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Posts posted by Phil-osopher10

  1. I have heard about the Mcllroy but i never knew he used to be a lowden luthier, I once was taking to a fella who took his lowden back down to George to do some work on it and he was able to remember making it 20 years on, gave him a free strap and all! I think the personal touch in selling is being lost a bit, so I appreciate hearing good customer service!

  2. I have an friend who is a truely phenominal guitarist and he played a taylor in a shop in belfast and was never able to forget it until he went for the 314ce a couple of weeks ago!

    There is a hofner sitting in my local music shop that is usually full of chords etc. it's from 1958 or something, pretty rare i thought. I would love to play a Lowden!

    Re: electric/acoustic My feeling is that a good amp is better than having a good electric! a good valve amp can make a guitar sound beautiful! We played through a mesa once and oh my word, tone to die for!

  3. I tend to agree with the beer man! I have played some pieces of dung that will always be dung and i've played nice taylors and there is a significant difference. I'll keep that in mind! I was thinking of going for a taylor and i am unsure whether to go for the 300 series or the 200 series, do the electronics merit a £500 price increase? I played a lovely freshman apollo 2oc in a local shop it was £400 but was already sold!

  4. Some very nice guitars! I must say I'm a fan of cut aways from an aesthetic point of view! I know all guitars will have different sounds but how does the cut away design the tone? I'm relatively new to the whole acoustic thing as I have had some bad westfield experiences! I have heard good things about fyldes though! I'm pretty self conscience about going into guitar shops and playing as I think the staff are secretly judging me. haha.

    what is the difference between just solid tops and solid tops, back and side?

  5. Ok I've had a nosey through the other guitar porn pictures and as lovely as they are most of them are electric. How about we get a thread devoted solely to acoustic guitars (semi's included). Oh and if you want to give a wee story about your favourite guitar and why it is all the better!

    I would start off but mine is terrible, thus the reason why I am starting this to have a look at what is on offer! Sneaky sneaky.

  6. Personally I'm not a fan of orange as I find the break up to early, I do love the clean jazz sort of sound.

    Also that Evil robot does look interesting however I have very little idea as to what it sounds like as that fella phil x is incredibly annoying!

  7. I am a big fan of a really nice and clean sound with a little touch of reverb. which I can get from a mates SS amp, however when you are trying to get a wee bit more meat in the overdrive when songs require it just doesn't have it. It's like a really nasal sounding overdrive and sounds less full to my ears.

    I have been playing bass for my church for 7 years or so, and they said to me about guitar as I have been noodling on them for a bit and sort of know some stuff with regards to fret positions (you'd think after all these years I would, haha) The fella says I can use his fender strat which is a nice guitar to play! But his amp, as versatile as it is just doesn't do it for me!


  8. I think I'll have to try a few guitars befoe I buy! I have been leant a Ibanez something and it's black, that is all I know, but it'll do the job for now till I really start getting into it/find a guitar I love! However I do remember going from my first basss to my first expensive bass, my playing improved dramatically as I didn't want to put it down! So I think the same would happen with a guitar.

    I think that valve amps are nice, I know they are over priced to the max especially mesa's but the do sound mighty fine to me, I like have a number of channels etc. However I'd be looking at 30W and 50 max W, wouldn't need anything bigger! But again that can wait till I have improved.

    As for the acoustic I think it is always nice to have one lying about!

    I think GAS in 2012 is going to be huge! Haha

  9. I think it'd rock sort of music with a wee bit of church stuff chucked in there for good measure! What I'm sort of looking for is a cheapish guitar that is known for having good playability! And yeah the mesa would be a waste! What are Godin guitars like?

  10. I recently have had a little bit of an intrest in picking up a second instrument and did, tele rip off £20 I thought not bad but I am currently doing it up and thus it is out of action. What I would like to know is should I get a semi decent acoustic to learn or just go use an electric to learn? What sort of brands should I look out for?

    Any recommendations as to where I can get tele electrics?

    What about amps? I would love a mesa... haha

  11. I played the classis j in a car in a local store and it was an absolute blinder! Incredible instrument, actually I may go in tomorrow and pick it up if it is still there. Though I am interested in finding out when production 3/4 is coming and what will be on it!

  12. So, I got to try out a sadowsky today, it was a 5 stringer and having been used to a Warwick 5 I was a bit taken back by how wide the fingerboard was. It was also a maple neck and I'm not a massive fan of the mapleness, other than that it did have a nice sound. I should have played a the rosewood one, but sure.

    I also had the chance to play a lakland, it was very nice to play and had a nice sound but I wouldn't say it was massively versatile to be honest. So I'm thinking of just getting something a little cheaper and change the electronics, also had a go on a mim fender jazz wasn't impressed but it did look secondhand and wasn't well looked after.

  13. Oh the joys of second hand gear. I am slightly ashamed to say that the only thing in my arsenal that was bought new is my leads (Thanks obbm) So I'm prepared to wait a while!

    Regarding the playability in the article, I was mostly drawn to the fact it was a stunning bass, vain I know but it does help. I also like the fact it has a slightly smaller body than the jazz, though apparently this gives a little neck dive, but hey i'm used to the thumb!

  14. I haven't tried one yet, but I will! I have a guitarist friend who played a taylor and everytime he uses his acoustic is slightly disheartened as 'it's not a taylor' and he's not one for being snobby and a phenominal musician. So I think the playability must be awesome!

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