Garry! Glad you guys dig it. Yeah, I had to wait until Mrs Skol was off to the library with Skol Jnr before recording the vocal. Had a one hour window of opportunity to pen the lyrics, record it and make a start on the washing up... nothing like a dealine to spur creativity! Paul
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