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Posts posted by BobVbass

  1. I went through the whole thing earlier in the year and finally settled on an old blonde from the '60s (:) sounds liek Britt Ekland) just because the build quality is miles better.

    Bilbo has a Gedo and he's very happy with it last I heard; the Thomann blondes look ok as well and again have a good rep. Primavera I'm not convinced about - you get what you pay for; the basses and violins I've seen of theirs are definitely built to a very tight budget (violins especially are useless)

    You can get an Englehardt in blonde from Rockability (have a search on the thread I did a while back, the link's on there) - if I remember right they're about £1400.

    It annoyed the hell out of me that if I was in the states I could have got a nice Kay or something like it but over here there's nought! Upton bass will do a great blonde and will ship as well if you want something more expensive

    A final optioin I looked at which I might still go for at some point if I want amore lairy bass is to get one refinished - Spectrum Guitar Finishes quoted me £500 to strip and refinish a double bass including transport - and that was for a deep metal flake black with pinstripes - I'm sure a strip and clear varnich would be cheaper.

    Anyway, thought I'd add my "I've got the Tshirt on this" bit :)

  2. what about these?





    no idea what they're like tho ! :)

  3. It all depends on how loud you need to be really; piezos - like underwoods and bassmaxes ar good, nice sound etc and you can use whatever strings you like. Without a phase reverse pre amp (like the plat pro) you won't be able to play over a drummer without feeding back or at least not our one!!

    Even with the plat pro in phase reverse I found it very difficult to get a solid tone and volume without being on the brink of feedback and distortion.

    Magnetic pickups need steel strings so limit your string choice however I can go as loud as I like now (currently use a schaller - have a seymour duncan around somewhere as well) - I run this thru the plat pro for shaping and it sounds great - really full smooth sound. No finger board slaps etc - but you can always blend in a piezo if you need that.

    So Plat Pro is a must - pickups depend on how loud you need to be & what strings you want to use really....

  4. I put a 1970's Fuzz Box in my Aria LEB Bass in 1986 or so - replaced the pots with presets that I could adjust with a little screw driver and just diverted the output signal through it with a switch - so either clean or fuzzed - PP3 battery fitted in the existing cavity (just!!) No pictures I'm afraid but if anyone's got a mid 80's Aria LEB Classic with a picture of Asterix an Obelix painted on it you have the beast - and I want it back!! :)

  5. Brilliant :) maybe I should dig it out and give it a go - need the bridge sorted on my bass first as the string alignment and spacing isn't the best at the mo so if I remember the poles didn't line up too fantastically.

    As for your Kay - next time the urge takes you to part ways give me a shout - it's still invoking major GAS here !! I just need to convince my wife.....again....(and again - the excuses are wearing thin!)

  6. Hmm yes I have a Kent Armstrong (seem to remember I bought it after seeing it on your Kay and thinking it looked great :) ) - I got it off ebay but couldn't figure out how to fit it and the wiring looked like it had been redone by a one armed monkey with twitchy fever.... haven't got round to resoldering it yet... maybe I should give it a go - or maybe we should put two of them together and make a humbucker!!

    The Platinum pro phase shift definitely helps with feedback - you get almost double the volume without it and it starts coming on much more slowly - still not loud enough for rock and roll though

  7. [quote]what pick up are you using at the minute bob?[/quote]

    I'm using a schaller at the mo - it's ok; hate the look and it rattles on certain notes - when I have the chance I'm going to try making up a bracket to velcro on with EMG precision 6 string pickups - it's good having a volume knob close t hand when I'm in the middle of a song tho and I can get it stupidly loud

  8. Hmm not sure about that - with my mag pickup and fishman P Pro I can get as loud as my BG without feedback - and that's right in front of my stack blasting out - no hope in hell of getting i Piezo at even 1/3 that sort of volume.

    Does it sound double bassy?...hmm well kind of Fender Precision fretless maybe but like you say the band wants the image not the sound (and I love it :))

  9. Hi,

    well things are going well with the rock and roll band but I want to improve my rockabilly slap technique - I can do odds and sods but not Lee Rocker speed :). Does anyone have any recomendations for a DVD or online lessons? Is LR's DVD any good or just a "wow! look at me!!" one?



  10. Hi All,

    I bought a K&K Bass max last month to try but what with our drummer playing at huge volume I can get the volume without feedback so I've gone back to a magnetic pickup.

    It's a good sound (so long as you don't want towering volume!) and only used for 1 gig so it's as new.

    I got it from thomann for £92 - so I reckon £60 posted would be fair if anyone would like it



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