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What's my bass worth?


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Hey, I'm looking to sell my Warwick Corvette Standard Bass but am unsure of the right price to sell it at.


That's the bass right there. Mine was made in 2005 and is in good working order, just a little worn out body.

How much is a rough estimate for it do you reckon?

Appreciate it a lot!


Edited by Matthauke
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Absolute minefield Matt!

If folks can be bothered to respond you'll get quotes from £250-£600

£250 will be from those looking to buy it.

£600 will be those who own one and want to make sure that their bass is perceived as being worth as much as possible.

Whether it is passive/active, Bubinga/Ash, natural/stained etc. will all affect the price but ultimately the above will have more bearing. ;)

Do a quick search of the sales forum and if you can find a bass the same age and spec as yours you'll get an idea of value (that and ebay past sale prices).

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As with all things it's worth whatever someone will pay.

I bought one on Ebay about 6 months back. Corvette 2005, German made, never played, ash body, mint condition. £395..

I sold it 2-3 weeks later in a trade in to a retailer, who's still got it up for sale at £1099.. (Dream on)

The finnish quality will make a lot of difference. Why not post pics and we can give a view on it?

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Wow, quick responses thanks a lot. Yeah my bad, I was pretty slap dash as I have a guy wanting to buy it asap and I was looking for a price without actually thinking the process through! The reason why I brought it here was for an impartial view as I wont be selling it to people so there wont be such low valuations and also because I looked around and found such different prices.

Thanks for the advice anyway guys here's some pics.

Oh and it's active as well.

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it really depend mate, before the rockbass line introduce with the W logo the corvette bass worth very little. Bought one for £399 and sold it for around £450 (all german made). Then later i bought a corvette 5 string std and some offensive offer in here offer me £200 for the bass and of course i did not sell. End up sold it for around £300 plus a precision bass in return as well.

Now with the new rockbass line introduce, it seems these corvette price jumped up to around £400-600.

Ideally you looking around the £400 region. but i could be wrong.

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