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Active Basses Weak Pickups?


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On most active basses when the battery goes that's it, nada, nowt, no signal. My Spear S2 has a life saving grace, a passive/active switch that means when the battery dies I can keep on playing. At the weekend I had the two 9v batteries die at soundcheck and replaced them with my spare set (brand new but they had been in the gig bag a few months). Second song of the set and the spare set fade. I switch up the gain and play on (thank god).

Obviously the answer is to put fresh out the packet batteries in pre-gig but now I'm back home I notice how weedy the sound is with the practice amp. I guess I was lucky the SWR only needed a small gain tweak (my Spear is 18v).

So do they use weaker pickups with active basses? Or is that the level I'd get with a passive P or J? Anyone experimented? Can you just make a passive pickup bass active by just adding a preamp?

The other nagging doubt is the neutrik silent jack cable started interacting with the low batteries at soundcheck and I had to keep pushing it hard to keep things from cutting out. Anyone else had silent jack shenanigans that weren't the collar sticking leaving it on?

Off to order an OBBM cable that I will treat nice and only bring out for gigs (no practice maltreatment for this one).

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