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Posts posted by BobVbass

  1. Hi All,

    well finally got my double bass tonight (nice blonde 60's one but more of that later!) but it came with a canvas hardcase that's way to big and tough for what I need - it's a top quality case though miles better than the antoni rubbish ones - wheels on the bottom loads of pockets & lined with red velvet. A few of the straps are broken but could probably be sewn back on - it's really lightweight tho - just huge!

    If anyone would like it give me a shout - for basschatters I reckon £30 is fair but make me an offer.

    Pickup only! :)



  2. I've got one somewhere from Ethel <- I swapped mine for a fender de luxe as the telecaster one is rubbish, I'll have a look in my bags and stuff and see if I can find it - if I can you can have it. I'd get a better one if I were you tho!


  3. Hi here's the link to them but there's no details!



    They're 28" high; 19" wide and 13" deep and and easy one hand lift (and I'm a wimp) courier would be ok but I havn't got any boxes they'd fit in - coul dwrap them in plastic or something - or I coul dmeet you half way or something?



  4. [b]Hi All,

    I'm selling my EUB that I got last month from Old Slapper as I'm getting the pukker thing and my financial and ethical advisor (wife) tells me I can't have both - this is a great bit of kit actually (only got it to practice with the scale etc) but it has a proper bridge and Old Slapper had it set up really nicely by a luthier so I've been playing gigs with it and generally have got bitten by the DB bug because of it - nice low action as well.

    here's the original advert (as I'm having camera hassles at the mo)


    - it comes with a soft case and a bow as well - I bought it for £250 and it's easily worth that so ....£250 then! -

    not sure if I could post it but happy to meet someone half way or something if that helps



  5. after 25 years of playing just about every precision on the face of the earth from MIJ's CIJ's MIM and MIA's from 70's onwards I'd say the early CIJ's are the best followed by the MIJ's then MIA's but they do vary a hell of a lot especially the 70's and 80's instruments - 90's are a bit better and later ones do seem to be good - I'm just not convinced they're as good as the amount they charge these days!

    Anyway ethel over there <- is an early CIJ and superb but I've sold all my other P basses now and use a Lakland Duck Dunn SE (not the Duck Dunn they sell these days) - it's essentially a Bob Glaub witha few bits and pieces but the different in sound and quality to fenders is astounding - throrougly recommend you check them out

  6. [quote]Don't worry about fitting it in your car, even small cars are deceptively large.[/quote]

    too right - I can get one in my (classic, proper, not remodelled golf rubbish) VW Beetle! Otherwise just get a roof rack!

    I bought my EUB as I wanted something I could practice with using headphones so I didn't wake the kiddies up, with a DB scles so I could get used to it.

  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='888593' date='Jul 7 2010, 03:54 PM']I might be interested in that if sjohns passes, although I'm in Brum so not even resembling convenient for Epsom...[/quote]

    I'll have a look at my gig list there might be one a bit nearer to you - or I can probably post it - it's all abs and aluminium so pretty light on it's own

  8. [quote][url="http://www.tylerbasses.co.uk/"]http://www.tylerbasses.co.uk/[/url][/quote]

    I'll give him a go - thanks

    [quote]Thomann 1E double bass - 3/4 scale laminated bass with swelled back and ebony fingerboard, single machine heads and adjustable peg, adjustable bridge. Colour: Golden Reddish Brown. €984 inc VAT[/quote]

    yes - these look pretty good to me as well, the blue one would go well with the band as well and has an adjustable bridge and ebony fretboard as well - but then what the hell do I know! :)

    I might leave it til after my holiday in Florida in August and reboot my brain!- Oh I don't know! What the hell have I done - got an EUB to try it - now completely smitten :rolleyes: I'm going to end up with 20 basses I just know it :lol:

  9. [quote][url="http://www.musicalinstrumentsales.co.uk/ph....php?adId=11208"]http://www.musicalinstrumentsales.co.uk/ph....php?adId=11208[/url][/quote]

    yes seen that one it does look good - I like the flaming as well


    I was kind of leaning towards the christopher or the solid thomann 33 - the adjustable bridge as standard I have to say does look quite appealing and they get good reviews - oh here I go again!

    Contrabass shoppe have nothing on there web site under £2600 - could stretch to that I suppose but don't really want to (although slo's Kay advertised on here is calling me) - i think I would rather sell my Firebass stack and get a nice portable amp and a decent Double Bass for that kind of money... the amount of gigs (and the type of loads of bumping and dancing that happens)

    I don't want to have to worry about the bass being too "special" I'd be gutted if I got an old Kay and wrecked it - it'd feel like destroying a bit of bass heritage if you see what I mean.

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