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Jump: Press A -World Tour of Edinburgh


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The elusive Jump: Press A are playing as part of the Freshers week programme in Edinburgh Uni this Tuesday, 14th September at 11pm.

If you have friends or family at Ed Uni let them know Edinburgh 'Angry Pop' exponents will be bringing it for their listening and dancing pleasure.

Our world tour of Edinburgh continues with the following dates:

25 Sep 2010 20:00 - Wee Red Bar Edinburgh

15 Oct 2010 19:00 - Sneaky Pete's Edinburgh

31 Oct 2010 19:30 - Cabaret Voltaire Edinburgh

Read more: [url="http://www.myspace.com/jumppressa"]http://www.myspace.com/jumppressa[/url]

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[quote name='krispn' post='954311' date='Sep 13 2010, 07:45 AM']Greetings!

The elusive Jump: Press A are playing as part of the Freshers week programme in Edinburgh Uni this Tuesday, 14th September at 11pm.

If you have friends or family at Ed Uni let them know Edinburgh 'Angry Pop' exponents will be bringing it for their listening and dancing pleasure.

Our world tour of Edinburgh continues with the following dates:

25 Sep 2010 20:00 - Wee Red Bar Edinburgh

15 Oct 2010 19:00 - Sneaky Pete's Edinburgh

31 Oct 2010 19:30 - Cabaret Voltaire Edinburgh

Read more: [url="http://www.myspace.com/jumppressa"]http://www.myspace.com/jumppressa[/url][/quote]

whilst you are at Sneaky Pete's, please kick the "sound man"s arse for me, please...

or... nah... just wait until you're there and you'd want to do it for yourself. Single most arrogant useless piece of **** (fill in with your favourite filth) in the sound engineer business. He is utterly useless. I've seen him tellin off the bass player in one band during sound check because he dared change the amp settings...
This is sound check... he's dialling the sound he wanted for the gig (the cab mas mic'd)... he ended up playing with the sound the UP* had selected in the amp before his arrival. what makes it worse is his tone.
I can't believe the same guy is still there, I keep hearing stories...

It's a pity, because it's a nice little venue.

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tell me about it!

had a guy very recently tell me that he wasn't micing the bass amp - a 65w monster- but that it was ok as none of the amps were mic'd.

After sound check and right before the gig I saw that the guitar amps were mic'd but not the bass amp nor was it D.I.'d and the sound man thought this was ok a 65w practice amp on stage with full drums, two guitar amps and all the rest.

Make ya wanna weep.

I'll be sure and bring the ampeg 410 to sneakys so I can be heard either way.

Cheers for the heads up and if you're in town come down and say hello or make it to the wee red bar on the 25th for cheap booze and some killer tunes from J!PA


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[quote name='krispn' post='962617' date='Sep 20 2010, 07:34 PM']tell me about it!

had a guy very recently tell me that he wasn't micing the bass amp - a 65w monster- but that it was ok as none of the amps were mic'd.

After sound check and right before the gig I saw that the guitar amps were mic'd but not the bass amp nor was it D.I.'d and the sound man thought this was ok a 65w practice amp on stage with full drums, two guitar amps and all the rest.

Make ya wanna weep.

I'll be sure and bring the ampeg 410 to sneakys so I can be heard either way.

Cheers for the heads up and if you're in town come down and say hello or make it to the wee red bar on the 25th for cheap booze and some killer tunes from J!PA


The question is not volume, the question is the guy just doesn't care about what you want... and has an attitude about it.

I won't make it to the Wee Red Bar, as I'm playing two gigs that night... first at cabaret Voltaire playing with Seabass Kid, and later at Bannermans with the Richt Hoat Chillis (RHCP tribute). Actually Bannermans should be quite cool as we're playing with Rage, a really good RATM tribute...

But I just might make it to the Sneaky Pete's one with other band mates, seeing whether as "civilians" :lol: we can contribute to the demise of the sound guy. It's a nice place if someone else runs the sound... time to rise and claim back our venues!!! :)

By the way... 65W, no DI, no mic... that's like being on Top of the pops! Miming! :o
I hope at least you used the opportunity to use your best poses for the photographs! :rolleyes:

Edited by mcnach
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Yeah I just saw a poster for the SeaBass Kid gig today up in Morningside and was wondering who they were. Strange coincidence that!

OK well if we can tie things up early at the WRB I might grab the band and hut Bannermans - we love a bit of Classic 90's!

Good luck with the gigs!


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[quote name='krispn' post='963480' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:21 PM']Yeah I just saw a poster for the SeaBass Kid gig today up in Morningside and was wondering who they were. Strange coincidence that!

OK well if we can tie things up early at the WRB I might grab the band and hut Bannermans - we love a bit of Classic 90's!

Good luck with the gigs!


Well, if you do make it to Bannermans, make sure you come over and say hi!

Have a good one!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's downstairs.

We (Seabass Kid) played there last week. We got a call on Wednesday night as another band had just cancelled... and went in without promotion of any kind... not the busiest place on its own, it relies heavily on your selling your gig as most people just stay upstairs and don't seem so interested in paying £5 to see live music downstairs. We got anough people to make it look lively, but it could have been a lot better. We asked the DJ upstairs... or rather, we sent a girl to ask the DJ upstairs :) to play a track or two from a demo CD we had, to announce we'd play there that night, but he gave some lame excuse about not having a CD drive on his laptop :lol:

It's an interesting venue... without a proper stage, the area they set for the band is... interesting. Let's just say you'll play on different levels and it involves a dual stair case, and the whole thing reminds me of old TV shows from the 60s where the bring a band and they all play on some kind of pedestal. And that day... I didn't get my wireless, so I was restricted to a 6m radius in front of my amp... :)

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