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Dead strings already?


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DR seem to be having real stocking issues ATM. I've been waiting nearly 5 weeks for 45-100 hi beams.

I've been using whatever I can get in the meantime, and got some 40-100 hi beams on the sterling. Now usually I'll play the flavour of the week bass a lot but I've been trying to save the strings for rehearsals and gigs coming up.

I've litterally used the bass twice in prolonged usage and can count the other short times on one hand.
Picked it up this afternoon and they sound like they are on the way out already.

For 26-27 pound a go I want them to last at least a month, not 2 weeks!

Is this short life span due to the higher gauge?
How can I help my strings not die so easily?
Bass gloves?

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No... I don't think it has anything to do with gauge.

I've used this brand for 15 plus years and they were always worth the extra.

They were great out of the pack and lasted well enough. Now, I don't have that confidence they are great from the pack as I have had a couple of duffers. Also, I can't rely on a good pack cleaning up well enough so I have to clean a pair of sets..and hope one comes through. DR have said recently that nothing has changed to cause this but that does not bear out with my experience of trying them.

Assuming you do nothing differently, then their quality seems to have changed in some regards. That is certainly my thinking due to the above experiments.

I no longer look at DR as the go to string..which is certainly was. I am having some Newtone strings made and have high hopes. The price is decent.
XL pros are good and consistant, I feel..having tried the same amount of sets recently as DR.
Other notables that I will try again..Ken Smith and La Bellas Super steps. these are my best string atm.

The other thing I have found on DR string is that they kink when coiled and cleaned..again, don't know why this should be as I am doing everything the same way as i used to.

I used to boast I could get 5 cleans plus out of DR... and have dug up some old one to see if this is still true,...can't see why is wouldn't be. But I am sure there is something differnt in DR string, IME...and that shows up as duff out of the pack occasionally, and a general downgrade of some metals, possibly.

All I know, is what I know to have hall;ened when suing DR strings bought recdently.

Shame as they used to be fantastic..and at their price, worth it. I can't say that now.

Some things I do.

Never leave the bass in a closed case or bag..I like the string to breathe so open this up as quick as poss. I give the strings a quick wipe
after a sweaty gig.. otherwise, nothing.
I change after 4 weeks max.

Can't wait until I try the Newtone customs.

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I remember a thread about the decline in QC. However at the time I had several sets on rotation. Then a few weeks ago I ordered some more, out of stock and every week being told they are coming next week. Finally got my hands on 2x 40-100 and had the E-string duff on one set, I emailed the UK distribution, and by the sounds of it they have no 100 gauge hi beams at all..... what the hell? Is DR going duff?

Trying out some lo-riders, which I'm preferring but if they don't last at least 4 rehearsals I doubt I'll be buying DR again.

TBH I do have an issue with string life, my hands are terribly sweaty. The longest string I had was some elixers but they sounded terrible compared to DR.

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[quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1334298' date='Aug 9 2011, 05:18 PM']I remember a thread about the decline in QC. However at the time I had several sets on rotation. Then a few weeks ago I ordered some more, out of stock and every week being told they are coming next week. Finally got my hands on 2x 40-100 and had the E-string duff on one set, I emailed the UK distribution, and by the sounds of it they have no 100 gauge hi beams at all..... what the hell? Is DR going duff?

Trying out some lo-riders, which I'm preferring but if they don't last at least 4 rehearsals I doubt I'll be buying DR again.

TBH I do have an issue with string life, my hands are terribly sweaty. The longest string I had was some elixers but they sounded terrible compared to DR.[/quote]

Hello everyone in BassChat land. I've recently been alerted to some issues some of you have had with our product and posted on this board. Rather than tie up the boards with responses for all to peruse and chew on, feel free to contact me directly through email. [email protected]
We'll be happy to replace any stings which is deemed to be sub par, and discuss any failure you may have with the satisfaction or performance of any of our strings. We strive to keep our customers happy, and work VERY hard to ensure existing and future customers have nothing short of a top notch experience with our strings.
I look forward to reading more of your posts!
Anthony Corona
DR Strings

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