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Posts posted by BASainty

  1. Im looking to buy a Multi effects board but there are so many to choose from I don't know where to start!
    I know I don't wana spend the earth on one that's all I know since there are loads out there.

    Could anyone help suggest any?


  2. [quote name='ras52' post='1084868' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:21 PM']OK I gone and done it! Black & white rick en router![/quote]

    Well done to you!
    Let us know what its like when you have it, it might be the decider for if I get one too.

  3. Im pretty sure this is Eric Bass's (bassist for Shinedown) signature bass,
    He has his in all black and to be fair it looks really really nice like that.

    Not sure about the blue though it seems a bit....I dont know just doesnt look like it fits.

  4. Lately iv noticed quite a few Bass Collection basses knocking round.
    I have had no experience with them and at the moment I am looking into getting a new bass,
    Iv had my eyes on a few Squires for a while but I thought I would find out what people think of Bass Collection before I make a decision.

    So what do people think?

  5. [quote name='casapete' post='1005464' date='Oct 29 2010, 04:58 PM']I see you found it!

    The AB series start with the AB10 and go through to the AB40/45.
    Think the AB10 is similar to the old AB20, certainly looks the same....
    I've seen them going new for around the £300 mark, and rate them the best in this price range, along with the Takamine 512c.

    Yeh I may save up a little bit more and go for a AB40 they are very very nice looking things!

  6. [quote name='casapete' post='1005385' date='Oct 29 2010, 04:04 PM']I can recommend the Washburn AB20. Had mine for nearly 20 years, and its still great.
    You can get them s/h at quite good prices - Oldman has one for sale on here in 'basses for sale'[/quote]

    I cant seem to find any on here I had a check.

    I have found the Washburn AB-10 B on google are they similar to the AB20?

  7. [quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1004568' date='Oct 28 2010, 11:46 PM']Of course, I believe that I have the best for the money.

    One funny though - I was in the acoustic guitar-humidity controlled area at my local Guitar Center one day and as I walked near it, a Dean Playmate just ripped it's own bridge off the sound box.

    All by itself, it did!

    Makes me want to buy one of [i]THOSE[/i], fer sure![/quote]

    What are dean playmates like?
    The anoying bit is that they dont have the cutaway body wouldnt that make it harder too play high?

  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1004680' date='Oct 29 2010, 03:22 AM']Agreed:

    Although I bought a double bass instead, for volume reasons. And clunge reasons.[/quote]

    Yeh i have a double bass too :-P
    I want an acoustic coz i love the sound plugged in and they are very cool ;-)

  9. There are a few acoustics I have been looking at i cant decide between the Fender Kingman, Ibanez AEB 10E, Takamine EGB2S or a Michael Kelly Firefly.

    Can anyone help tell me which are the best out of these?

    If anyone has any more suggestions for an acoustic bass for under £300 please let me know please? =].

  10. [quote name='The Burpster' post='1002982' date='Oct 27 2010, 08:44 PM']accoustic basses just wont keep with accoustic geetars as they dont have enough volume (physical space) so in order to keep up they need to be plugged in and then you are into the region of semi-accoustics or electro accoustics.

    I've been down this route and it was fairly dissapointing.

    I'd agree the Ibanez is good and so are the Ovations.[/quote]

    Yeh when i said acoustic i should of said electro acoustic since thats whats im looking for lol my SX is electro acoustic but i want something different to move on with i love the sound of electro acoustic bass sounds really cool!

    Yeh i my budget is about £300 what kinda deals can i get s/h?

  11. Although I do currently have an SX acoustic bass I don't really know much about them.
    Are there any makes I should really look at?
    Can you get a decent one for not too much money?

    Stuff like this could anyone give any suggestions?


  12. [quote name='funky_numba' post='991886' date='Oct 18 2010, 02:06 AM']I have listened to the BB414 on youtube (limited amount of videos tho) and I love the sound it produces.

    Have you used your 414 for gigs? Is it worth considering? Will my hands/ fingers need stretched to the limit in order to play it properly?[/quote]

    Not yet iv used it in a few jam sessions though and I loved it,
    I had it on for 3 hours straight and it was comfortable and not too heavy.

    Its the kinda bass that when you turn up to jam sessions the others do comment on what a cool bass it looks (especially if you can get your hands on a metallic orange one!).

    Its sound and tone no matter what style of music I play it seems to slip in nicely from funk and jazz too heavy metal, also sounds very good when slapping.

    When it comes too being able to stretch im not sure coz I don't know how big your hands are but I learnt on a P-bass with a proper precision neck (basically very fat and chunky) and at the start I wasn't able to stretch and I struggled for a couple of weeks but the more I tried the better I got and now I can stretch my hands easily.

    So I wouldn't worry if you cant do it straight away it will come with practice and hand exercises. When it comes to playing it the BB414 the neck is very comfy and isn't chunky at all. It similar to the neck on my RBX374 which is a jazz neck. Its just generally a joy to play and I wouldn't trade it for anything at all.

    I hope this has helped feel free to ask any more questions or PM me if you like =].

  13. I have been looking for some flats for my bass for a while now,
    I love Elite Players and Stadium strings and I use them exclusively but i wana know what the Elite Flatwound strings are like before I buy a set.

    Also could someone tell me what Ground wound string are? coz I have no idea what makes them different.


  14. [quote name='Lozz196' post='987681' date='Oct 14 2010, 08:44 AM']Yamaha make some quality basses - def worth adding them to a check-out list.[/quote]

    BB414, BB514, RBX374, RBX375

    All Yamaha basses above within your price range brand new and second hand.

    Also someone is selling a Yamaha RBXA2 on here for £200 which is a complete steal!

    Check it out [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=80382&hl=A2&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...;hl=A2&st=0[/url]

  15. You can get so much more for your money second hand,
    very often if you pick up a nice bass second hand that your very happy with and sounds great you wont want to get rid of it and saves money in the long run (if you wana buy more basses for your collection that's different) but you will be pleasantly surprised by what you can get.

    I picked up my Yamaha BB414 with hard case off here for £140 and its a pretty special bass.

  16. [quote name='noelk27' post='986393' date='Oct 12 2010, 10:56 PM']First thing I'd do is look at the fretless versions of the basses you currently own. Having fretless and fretted version of the same model makes changing from one bass to another a much more neutral playing experience. For years I used BB2000 and BB2000F basses, and these days I'm looking for a fretted BB5000 to use alongside a BB5000F.[/quote]

    Yeh would be a great idea but how hard is it to find a BB2000F or BB5000F?

  17. [quote name='funky_numba' post='986518' date='Oct 13 2010, 03:08 AM']Another Yummy Yammy then? I'm sooooo jealous. Are you in a band at the mo? :)[/quote]

    A very yummy Yammy =P
    And nope no band at the moment im currently running free =P

  18. [quote name='Sean' post='986339' date='Oct 12 2010, 10:19 PM']I have a BB that you can see here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81828&hl=Yamaha+bb"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=Yamaha+bb[/url] and I have another two that you can find under the review forum. Great instruments and there's always room for another. I fancy a BB3000MA - great basses and they look so wrong with those totally stupid inlays.[/quote]

    I am very very VERY VERY VERY jealous that you have a Super BB!
    I wish I could afford one I want one so badly!
    What are they like to play? Are they worth the money?

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