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Everything posted by stonevibe

  1. No, as no demo/review model has been offered to me. But, in theory, they sound quite enticing and I wouldn't say no to having a go on one.
  2. These look like a lot of fun, I just got to write about them for GN. https://www.gearnews.com/ernie-ball-music-man-darkray-a-stingray-with-darkglass-tones/
  3. The site design is about to change, as have a bunch of new content creators coming to the page and so the headings will all change soon. Just been trying out new things I the back end, attempting to make navigation a lot simpler etc
  4. The whole 'cookies' accepting thing is a right mess just about everywhere I look. The Gearnews site I work for has a similar option to GuitarBomb for example, as in 'Accept' but nothing else. I did a load of research and found you can pay for a business account with Wordpress, which then allows you to add 'Widgets' which in turn you can add cookie widgets, with terms and conditions etc But they still don't offer the all the options and none of them will admit to liability for legal reasons. So a proper minefield for a blog writer like myself. The EU legislation was well meaning, but the issue appears to be that no information I can find, agrees on what is legal and what is not. So you are left with a "What's legit and what's not?" question. As far as I can see Google Analytics and any built-in analytics software will track where you are, and when you logged on. But as you aren't giving any information about yourself, as in name, address, banking details or signing up for services, then it is okay. However, I'm happy to learn more, but no one I have talked with can give a straight answer on the topic.
  5. Well, I don't have a dedicated writer for bass, so I just pick up the odd story here and there, currently. The Blast Cult interview for example, Jason makes double basses and bass guitars, for people that want to get that double bass tone.
  6. Just published an interview with Blast Cult's Jason Burns, who builds amazing double basses, bass and electric guitars. Thought some of you may enjoy it. https://guitarbomb.com/2021/05/16/meet-the-maker-blast-cult/
  7. Published my first Meet the Maker article today with an interview with Seth Baccus Guitars (he also makes basses, if you ask him nicely...). The next one is already lined up with a luthier that makes some pretty awesome basses (and the odd guitar), so you can look out for that one sometime in the next fortnight. Just wanted to add, thanks again for all your feedback and if any of you are luthiers and fancy doing an article, then get in touch. There is no charge, the site is completely non profit and not in the slightest commercial in any way shape or form. It's just my place to write about and share really cool gear for musicians. https://guitarbomb.com/2021/04/30/meet-the-maker-seth-baccus-guitars/
  8. This is a pretty crap answer from the courier, I'd be making their lives hell until I got a result. Name and shame them on social media, that normally gets them working harder to sort things out.
  9. I haven't seen a Sunn for ages, they were as already mentioned above, the Fender owned sub Squier models form the '80s. Yes, they were heavy and normally made in India. These were all over the place when I was a teenager.
  10. I'm interviewing a couple of very cool UK luthiers this week and they both do guitars and basses, so could be a really fun couple of days for me! If anyone on here knows any interesting luthiers, pedal builders or any guitar/bass companies that would like some free exposure, then feel free to hit me up, and I'll attempt to get something happening on GuitarBomb.com for them.
  11. Was never into Kotzen myself, but I acquired one of his signature Telecasters about 12 years ago and it was my main gigging guitar for all that time. Great guitar and in my top favourites that I own, as it has a nice neck profile, chunky and full. So once I had that guitar I started to look him up. He has some chops!
  12. Right, I think I have an answer... As my package is on Wordpress and hosted by them, I get access to the 'standard cookies' pop-up, which is the one shown in my screen shot. Now, if I want to turn blog into a full on 'business' then I can upgrade my package and get access to the world of Wordpress Widgets, and amongst these are a myriad of GDPR type (though legally they still are in a grey area, as none will 100% guarantee to cover you) plugins/widgets. So, do I pay a silly amount of money to have a Widget, which talks about data collection or do I just run a blog? Currently, I don't take any details, payments or details of anyone that visits my blog. Though, possibly one day I might start selling boutique strap buttons or fretboard snake oil... If anyone here knows another way, please do let me know, as I'm a guitar/bass player and not an expert on any of this. And thank you to everyone that has already chipped in, as it is super useful and I really do appreciate the time you took to help me out.
  13. Thank you for the input. I'm doing my 7 year olds birthday today, so figuring out a Decline button will be on hold for today. Instead I get to play with dolls...
  14. I'm still trying to find a 'refuse' button, they don't make it easy! Re-stringing my Floyd Rose locking trem systems is easy compared to this, so it may take me longer than one evening...
  15. I haven't found that option, so will go on a research mission this evening to see if it can be added. Nice find, cheers fella!
  16. I've just checked and it shows up here in the UK now, but if you find it is not working, do please let me know. That was super useful fella, cheers again. See my screen shot below.
  17. It did have one, so I must have lost it when I re-jigged the look earlier... I'll get that reinstated, as it has to have one. Cheers for that, see all feedback is useful!
  18. Hi everyone, I've just this week started a new guitar/bass blog and I am looking for feedback, suggestions. You may or may no know that I write all the guitar/bass news for Gearnews.com and that I play a little bit of bass, though to be fair I am predominantly a guitar player. My new blog site is a personal labour of love, so no adverts or paid for articles, it is purely things that have caught my eye and that I would not write about on Gearnews. I need help (on so many levels) with design ideas, and article topics etc Plus, if you spot any glaring typos or mistakes, as I'm a two finger typist at best. If any smaller businesses would like to do something with me, like promote a new product or service, then feel free to get in touch via the site itself, as I have a contact page there. The site is here, have spoke around and see if you can break anything. All feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I'm learning as I go. I've shared a few similar posts on some of my regular guitar haunts, but I need some bass player perspective as well. As I am planning to cover a lot more bass orientated subjects and not just guitar. Thank you for reading and let me know what you think. https://guitarbomb.com
  19. My favourite bass player in my teens, back in the ‘80s was Eric Avery and so that picked Prevision tone, with cyclic bass patterns is stuck in my head as what to aspire to. I’m also a fan of post punk etc and so that tone is my go to sound for bass. All the bands I have played in have been heavily influenced by these late ‘70s and ‘80s bass tones. From punk to alt rock, with everything in between.
  20. You guys all have some really interesting insights into this and it's nice to hear what you all do/struggle with. I'm just a luddite guitarist, that needs to record and play bass and so good to find out from 'real' bass players what they are doing. I found that having a slightly loose grip with plectrums also helped me as a guitarist and that seems to translate well to the bass as well. So don't be too rigid and relax into it.
  21. I find my picking hand mutes the lower strings, as the side of my palm rests across them and my fretting hand mutes the upper string naturally. Though, I'm pretty tall and my hands are fairly large, but I'm not sure if that makes all that much difference.
  22. I'm a guitar player and so after 35 years of playing with a pick, I the play bass with one as well. I'd suggest that the Dunlop John Petrucci picks are very good on a bass. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dunlop-Petrucci-Signature-1-50mm-Plectrums/dp/B00FFZ5F14/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3IYKANNPVFTPU&dchild=1&keywords=dunlop+john+petrucci+picks&qid=1615650228&sprefix=dunlop+John+%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-5 Also, for me all the muting comes from the palm and the fretting hand on both instruments, so I have no issues with muting. You have to mute one guitar when playing at gig volumes and so you learn the technique pretty quickly and it translates to bass very well. Another tip I have found useful and a few of my bass player mates have now benefited from, is the 'upward pick slant' technique, which if you Google Troy Grady or do a YouTube search, you will find plenty of useful videos on. It just helps with consistency and stops your picking hand getting caught up one strings when you string skip or if you want to play fast. Anyway, hope that helps any player that find plectrums awkward.
  23. Saw the review here https://www.gearnews.com/chowny-fuzzster-pedal-new-budget-bass-fuzz-uk/ Looks good
  24. Have three players to audition now. So hopefully can close this ad asap.
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