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Moog plug-ins ..anyone purchased ? ( you may wish to skip the first paragraph )

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Some of you may have seen the Moogerfooger plug-ins in desktop form .  Price reductions from time to time ( or the wrong time in my case)

so, I purchased all of them (except the ring modulator which is not my cup of tea.) last week . I got them from a third party website , which meant I had to register for a free ilok acct  They are registered on the moog website along with my moog hardware . 
I found everything straightforward enough , but occasionally the software cannot be opened in Reason 12 until I visit ilok . As for GarageBand -computer says NO, and cannot open files on there . .


so, I got everything going on in Reason 12 ,and I find that they sound great  if you use the various drum machines and other plugins etc the effects sound great . They have presets for people like myself who prefer hardware and pliug'n'play .

I found though that having a direct signal from my bass to the pedals to be very underwhelming .  Way too laborious , and off-puttting .

Doing a very brief recording of my bass , the effects sound great - but not if I use them as foot pedals . 
With Moog there's always a lot more to them . 

I won't purchase the iPad versions due to the above ramblings . 

on a more positive note , I'm finally understanding  more about midi and connecting all the hardware  etc . 😺


would be good to hear anyone else's experience ...

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Personally I won't buy anything that requires an iLok account, as I've seen far too many horror stories about what happens when it goes wrong, with people being looked out of their account and unable to use any iLok software for days and sometimes weeks at a time. Anything I have needs to be available all the time whether I have a working internet connection or not (one of the rehearsal spaces I use has no internet and no usable phone signal so you can even tether a phone to the computer to get authorisations), and some venues are almost as bad. This is one reason why I have abandoned my exploration of PreSonus Studio One as a possible solution to my bands' live requirements.

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20 hours ago, BigRedX said:

Personally I won't buy anything that requires an iLok account, as I've seen far too many horror stories about what happens when it goes wrong, with people being looked out of their account and unable to use any iLok software for days and sometimes weeks at a time. Anything I have needs to be available all the time whether I have a working internet connection or not (one of the rehearsal spaces I use has no internet and no usable phone signal so you can even tether a phone to the computer to get authorisations), and some venues are almost as bad. This is one reason why I have abandoned my exploration of PreSonus Studio One as a possible solution to my bands' live requirements.

I didn't realise Ilok raised so many issues , until after I purchased . I saw many unhappy posts on you tube about it .sorry to hear of your frustrations . 

The other annoying thing , is that they were released on iPad a week or so after I purchased the desktop versions . 
If I see anyone using the iPad versions using a bass plugged direct into then ( and them sounding good ) , I may invest in ome of them 


The positive of the hassle I've had , Iis that  I'm put off of buying a pre amp and plugging the bass into the grandmother 😬 or minitaur 
Too much time faffing around ..

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The problem with iLok is that it is brilliant idea very poorly executed. 


The idea being that your paid-for software is entirely portable. You can put it and the licenses on the iLok pen drive and plug them into any computer and use the software immediately where ever you go without worrying about transferring authorisations. and so on. Unfortunately a lot of the time it simply doesn't work as advertised and there appears to be too many instances of the iLok wanting to "phone home" and when it can't that's when problems arise. 


I had decided that if I couldn't do what I want with the plug-ins that come free with Logic then I don't need to do it. I have broken that rule twice but both are for non-mission-critical plugins so if they decide to stop working I won't have lost anything.

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