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Posts posted by 40hz

  1. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1435823323' post='2812658']
    With the greatest of respect: No, no, no, no, no. There is [b]no such thing[/b] as inappropriate power, only inappropriate volume. Lots of people prefer the sound of big amps turned down, instead of the sound of little amps turned up. On top of that, if you are a guitarist and you want a genuinely clean valve sound to compete with a drummer then a 30W amp isn't going to cut it. I get really fed up with bassists making presumptions about what other gear is "acceptable" for other musicians to use. Having a 100W amp is not a problem. Having a 400W amp is not a problem. Playing your amp at an inappropriate volume is the problem, and the two are [i]absolutely[/i] not the same. Stop judging people on what the technical spec says and start judging them on what they're actually doing instead.

    Erm sorry? Just airing my opinion and experience. No need to get so angry. Of course I'm going to have an opinion on what works, having shared stages with guitarists using all types of gear. IMO 30-50w valve is the sweet spot. Sorry you disagree.

  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1435490315' post='2809236']

    Sorry. I'm a white middle aged guy. I grew up in the 80s/90s, the formative years of Hip Hop. What I heard last night was NOT hip hop.

    Obviously he has fans but Glastonbury is no longer the place for a specialist artist to perform. Especially as it's now become a Mecca for middle aged marketing consultants. :D


    I totally agree. This is one of the things that get my goat. Calling this hip-hop is insulting. It just isn't, it's an electro RnB mumblefest. I'm listening to 'A Tribe Called Quest' right now as I type. Now THAT is hip-hop (IMO etc)

  3. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1435438076' post='2808863']
    Yes! I'm a fan of the FlexSteels! - I still swap between different D'Addario strings, but they seem to really suit my Fender and are great on my 6er. Big thumbs up here.

    Funny you say that Dood as I was going to say the exact same thing. They REALLY suit my Jazz Bass. Seem to bring out the qualities I like even more so. It really sings with these strings.

  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1435441870' post='2808894']
    The potential power of an amp is something of a red herring, I'd say. Our eldest uses a mesa Stereo Simul 2:90, that's 2 x 90 watts of Mesa valves. It's driven by a Tri-Axis preamp and G-Force fx unit. There is a volume knob (well, two, in fact...). Vincent, guitar-2, has a 100w marshall. Our bass amp is a 200w Hiwatt. The PA we use, in pubs and outdoors, is a 2 x 300w BST unit; one channel for FOH (so 300w...), the other for vocal foldback. We're not too loud, indoors or out. The volume has to be in adequation with the venue, and that's what the volume knobs are for. I'm the drummer, and I can fill a hall if required, or play softly enough for a small pub. There's no big secret to it; if the gear is badly used, it'll be naff. If used wisely, good pro gear can do it all. As goes the expression, it's all in the fingers.

    Fair play Dad! Sounds like your guitarist posseses some restraint and a feel for the band overall! Can you tell me where I can find another who can do that for my band please!

  5. Flexsteels are definitely brighter and last longer than Pro's. I get around 3-4 Months of very bright sound out of the Flexsteels. I've said it many a time, they are by far and away the best strings on the market IMO. Such a great feel and they really 'pop'. ( Ignore my sig, the GHS are a one-off experiment as they were dirt cheap! :D )

  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1435429140' post='2808756']
    Not everyone can be like you and be able to afford different amps for different sized venues though. Our guitarist has a 100w amp, which he has used in small pubs and large halls and even outdoor events.

    Sorry?? Where did I say I have multiple amps for differing venues?? And at any rate at large venues, a smaller amp can be miked up and fed through p.a.

  7. Updated with a pic. Also to add, last night at rehearsal playing through an Ashdown ABM 4x10 cab, the sound/volume was very powerful with headroom to spare (through an 8ohm so it wasn't even delivering the full whack to the cab!). So I really can't see how this amp could be percieved to be quiet?! I'm chuffed to bits with it, such a fantastic sounding amp that has exceeded my expectations massively.

  8. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1435075770' post='2805203']
    I've got one. Great wee amp. I can imagine it struggling to keep up with a 2 guitar band setup, but for my needs (through my high sensitive) 2x 10 is more than enough. Sounds great, and hasnt failed me yet! I would recommend it to anyone!

    Dont know if I'd class it as a neutral sound though... I think it does have its own character.

    Interesting stuff, I thought it just amplified the sound of my Modulus with a fair dose of warmth. I didn't notice any frequency bump inherent to the sound myself but then the cab will play a huge part in the sound.

  9. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1435047895' post='2804847']
    Does anyone know how this compares to the older Italian made LittleMark 250?


    It is my understanding that it is more or less identical. In components and spec. Just using cheaper labour to bring cost down.

  10. Sorry Naetharu, I realised I didn't reply to your question! It was the single PU model. Obviously not as flexible as a dual PU config but then again, it has a different flavour in itself with the pickup being right in the 'sweet spot'. Whether one or the other is down to personal preference. I would always choose a single H model of any Stingray type bass (bit more aggression)

  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434969096' post='2804186']

    Hate it! I always carry earplugs just in case, but it's ridiculous when you have to wear them just for a pub band (for example). I blame guitarists. You only really need enough power to compete with an acoustic drum kit - why do guitarists use 100W for pub gigs? It's arse-shatteringly loud, especially if there are two of 'em. You only ever need 30W maximum for guitar, imho. *Scampers off*

    Totally agree Discreet. I've always said that at small to medium venues a guitarist really doesn't need more than a 30w valve combo or a 50-100w solid state. Anything else is pure overkill. Preferably in a a 1x12 format as well. Those guitarists using anything 2x12 and above start to turn most stages into mud city due to the inherent 'thickness' of the sound.

  12. There's a Ha3500 at my bands practice room. It's brilliant. The only way I can describe it is as a very 'strong' amp. Real authorative sound to it.

  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1434689586' post='2801797']
    It's not normally something covered in amp reviews, so I've got to be the first to ask, what is the amazing smell? :)

    That 'new' amp smell! that is made even better by a few hundred watts being run through it :D

  14. Got this a few days ago as a replacement for my GP12 SMX (recent shoulder problem put paid to heavy gear). Will post a more in depth review later but initial thoughts after 2 gigs in 2 nights (Including getting to play with John Coughlan) are positive!. Great build quality for £215. Used in conjunction with my GK cab it's a neutral but fat sounding head. Very punchy and clear tone. Very easy to modify tone on the fly using the controls with lots of different sounds available. Weighs the square root of bugger all and smells amazing to boot!. Although it doesn't have the 'shove' my Trace did, it is more musical sounding and much easier to quickly find your sound. To finish, it is also VERY loud. Through my GK cab at 4ohms this thing would go toe to toe with my Trace. Even though it's rated at 250w it has more than enough grunt for medium venues without being overly pushed.

  15. Haven't Pink Floyd always maintained (that during the 70's at least) that they never took drugs at all? And in fact it is a common misconception about 'Dark Side' that it written under the influence?

  16. This is REALLY weird as I was listening to Wish You Were Here at work today and remarked to a colleague what an amazing lyrics "two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year" is. Just logged on Basschat and saw this. Synchronicity.

  17. Some guy I sold my Ray34 to in Ireland put it back on sale at a higher price than I sold it (that didn't bother me). However the item description was way off and he said he was the first owner from new, that did annoy me as he was willfully being deceitful to any purchasers, which is a bit sh*tty. Anyway, yeah, just let it go. You got what you wanted out of it initially, anything else is superfluous mate!

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