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Double Bass and Electric Bass amp suggestions?


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Hey, basically i'm looking for an amp which I can use for both Double Bass and Electric Bass. Obviously this is possible from most amps but obviously i'm looking for something which sounds good for both.

The key things i'm looking for;

- Lightweight, (Carrying it on public transport)
- Works well for both double bass and electric.

The amp I had in mind was a Markbass Traveler 102p with some kind of head? (which i'm still haven't looked into enough)

Any suggestions?

Also would I be better off running 4 or 8Ohm? (I've read about this many times but still can't clarify the difference, if I'm running the cabinet on its own 4ohm will be better?) But if i'm running 80hm and want to add an extension cabinet at some stage this is the better option?

Thanks for your help,

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I have an Acoustic Image Contra which I have used with both double and electric. Sounds fine with both. If you're interested in Markbass, I'd go for the CMD121P. Lightweight and the 12" speaker will give a little bit more of a rounded tone than the two ten inches. Bags of power as well. I'm often being told to turn mine down even though the volume never passes twelve o'clock. That would be much easier to carry around on public transport.

As for 4 or 8 ohm. The Markbass CMD is 8 ohm on its own which would push out about 300w. With an extension attached it would fire into 4 ohms and push out the full 500w.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any of the Euphonic Audio two channel jobs would be great. Not cheap, but very light and well built.

EA Doubler is designed for just what you need and has the advantage of not needing a preamp for double bass (saves £100 right there). Also has all the gizmos - phase shift, notch filter, phantom power for a mic etc.

Not sure whether you meant you'd prefer a combo. As for cabs, one 8ohm 12" is a good bet, as you could always get a second for bigger gigs if you needed.

Edited by fatback
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Having the Markbass CMD121P I can confirm it sounds great with both electric and double bass. Electric from a user point of view, and double from hearing Basschats very own Clarky play his through one of these.

If you`re in a loud band, getting the ext cab is a good move as the depth of sound is really filled out by doing this. Volume wise though, the combo on its own is plenty.

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