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Posts posted by Phil-osopher10

  1. Hello I'm looking for a device that I can purchase in the future, that will allow me to plug in my bass, mic or guitar into it and then into a a computer. What is good for this? sound cards? What is the tc impact twin like, is that what it can do?


  2. To be honest this thread is ridiculous, you're not just messing with a couple of hundred quid. A man's lively hood could be at stake. If the OP had the decency to sort it out in the privacy that it was bought, then I'm sure after a bit, it would be sorted.

  3. I've bought a couple of things off here and they seem to have went smoothly. There has been a couple of times I have been unsure of the seller and said no. I probably have asked silly questions but I don't want to get ripped off. I respect that the people on here day in and day out would be genuine enough. But I read a few of those guidelines about not getting ripped off (after I was, duh) so therefore ask silly things like addresses and I also like to have a conversation with someone on deals over £200, just to check!

    I can't go to peoples houses as I am in n. ireland so I buy blind.

    I hope I haven't annoyed anyone.

  4. Sweet! I'm not overly involved in it, just helped to set it up. Though maybe one day I will venture into it and create the greatest record known to man, probably not, but maybe. Hahaha. We have a pretty good space. and microphones seem to be sm57 or 58's not sure which one though. I would love to learn more about it. May even try it as a hobby. haha.

  5. I'm just curious what is needed to make a decent studio. We have a recording console that can direwire into a computer, a midi controller keyboard, speakers etc. I'm just wondering what else? compressors? outboards.. whatever they are?

  6. And I thought I was the only one who was a sucker. I'm starting to realise that the gear doesn't matter as much as the practice does. BUT getting something new to play with gives you inspiration and motivation to practice. win win, except the bank balance.

  7. Personally I think I'm a bit of a sucker for it. I bought my first 'expensive' bass £650 was pretty expensive for me! It was '94 Warwick Thumb, I know dirk lance didn't use the thumb but he did use a warwick so I wanted one. Also I do love it's tone it's yummy! But now I think I would like another 'expensive' bass as I want a night and day scenario. Have the warwick and say a lakland... oh ben kenney from the same band plays a lakland.

    I'm a sucker, damn it!

  8. Just out of curiosity, How many of you have bought a bass being influenced by the fact a certain someone plays it? I know for a lot of us our local shop doesn't have an amazing selection all of the time therefore test runs aren't possible, therefore buying 'blind' off the internet is quite a common place thing, is it not?

  9. I often hear talk about epifani, bergatino, barfaced et al. But I rarely see anyone speak of mesa cabs on here. Are they as good as competitors? Are they worth the same money? Do they 'have' a sound?

  10. So I went along to hear the cab, I brought my own bass and head. I plugged in and started to play, and there was this sound as if the speakers were blew. sort of fuzzy in the lows. Anyway I was like I think it is broken. And all he said was that he likes a bit of grit in his sound.... wasn't impressed. I tried to explain that you put that in, rather than let the cab dictate if your sound is 'gritty'. But there was just no talking to him. Oh well....

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