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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='42204' date='Aug 6 2007, 10:15 PM']Bah, my wife makes me do things like that-pain in the bum, eh? Lovely bass. I'm interested in your comments on the S-1 switching. I have it on my new P-bass, and on mine it changes the sound from a nice rich, full sound to a thin and weedy one with a noticeable drop in volume. I never use it. Love the bass otherwise, although the case it came with, as far as I can see the same asymmetrical job that you have, is a load of rubbish. Poorly put together, and one of the clasps isn't even put on straight. It's a pain to do up, and the shop I bought it from is currently chasing the Fender rep for a replacement. On the subject of the scratchplate, Fender seem awfully fond of the white ones at the moment. I wanted a black one, and although it's theoretically possible to get one from Fender with a black scratchplate, I was told that even if you order your bass with a black scratchplate, there's no guarantee it won't arrive with a white one! I had to get the bass with a white one and buy a black one separately! Enjoy, unexpected purchases like that are often the best ones.[/quote] Get your money back for the case and buy a Hiscox ... Much better .. chaeper too
  2. [quote name='daflewis' post='41544' date='Aug 5 2007, 11:58 AM']very interesting, that seems a great price for what looks like a very sturdy bit of kit! i have a six month old warwick rock bag, which i've used a couple of dozen times and already one of the strap adjusters has broken making it unusable as a rucksack, also the nylon has ripped around the front handle, the stitching has come away and the fake leather on another handle has ripped.... in short, a pile of sh*t! [/quote] Take it back quoting the sale of goods act and get your money back ..
  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='41256' date='Aug 4 2007, 01:25 PM']The poor singer couldn't pitch it![/quote] Sorry My Evil Twin just typed that
  4. OldGit

    Shukus ??

    Surely it's now a Stuker
  5. Started Midnight Hour intro with a big fat C chord instead of a big fat F chord last night .. My band gave me a bad time over the mics about converting to a 5 string at my advanced age .. As I pointed out to them (also on mic), I'd counted the notes I'd played at the gig up to that point and there were 5764 correct ones. I play ONE wrong note and they give me hell ... The audience were well into our humour by then and were rolling about laughing with us ...
  6. [quote name='paul, the' post='41098' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:50 PM']pauls' are 'damage' and modest. --- You Londoners should all think yourselves lucky. The best basses I have available within a 30 mile radius are Mexican Fenders. And never below £400 used. Unless a Dean Edge Hammer is a good bass? Only £690[/quote] So once in a blue moon you have to drive to a big city to buy a bass ... but you have the seaside everyday ... I know which I'd choose
  7. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40967' date='Aug 3 2007, 04:16 PM']Superb. Well I'm moving to Bristol end of this year, high student population, just need to find the right band - folk'n'roll just moved up on the list![/quote] Yeah Seems to be flavour of the month at Bristol.ac.uk We've had about 5 enquiries from them this month. Drop me a PM and I'll put you in touch with a few people who know a few people .. Also get onto the [url="http://www.bristolrock.co.uk/"]Bristol Rocks Website[/url]
  8. [quote name='wazz' post='40905' date='Aug 3 2007, 02:07 PM']It does look like a meeting of the 'statues' club rather than a dancing audience.[/quote] Oh they all danced all night .. except for when they stopped for orange juice and chocolate biscuits... I kid you not They are stood still, and I'm not playing, 'cos it's a Ceilidh and I took the picture at dance setup time .. We are just telling them when to do a left hand star or Doh! Zee Doh!, Homer, or whatever... So, to pile on your agony G-bitch, there's 110 attractive students all doing what we tell them to ..... See, Folk 'n' Roll can be fun after all .....
  9. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40903' date='Aug 3 2007, 02:01 PM']Damn right! What i'd give to be playing infront of a largely female student crowd. (I'm 28 so it isn't that pervy )[/quote] You just need the right band
  10. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40889' date='Aug 3 2007, 01:23 PM']baaaarstard![/quote] Was that comment aimed at me, G-bitch?
  11. [quote name='wazz' post='40783' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:34 AM']And where can I get such lifesaving specs? Of course its worse when said totty is the bride then again, it could be the brides mother.[/quote] We got ours custom made by Foster Grant ... Our wives organised it Here's a gig I did recently ... 110 students ... 15 of them were guys ... Oh and if you ever wondered why it's not such a good idea to watch your laces or frets whilst you play ....
  12. OldGit

    Shukus ??

    Well the temporary rise in humidity seems to have made it look even better Nice one Dave OG
  13. [quote name='JPJ' post='40798' date='Aug 3 2007, 10:09 AM']The Newcastle SC must be the exception that proves the rule here. I have always found the staff there to be friendly and helpful, but I have been shopping there since it was Rock City back in the late seventies/early eighties. Never bought anything significant off them, just strings, pedals and the like but I am encouraged to try anything I want (and frequently do!). Maybe its because my guitarist brother-in-law spends a small fortune with them every year on Gibsons and Jacksons, perhaps they think that I'll eventually catch the bug and have to join him. Nice end to this post is that my fifteen year old daughter (who plays violin and a bit of guitar) went into the Newcastle branch with a couple of her mates on a Sat afternoon. One of the guys recognised her as my daughter and let her try out a USA tele, telling her to fetch me along to buy it for her. Her friends were suitably impressed and she walked out about two foot taller than she had walked in.[/quote] That's what they should do for everyone, not just people they recognise. If you daughter had what seems to be the "normal" treatement she'd have walked out 2 feet smaller feeling like a shoplifiting timewater and never gone back ..
  14. [quote name='wazz' post='40776' date='Aug 3 2007, 09:22 AM']I dont mind the mistakes cos thats live music. Its when my concentration/attention goes elsewhere (on the dancefloor) and I forget what section of what song that I get slightly humbled! Not good when you are supposed to be the MD! Must try harder next time...[/quote] Ah sounds like you need some TSGs (Totty Sensitive Glasses) They go totally black when there's a distraction on the dancefloor during gigs.
  15. I never ever ever play a gig without a mistake. It's my unique selling point I used to play in a band with a guitarist who would glare at me everytime he thought I'd made a mistake (and this included playing a minor third rather than the root note he was expecting) ... He didn't last long ...
  16. [quote name='Tinman' post='40145' date='Aug 1 2007, 06:53 PM']No, but she's gonna get one if she mentions bloody holidays again for the next six months [/quote] Aw Such a sweet couple
  17. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='40132' date='Aug 1 2007, 06:33 PM']Dear OG, please don't fret - I'm not the violent type Tinman (and yourself and anyone else who may have encouraged him to spend money) are henceforth forgiven as Tinman is taking me away for a week Christmas in a 4* hotel overlooking the Nile in Luxor (paid for mostly by my feverish collecting of Tesco clubcard points but we still needed to add a bit plus I've been mithering him nonstop for three days - and he didn't bat an eyelid, bless him :wub: ) All is well in the Tinnie household [/quote] no black eye then?
  18. OldGit

    Shukus ??

    [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='39688' date='Jul 31 2007, 07:49 PM']It cost £250 - though would have been much less if I hadn't wanted the high gloss finish. No plans to upgrade the EQ...............................................for the mo!! I am going to send the neck off to Sims for side LEDs though , probably fairly soon. I spoke to them and can keep the cost down by doing the final wiring myself , doesn't seem too difficult.[/quote] Yeah Lights are so cooool and really useful too ..
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' post='40081' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:47 PM'] - Just as well I never mentioned my Behringer head & ancient Peavey 1x15 then! J.[/quote] Ha ha I love Peavey 1x15's specially the BW's .. Nowt wrong with them .. I'm too posh for behringer though
  20. [quote name='skywalker' post='40078' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:45 PM']Write right handed, eat right handed, play bass right handed, play drums left handed, play golf left handed, bat (cricket) left handed, bowl (cricket) right handed, kick with both feet. Am I right or am I left??[/quote] You are just a crazy mixed up kid.
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' post='40056' date='Aug 1 2007, 03:59 PM']I can't put into words how glad I am that I don't share that viewpoint. My band recently played a couple of gigs in Northern Ireland, as guests of a local band. Their bassist has a lovely Warwick Corvette 6er which probably cost more than all of my no-name oriental cheapos put together. I'm delighted to say he was drooling over the tone I got from my £60 JapCrap CSL jazz copy - and now has me looking out for one for him! And anyway, let's face it - Joe Punter couldn't tell an Ace Pro from a Fodera! J.[/quote] Yup You lucky man I've had that experience before too - almost .. guy at the jam I go to now and then has a Marlin P bass, aincient strings, one knob missing, through a HH head and a Vox cab. Total retail value about 50 quid. Sounds great. It's kinda depressing sometimes
  22. Play jazz now and then so I guess I masturbate with both hands... and large brass implement
  23. [quote name='Roo' post='40023' date='Aug 1 2007, 02:57 PM']I've been to the Bristol SC twice with a guitarist friend (he was looking for a Schecter). I thought it was really good, the first time I went there the selection was massive, and the prices pretty cheap, the guys in there were pretty cool as well, I just asked to play some stuff and he left me to it. The second time I went was pretty much the same, perhaps a slightly smaller selection. This time I played on 4 'Wicks and the guy didn't seem to mind that I wanted to try the different models. I hope to go there sometime soon now I've got a fair wad of cash.[/quote] It's true that some people have an Ok experience visiting SC but it is a bit hit and miss. If you are in Bristol there's a plethora of music shops to go to so shop around. Maybe you can buy the same thinkg in an independant shop and help it keep trading...
  24. [quote name='G-bitch' post='40018' date='Aug 1 2007, 02:35 PM']Thomann's mail order customer service is pretty sh*t hot - that wouldn't be as bad as it sounds![/quote] Yeah I meant it would be a positive thing. Thomann seem to have got it sussed.
  25. [quote name='douggy' post='39931' date='Aug 1 2007, 11:48 AM']there is a nationwide staff training program , and music academys in some of the stores. dosent help my attitude tho doug[/quote] Oh well... I'll just wait 'till Thomann take them over then ...
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